The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1233: Control group in the 1990s (42)

Chapter 1233: Control group in the 1990s (42)

Chapter 1233 Control group in the 1990s (42)

When the two men returned home, they made a tacit agreement not to mention this matter to Ma Chunfang.

Xu Yin didn't mention it because she felt that her mother's reaction was probably the same as her father's, maybe even more exaggerated than her father's. Anyway, the regreening plan of the abandoned mine does not conflict with the family's sesame cake business. For the sake of family harmony, it is better not to talk about it.

Xu Wuyi didn't dare to mention it for fear that his wife would go crazy.

He almost rolled his eyes when he learned that his daughter spent 140,000 yuan to buy...oh, not just to buy, but to contract an abandoned mine. His wife's reaction will only be greater than his.

Ma Chunfang was worried about the two men, so she closed the shop early and went home: "Didn't you say that the factory director is looking for you? What is going on?"

No, nothings wrong.

"Isn't it unhealthy to call you to the factory when there is nothing to do and delay our business?"

Ma Chunfang hadnt washed her sheets and quilt covers for a long time. Since she had closed the shop early and went home, she took off the quilt covers and sheets from her and her sons bed, took them downstairs and washed them in the patio. The sheets and quilts in her daughter's room are washed much more diligently than she is, so she doesn't have to worry about them at all.

As soon as Xu Wu waited for her to go out, he let out a long breath and pointed at his daughter: "Sooner or later, your father will have a heart attack because of your scare."

Xu Yin couldn't help laughing: "Dad, in a few years, you will be happy for what we did today."

"Pull it down! Don't scare me anymore, I'll thank God." Xu's father touched his heart, "I'm serious, daughter, don't do this in the future, 140,000... It's so scary! I've already borrowed it now. , the contract has been signed, and there is no way to withdraw it, so this is the only choice. How much money does the family have in total? Its all in your hands anyway. Why dont you take it and pay back part of it first? You can pay back as much as you can. The rest, I and I Your mother, and your uncle, if you work hard from now on, you can always pay off..."

Xu Yin was a little moved: "Dad, don't worry, I can handle it. Everything at home will remain as usual, it won't be affected."

Father Xu wants to say something else, Ma Chunfang is back.

"Your Aunt Zhang wants to buy two bars of soap, one for washing clothes and one for bathing. Here, the money is on the table."

As she said that, she put down the money and excitedly went to the bathroom storage compartment to get two unopened laundry soaps and toilet soap. She passed by the restaurant and gave the father and daughter a strange look.

"What are you two doing here? Yinyin, aren't you going to pick up Xiaoxiao today? Forget it, let him come back by himself. You can cook, I might come up later. They are having a great time listening to them chatting! No. Who knows who was the scapegoat? He actually contracted the abandoned mine in the factory. I heard it cost him a total of 140,000 yuan... Darling! I really have too much money and no place to spend it. I want an abandoned mine that has nothing to do with it... Tsk, I dont know what it is. Which familys prodigal son

Ma Chunfang was anxious to go to the patio to listen to the gossip. She took soap and hurried downstairs.

Father and daughter looked at each other.

"If your mother knew that the prodigal son was in our family..."

Then its better not to let her know.

But the factory office did not deliberately hide this matter. The last batch of laid-off workers often went to the factory office to ask when their last month's wages would be paid. They didn't find out about the wages, but they did find out that they spent 140,000 to contract the abandoned mine. The prodigal and the culprit is Lao Xu's daughter.

When Ma Chunfang found out, she went crazy.

"Oh my god! A few days ago, I was telling people who raised a prodigal son. He didn't regard money as money. He contracted an abandoned mine for 140,000 yuan, and after doing it for a long time, it turned out to be mine? Ouch! Feed my heart my lungs Im going to explode!

Daughter-in-law, wife, please calm down...

"How do you want me to calm down? Huh? Xu Wuyi, you are getting more and more courageous now. The last time the factory director asked you to go was just for this matter, right? You didn't say a word when you came back. You two sold it in a gourd I dont care what kind of medicine it is, but I should never take my familys money to Huo Huo I didnt take any of my familys money.

Xu Yin took out the money box and account book and showed them to her parents:

My familys money has not been touched at all. I borrowed the money to contract the abandoned mine, and I will pay it back myself.

When Ma Chunfang saw that the money was there, she lost a lot of her anger, but when she thought that it was a huge sum of 140,000 yuan, she couldn't help but howled: "One hundred and forty thousand yuan! Oh my God! It takes only the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Month to pay it off. ah!"

"What are you thinking about as a girl? Why do you spend so much money to contract an abandoned mining area? What do you want? You are too old to say that you are too young. I originally thought that you would wait until you were ten years old. Eight, Ill give you someone to fall in love with. There is an old lady in the government compound who often comes to our store to buy sesame cakes. I heard people say that she is a good matchmaker and that none of the marriages she brokered have gone wrong. They are all very happy. , I originally wanted to ask her to introduce you to someone for two years, but now I owe a lot of debt. How do you ask me to say anything? Which family would want a daughter-in-law like you..."

Ma Chunfang cried while talking, feeling like the sky was falling.

Finally, I hope that my younger brother will become a child. Not only does he stop gambling, but he also finds a partner who works in a textile factory. The relationship between the young couple is progressing very well, and they will be able to have a happy event by the end of the year.

Now its okay, its my daughters turn to be in trouble.

Xu Yin squatted down helplessly to comfort her: "Mom, give me five years, and I promise to pay off all the debts and start turning losses into profits."

Its not as easy as you said. Ma Chunfang obviously didnt believe it.

Really! You believe me! This project of mine is long-term in nature, and it will take two or three years at the earliest to see any benefits, unlike our sesame seed stall, where you can make a profit from each sale.

Isnt it a good thing to do the sesame cake business? Two shops are not enough. At worst, we can open another branch. Do we have to go through such a battle?

I have my own thoughts and wishes.

Ma Chunfang was discouraged: "Forget it, forget it, you are in charge of this family anyway, and you don't like to hear what I say. Is it true that the family's money has not been touched?"

Absolutely not moved!

The 140,000 yuan was borrowed from a loan shark, right?

Absolutely not!

In this case, what else can Ma Chunfang say? I can only leave it up to the prodigal daughter.

Over there, Jiao Dongmei squatted at the factory office every day. I dont know if she was afraid of being pestered by her, or because she finally had money, but she finally got back the 50,000 yuan she lent to the factory.

Just when I was happy, I heard a group of women gathered in the courtyard. The daughter of the Xu family said that she was probably a ghost. Otherwise, how could she have borrowed a huge sum of 140,000 yuan to contract the abandoned mine in the factory? This is not like throwing money into the water. Is it like wasting water?

Jiao Dongmei raised her head and glanced at the Gaogong Building. She was really gloating in her heart. She went home and talked about it with her man: "...Do you think the old Xu family will quit the potter's house? If they quit, our family will buy it immediately. Come on, now you have money."

Why did the old Xu family want to vacate the house?

"You are stupid! Their daughter borrowed so much money and she can't pay it back? Can she sell the house before she can get out? In my opinion, the sesame cake shop may not be able to be saved."

Thats true

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