The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1237: Control group in the 1990s (46)

Chapter 1237: Control group in the 1990s (46)

Chapter 1237 Control group in the 1990s (46)

Not long after Xu Yin celebrated her twenty-seventh birthday, the real estate company she partnered with Luo Ge took over a piece of land in the provincial capital and officially entered the big city.

The biggest difference between them and other real estate companies is that they work on projects one by one, completing one before starting the next one, ensuring quality and quantity, and never being greedy.

This new project in the provincial capital is located near N University. In order to facilitate inspections at any time, Xu Yin bought a single apartment opposite N University and settled here when she came to the provincial capital.

On this day, she returned to the apartment after a meeting with her brothers in the project team. Before she could go upstairs, she received a call from Ma Chunfang.

The signal in the elevator was very poor. Xu Yin was listening to Ms. Ma's various tricks to urge the marriage on the wisteria corridor outside the apartment:

"Do you remember the daughter of Lao Zhou's family? She used to live next door to our house and was in the same class with you in elementary and junior high school. I met her mother on the street a few days ago and said that she had been married for more than four years and her children were already spoiled. "

Zhou Jiao?

Yes! Look at this family, lets not talk about how they married into the factory directors family based on their ability. The key point is that they got married and gave birth to a chubby son...

Xu Yin was stunned: "Zhou Jiao married the factory director's son?"

Isnt this wrong?

In the original text, the heroines official consort is clearly the son of a wealthy businessman in Hong Kong. How come she is married to the factory directors son?

Mom, are you right?

"Can what Jiao Dongmei told me personally be wrong? She can't even figure out who her son-in-law is, right? Are you envious? However, the performance of the machinery factory has not been very good in recent years, although it has not reached the point of being laid off. , but the salary has not increased much. Of course, this is not what Jiao Dongmei told me. It is too late for her to show off that her daughter is well married! I heard from Lao Lius daughter-in-law that Zhou Jiao did not have a separate house when she got married, and Jiao Dongmei and her husband couldnt defeat her, so they A small second bedroom was allocated to the young couple as a wedding room. Otherwise, she would have to live with her parents-in-law after getting married. Thinking about it this way, the conditions in the factory directors house seem to be quite average..."

Xu Yin:

Didnt even listen to what her mother was saying.

All I know is that this butterfly of mine seems to have fanned away the heroines official ration...


"Yinyin, are you listening? Don't talk about Zhou Jiao, let's talk about your brother. He is only a sophomore and is going to bring his girlfriend home for the holidays. What about you? When will you bring your partner back?"

Xu Xiao has found a girlfriend?

"No, I told you on the phone that I would bring my girlfriend to my house during the National Day. Let's prepare some delicious food. He is much more promising than you, and the woman is chasing him... I don't have to worry about him, but you, After the National Day, its not far from the New Year. After the New Year, you will be twenty-nine..."

My birthday is still twenty-seven! Xu Yin insisted on reporting her actual age.

"Isn't twenty-seven a big deal?" Ma Chunfang's voice soared, "I'm going to go on a blind date for you, but if you don't agree to go, you have to find it yourself, so will you find it? When will you take your boyfriend home? Should your father and I take a look?"

If you have it, take it with you.

Thats nonsense!

Hang up the phone, Xu Yin looked down at a few unread text messages and walked towards the entrance of the apartment, not wanting to be blocked by anyone.

If she moves to the left, the opponent will move to the left; if she moves to the right, the opponent will move to the right.

Xu Yin looked up in confusion and found that the person blocking her was a tall and handsome young man.

In the backlight of the autumn sun, he looked at her with a smile, and his beautiful lips curved:

Sister, long time no see!

"Sister, can't you recognize me? I recognized my sister at a glance." He chuckled lightly and raised his hand to brush away the wisteria petals that had fallen from Xu Yin's shoulders.

Xu Yin looked at him. The raised corners of her mouth, her lazy expression, and her deep eyes filled with starlight seemed to overlap with someone deep in her memory... No!

She paused suddenly.

Remember me?

Are you...Jiang Jiang?

The young man smiled, stretched out his hand to shake Xu Yin's hand: "It's me, long time no see, sister!"

The word "sister" in every sentence made Xu Yin feel guilty. She had just thought of him and Comrade Xiaojin together.

He is a classmate of his younger brother, a full eight years younger than me!

Why are you here?

I go to school here. He pointed to N University across the road.

Xu Yin suddenly realized: "Oh, yes! You and my brother are the same year, and you are a sophomore this semester, right?"

Grind it.

This guy also skipped three levels!

While he was still feeling complacent about narrowly slipping into the police academy and inheriting his parents' shaobing shop without graduating from high school, his younger brother Jiang was already admitted to graduate school.

How have you been over the past few years? I heard from my brother that I havent heard from you since the fifth grade.

Hearing this, he raised his head and looked up at the distant sky, not letting Xu Yin see the vulnerability in his eyes: "When I was in the fifth grade, my grandmother died of myocardial infarction. My grandfather was taken in by his uncle to live with him. My aunt said that there was no extra room in the house. , and sent me back to my mother. My mother had remarried at that time. She said she was upset when she saw me, so she sent me to my father. My father reunited with his first love and had a child, and they lived happily. Why would they leave me at home to ruin the atmosphere, so they sent me to my grandmas house in the countryside of Nancheng..."

Xu Yin suddenly wanted to hug him. This unlucky kid had experienced so many twists and turns after transferring to Shencheng.

"You have been living in Nancheng since then? So you didn't receive the letter Xiaoxiao sent you, and you didn't know we had moved, and you were still sending it to the staff compound, so you two lost contact?"

He chuckled softly: "I was young at the time and didn't think much about it. The phone number Xiaoxiao left me was lost when I moved. After I moved to Nancheng, I wrote two letters to him, but I didn't wait for his call. As for the reply, Im so angry that I wont write it again.

Xu Yin: Why does it sound so cruel?

If you weren't sure that your brother was a perfectly straight man, you would have doubted whether their friendship had deteriorated.

Its better now. We have mobile phones and telephones, so contacting her is much easier than before. Do you want to contact Xiaoxiao? Ill give you his number.

Xu Yin said, opening her handbag and taking out a pen and paper to leave him a phone number.

"Sister, just use my phone." He took out the latest slide phone on the market from his trouser pocket and handed it to her, "Call me and I'll save your number first. You can give Xiaoxiao's phone later. Just send me a text message with the number. Im worried that Ill lose the paper again.


After leaving each others mobile phone numbers, Xu Yin remembered that the two of them had been chatting in front of the apartment for so long.

Ive been living here recently, do you want to go up and sit?

What a coincidence, I also live in this apartment. He raised his finger and pointed to a room upstairs, Sister, do you want to go to my place to sit?

After I went up, I found that the two of them actually lived next door. Xu Yin was in 701 and he was in 702.

What a coincidence!

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