The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1251: Wake up! Love brain! (11)

Chapter 1251: Wake up! Love brain! (11)

Chapter 1251 Wake up! Love brain! (11)

Fang Miaoxuan was frightened. He clenched his cell phone and asked nervously:

Brother, you didnt lie to me, did you? How could my sister-in-law treat me like this? She used to be so good to me...

"You are so good to you, why do you team up with outsiders to deceive her?" Fang Hao said with sarcasm, "Fang Miaoxuan, you are really promising! You should not leave a good daughter alone, but you would learn those unscrupulous methods to deceive and abduct her. Is this cheating on you?"

"It's not a deduction, but it's not much better!" Fang Miaoxuan's temper also increased, "Brother, ask yourself, how much did your parents give you per month when you were studying? How much did I give you? If it were you, one hundred and fifty thousand. Is the month enough? I cant help it..."

You have no choice but to lie to people?

Thats not...Oh brother! Everything has happened, so you cant help me? Go and persuade your sister-in-law, she loves you so much, she will definitely listen to what you say..."

She is no longer

Not what?

Fang Haocheng twisted his eyebrows with a headache and took a deep breath: "Anyway, don't bother her anymore. I'll put this money in advance for you. From next month, your living expenses will be halved, and the New Year's red envelope will not be confiscated." , until its paid off!

How can that be done!

Fang Miaoxuan was anxious. One hundred and fifty thousand was not enough to begin with, so she wanted to reduce it by half? How can we still survive after being cut in half?

But Fang Haocheng hung up before she could finish speaking.

Fang Miao fell down on the sofa in frustration: "It's over Jingjing, it's really over now!"

Yang Jingjing was much calmer than her: "Xuanxuan, don't worry, your sister-in-law probably listened to someone and just doubted us, but she has no direct evidence. I still have the invoices for the works sold to her. .


"Besides, your sister-in-law loves your brother so much. No matter how angry she is, wouldn't it be better if your brother came out to coax her? I guess she is either really short of money or she just found out about this and was a little angry and deliberately bombed us. She is so rich, how can she be short of money? Does she care more about your brother than money? "

"That's true." Fang Miaoxuan calmed down and thought about what was going on. "Although she and my brother have been childhood sweethearts, I know that my brother is actually not happy with this marriage. It is my sister-in-law who insists on marrying him."

"That's right! It's best for your brother to come forward on this matter. Let's just stay calm and wait and see what happens." Yang Jingjing said firmly.

She doesnt think a rich woman worth hundreds of billions will care about a mere 20 to 30 million.

Its a pity that this months ink painting exhibition was held. I originally wanted to make another two to three million through this exhibition.

Fang Miaoxuan followed her friend's advice and didn't disturb her sister-in-law for the time being. She thought of calling her to check in after a while, hoping that her brother would have coaxed her sister-in-law by then.

Its just that this wish is doomed to fail...

Fang Haocheng held back his anger and made an internal call to the finance department: "Have the dividends been calculated for the last quarter? Please put 30 million on my card first."

The finance officer expressed embarrassment: "Chairman, the accounting has been done, but several payables are due this month, and the account..."

Fang Haocheng bit his teeth and said, "I need it urgently. I'll think of a solution when the payable comes back."


Fang Haocheng received an advance quarterly dividend in his personal account and transferred it to Xu Yin before he could warm it up.

He would rather live a tight life next quarter than be laughed at by this woman.

Xu Yin raised her eyebrows when she received the text message notification that the remittance had arrived. Oh, it's half a million more than the amount she demanded. Does this count as interest?

Fang Haocheng's call came in immediately: "Look clearly! I wired it from my personal account for you!"

Xu Yin: Oh, what does this have to do with me?

Fang Haocheng took a deep breath and repeatedly reminded himself to calm down, Lets forget about Xuanxuan?

Which piece are you referring to?

What else can be done besides the fraud you mentioned?

"Of course. In the past three years, she coaxed me to buy her five Patek Philippe watches and six Donkey bags. I don't even remember how many perfumes, jewelry, and cosmetics I bought for her. I even got her a The gold and diamond card for the spa club... Of course, these are just small amounts of money, so I dont really mind if you havent paid them back..." Why bother mentioning it if you don't mind?

You mentioned it in front of him, didnt you just want him to pay it back for your sister?

Fang Haocheng felt that his lungs had never been so angry as they were today.

Its so frustrating.

How much is the total? Ill transfer it to you!

Do you want to transfer these small amounts of money? Mr. Fang is so generous!

Xu Yin spoke loudly, while her hands were working on the laptop. As before, she pulled out a list and sent it to his mailbox.

Fang Haocheng:

I have never seen anyone get back every cent of a gift they gave after a divorce.

He asked sarcastically: "Do I also need to convert what you gave me into money and return it to you?"

Xu Yin sounded surprised: "Don't you plan to pay it back?"

This is simply a complete irony.

No matter how difficult it is for him to have funds, he will never be angered by it.

With his face flushed, Jun Jun squeezed out a sentence between his teeth: "Don't worry, I will not be greedy for your money!"

But when he hung up the phone, his head was as heavy as a pumice.

In order to raise the 5 billion, how can he get the cash on hand now.

Dividends for last quarter have also been paid in advance, where else can we turn around?

It is impossible for the dignified President Li Hao to sell off the luxury goods she gave him.

If an acquaintance saw this, he would think that Li Hao Real Estate would go bankrupt due to lack of cash flow.

The most taboo thing for those in the real estate industry is to be exposed. Once the bank believes it is true and tightens the loan limit, the capital chain will really be broken.

Can't you lose 500 billion in business for a mere 50 million?

Finally, he had no choice but to sell his shares in a prosperous entertainment club in the downtown area to two other partners.

When he gave Xu Yin money, his heart felt numb.

This woman is really generous when she is generous, and she often gives him gifts worth millions. But she is also really heartless when she is heartless, and she takes it back as soon as she is told.

The two repayments totaled 80 million. Xu Yin added 20 million, collected the whole amount, and donated it to support the reconstruction of the earthquake-stricken areas.

100 million donations were not a small amount in the Millennium decade. The media scrambled to interview her, but she refused.

In the end, there were only a few brief phone interviews of a few minutes in the news.

When Fang Haocheng was called back to his old home by his parents, this clip happened to be broadcast on the TV news.

Mother Fang said: "This voice sounds familiar. Could it be someone we know? If you can personally donate 100 million, you are really kind."

When Fang Haocheng heard this, his attention was drawn to the TV. When he heard this, he laughed angrily. He heard this voice on the phone a few days ago, and combined with the fact that the interviewee was "Ms. Xu", except for Xu Who else?

When did she go to donate money? He also donated 100 million...Wait a minute, 80 million of the 100 million was not his contribution, right?

Fang Hao's throat felt hot and he almost bled three liters.

Happy National Day~(#^.^#)

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