The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 124: The trouble with reorganizing the family (19)

Chapter 124: The trouble with reorganizing the family (19)

Chapter 124 The trouble with reorganizing the family (19)

But from this, I am convinced that the core task of this small world is probably brewing. Otherwise, why are all the tasks released related to brewing?

But the Xu familys private land is only one acre, and almost all the land of other families in the village has been contracted by large farming households.

Xu Yin walked around Danhe Village and was wondering where to plant sorghum and wheat in two pieces of land when the village chief walked quickly toward her.

Yin Yin, Ive been looking for you for a long time, and youre here.

Xu Yin thought something had happened, and hurried forward to greet him: "What's the matter, Grandpa Zhou?"

"It's like this. I just received a call. The other party said that he was the secretary to the chairman of Mingyu Group. He wanted to come to our village for inspection and talked about what kind of project he wanted to invest in. I didn't quite understand. When they arrive in a while, please accompany me. Well, you have a sharp mind and are smart enough to tell whether the other person is a liar."

Once he heard what happened, Xu Yin immediately said that it was no problem, it was a trivial matter.

By the way, I asked: "Grandpa Zhou, do you know whose fields in our village have not been contracted to big farmers and are idle?"

The village chief thought for a moment and said, "It doesn't seem like that. They have all been rented out. Working outside is much more profitable than digging for food in the fields. Who would want to face the loess and back to the sky? Those who have gone out are all rented out to big farmers."

makes sense.

Xu Yin sighed inwardly. She had no choice but to plant sorghum first and then plant wheat after the sorghum was harvested. There was no point in hurrying.

As for the matter of covering the top of the mountain, she had considered it, but since she didnt have that much money on hand, and she only had two acres of land to cover, it would be too wasteful.

Besides, she is still a minor after all, so how can she have so much energy to develop the mountainous areas.

The village chief asked her what she wanted the fields for. Grow strawberries?

No, I want to plant some sorghum and wheat.

"Why do you plant those? Ask the big farmers to buy some. In the past, you had to plant them yourself. If the fields were not enough, you would have to plant them in private plots. Now that there is enough food to eat, who is willing to work so hard? Except for our two families, other families The thatch in the private plot grows taller than a person."

Xu Yin smiled helplessly, she couldn't tell him that the convulsion system had to be grown by herself and she wouldn't recognize it when she bought it.

However, the village chief's words inspired her: Lao Xu's family has private land in the mountains, and other families naturally have private land. The terrain of the private land is irregular and the distribution is uneven. There is a piece in the east and a piece in the west. Big farmers don't want it, but the thatch is longer than the people. High, cleaning requires a lot of work. But something is better than nothing.

Xu Yin was about to ask the village chief to contact the villagers in the village who were adjacent to her family's private land, but she didn't expect a big turn in the afternoon.

The secretary to the chairman of the Mingyu Group is a handsome young man with a warm attitude, which makes the village chief even more suspicious of whether he is a liar.

The other party said a few words and then expressed his intention:

Mingyu Group wants to build an ecological health resort and plans to buy Danhe Village. The changes to Heqi Mountain will not be too big, except for some manual maintenance, such as paving stone steps on difficult mountain roads, setting up some pavilions and platforms for Tai Chi on the mountainside, digging out hot springs, building a hot spring club, and building a hot spring on the top of the mountain. The antique teahouse stands on the teahouse terrace, overlooking the entire villa.

By then, the entire Danhe Village will be the site of a sanatorium. The cottages will be demolished and a villa-style sanatorium will be built. The fields will remain unchanged, but the planting model will be changed to create a purely ecological farm. The output of the farm will mainly be used for the sanatorium, and the excess will be reinvested. market.

"Our chairman has said that those who have registered residence in the village and have a house can be exchanged for a sanatorium villa. Those who are unwilling can also be exchanged for a house in a county town, based on the area. The yield and interest of the fields, how much subsidy is now, how much will be paid back in the future .

After hearing this, Xu Yin exchanged glances with the village chief: Is the entire Danhe Village going to be demolished? Dismantle and replace a villa or a house in a county town community?

Is there such a good thing?

After Secretary Zheng inspected Danhe Village, he went back to report to the chairman. Xu Yin and the village chief looked at each other.

Yin Yin, do you think he looks like a liar?

Xu Yin:

He paused and said, "Whether it's true or not, we'll know in a few days. It's impossible for the street office to be unaware of such a big matter."

Yes, yes, I will go to the town tomorrow to ask.

Xu Yin feels that this is most likely true.

If he is a liar, what is he trying to do?

Demolition is not a matter of raising funds. It is the demolition parties who provide money and houses, not the villagers who give them money and houses.

Thinking about it on the other hand, if this thing comes to pass, it will do more good than harm to the villagers of Danhe Village.

Originally, all the villagers in this area have gone out to work and relocate, and the village has almost become an empty village. If an ecological health resort can be planned and built in a unified way, it will not only beautify the home and turn the empty village into a nursing home, but it may also promote Tourism business in the towns ancient streets and surrounding towns.

However, even if this comes true, it will not happen so quickly, and it will not affect her ability to plant sorghum and wheat for a season.

Xu Yin discussed it with Grandma Xu after returning home and decided to rent two acres of villagers' private land to grow sorghum and wheat. In the private land of the old Xu family, after harvesting strawberries, they still plant watermelons.

The villagers heard that the old Xu family wanted to rent their private land, so of course they were happy.

The private land is left uncultivated, and earning rent is extra money for them.

Xu Yin didn't even wait for the price to be mentioned before she agreed: "You can give me as much as you like."

Xu Yin inquired with the village chief about the contract price of the private land, signed a contract with two neighboring households at the market price, and then started her daily routine of going up to the mountains to **** the land and clear thatch.

Collect herbs by the way and see if you can light up a few more Chinese herbal medicine illustrations.

The collected herbs are not wasted. Grandma Xu cleans them, dries them and sells them for making tea.

The busy days always go by very quickly, and the winter vacation is coming to an end in the blink of an eye.

The big farmers in the village are counting down to spring plowing. In order to keep up with their pace, Xu Yin spent a few days before school started in the mountains almost every day.

Nothing elsestrawberry harvest season is here!

In order not to delay the early spring watermelon production, we must seize the time to harvest the strawberries, dismantle the greenhouses, and fertilize the fields.

Liu Yan ordered fifty kilograms of strawberries, and Xu Yin sent them out in three batches according to the address he gave.

Xu Yin breathed a sigh of relief after sending the fifty pounds away.

The same thing is picking strawberries and sending strawberries, but there is a difference between those who receive money and those who do not.

There is no charge, and picking strawberries is just like playing. You can enjoy picking and eating strawberries while enjoying it, which is pleasant and satisfying.

After receiving money to pick strawberries, I carefully select them and select the best from the best. I am always worried that the strawberries picked will be overripe or undercooked, and the taste will not be the best when delivered to the customer.

After finishing the order of fifty kilograms, I will either eat it myself or give it away, so there will be no pressure.

Unexpectedly, less than two days after the third batch was sent, Liu Yan called again and asked her how many strawberries she had left. He wanted them all.

Xu Yin:

Taking a deep breath: "I won't sell the rest."

NND! She went up and down the mountain, installed surveillance, built a greenhouse, diverted water, irrigated, fertilized, and fertilized. Who was she working hard for and who was she busy for?

She grows strawberries for her family to eat, not for selling!

Liu Yan frowned and said, "Xiao Xu, even if we don't sell them all, give me another fifty catties, no, one hundred... no! Let's go with two hundred catties. Is two hundred catties okay? The price is negotiable!"

The fifty kilograms of strawberries ordered earlier came in a box of two kilograms, and the professors and tutors received at least two boxes.

In the end, they all called and said there was not enough food. One said they would send ten more boxes, the other said they would send twenty more boxes... Each and every one of them was eating strawberries.

Xu Yin glanced at the remaining strawberries in the greenhouse, thought for a while and said: "The last fifty pounds, no more!"

It doesn't matter if Liu Yan disagrees, since the control is not in his hands.

Had I known I would have ordered an extra 180 kilograms, I wouldn't have had this headache today.

Liu Yan and Xu Yin ended the call, and another call came in. At first glance, the number looked like his mentor's.

He answered with a headache: "I only got fifty catties, no more. It's useless for you to keep urging me."

Cousin. There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and a lazy chuckle came from the phone.

Liu Yan was stunned: "Are you... Mingjin?"

Well, its me.

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