The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1208: Control group in the 1990s (17)

Chapter 1208: Control group in the 1990s (17)

Chapter 1208 Control group in the 1990s (17)

When the street lights on the street came on one after another, Xu Wu and his wife returned from the stall.

Seeing that his brother and son were both at home, Ma Chunfang was happy at first: "Yinyin, have you brought Xiaoxiao here? Are the soldiers here too?"

After entering the house, I saw the bruises on my brother's face clearly and felt extremely distressed: "Soldier, who beat you like this? Debt collectors? They are going too far! Aren't you afraid that we will call the police?"

No, no, I hit it myself.

"Huh? Did you hit it yourself? Didn't someone else hit you? It doesn't look like it..."

I really hit it accidentally. Ma Jianbing was afraid that his eldest sister would go to the police and wanted to comfort her. It looks scary, but it doesnt hurt much.

fart! It hurt him so much that it still hurts when I touch it.

Ma Chunfang took a closer look at the injury on her brother's face through the dim light, and said thankfully: "Fortunately, the skin is not broken, and the appearance is not disfigured. You are too careless. My eldest sister will make you a delicious meal tonight to replenish it." , your brother-in-law and I..."

Mom, dont worry about it today, Ive already cooked.

Xu Yin came in from outside with a pot of stewed beans and noodles in both hands.

As long as its not raining or snowing, the residents on the first floor will light the stove and cook outside.

Her house is right at the top, and there is an open space of seven to eight square meters next to it. It has not yet been used for growing vegetables, so she puts the stove here for cooking. The heat makes the house feel like a sauna.

But once the sesame cake stall got back on track and she could free up some time, she still wanted to use the land to plant something. It would be too wasteful to just plant a bunch of green onions in the corner.

"I saw that I still had a handful of long cowpeas at home, so I beat two eggs and made braised noodles. Let's eat together. From now on, my uncle is also a member of our Xu's Cake Shop. He will eat what our family eats. .

Ma Chunfang looked at her brother and asked: What's going on?

Ma Jianbing is more innocent than her: I dont know either.

Xu Xiao reacted quickly and cleverly brought bowls and chopsticks to assist Xu Yin in giving everyone a meal, while broadcasting what he knew through a small loudspeaker:

"I know, I know. My sister said that uncle owed a lot of debt and shouldn't try to escape. Since he always wanted to gamble in town, she brought uncle to work in the city. But uncle and I both thought we were going to some construction site. Unexpectedly, I learned to make sesame cakes from my sister. My sister asked my uncle to learn from her after dinner and set up a stall early tomorrow morning..."

Xu Yin gave her brother a thumbs up: "Clear thinking and articulate, great!"

Xu Xiao didnt expect to be praised for even saying a few words. He scratched his head and smiled shyly, revealing his two newly grown front teeth.

Mom, starting tomorrow, you and my dad will continue to set up a stall in front of the machinery factory. I will take my uncle to the textile factory. There are many workers in the textile factory. If we can do it, the business will definitely be good.

After a pause, she added: "But I declare again: every day's income must be taken home. If you need to buy some necessities temporarily, you can buy it first and pay for it when you come back, but you are not allowed to buy it secretly. Although we are We are a family, but as the old saying goes: Brothers settle accounts. Besides, I started this stall, and I have made it clear how to distribute it. If you want our Xus Cake Stall to become bigger and stronger, then please Lets all think in one place and work hard in one place!

My daughter is right! Xu Wu took the lead in applauding.

Ma Jianbing listened but didnt understand it very well, and clapped along in confusion.

Although Xu Xiao didn't understand a lot of what he said, he couldn't stop his sister from talking and her aura fascinated him. Is this the confidence of a martial arts master? If he had such confidence, would there be more younger brothers who admired him behind his back when he went out to play?

Ma Chunfang was a little annoyed: "Okay, okay, I know you are in charge of this family now, so you don't have to say it every day, I am your mother, how can I cheat my own daughter? Well, this is today's income, if you don't believe me, ask you Dad, I didnt hide a penny.

Xu Yin smiled, put away the money box and continued to divide the noodles for everyone: "Eat first, and then take stock after finishing the meal. After that, I have to teach my uncle how to knead the dough." Ma Jianbing originally wanted to complain a few words - how can someone not get married? A young man selling sesame seed cakes on the street? He is not Wu Dalang!

When he glanced at the money in the money box out of the corner of his eye, he thought about what his eldest sister said: Is this a day's income? How much money can you make selling sesame cakes?

How about giving it a try?

From the beginning, he couldnt help but shout stop...

At dawn the next morning, Xu Yin woke up Ma Jianbing who was on the lower bunk of the outhouse: "Uncle, get up and knead the dough!"

Ma Jianbing struggled to open his sleepy eyes. The door to the outer room had been opened, but it was still dark in the corridor. "It's not dawn yet."

If you want to do business, you cant sleep in. Business wont wait for you to get enough sleep.

The niece's words were so reasonable that he had no words to object. Ma Jianbing could only get up with his eyelids unable to open.

After getting out of bed, I shook my arm that was sore from learning to knead dough last night: "Yinyin, my arm is still sore."

Doing business

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. How can you do business without suffering, right?"

Ma Jianbing twitched his lips, picked up his washbasin, and went to the water room to wash up.

Xu Yin: Are you talking too much? Not bad, good, progress!

Xu Xiao, who was on the upper bunk, sat up sleepily: "Sister, I also want to sell sesame cakes."

Xu Yinxun thought that it would be a good idea to correct the misconception that his brother had been led astray by his uncle. It was indeed a good idea to work with him. He readily agreed: "Okay, let's go together! If you are sleepy, come back and catch up on your sleep."

Xu Xiao climbed out of bed and ran to the water room to wash up.

Sure enough, children have good physical strength.

Xu Yin looked at her brother with envy, who was rubbing his eyes one second, and was jumping up and down the next, stretching his thin arms and legs.

In the water room on the third floor, after washing her face, Jiao Dongmei soaked the clothes she carried in the washtub and rubbed them. When she saw Ma Jianbing, she asked in surprise: "Aren't you Chunfang's younger brother? Did you come yesterday or leave?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Xiao jumped in with a small washbasin Xu Yin bought for him, which contained new towels, toothbrushes, tooth cups, and a tube of white rabbit toothpaste for children: "Uncle , we have to hurry up! Sister is still waiting for us to sell sesame seeds at the stall! "

Are you going too?

Sister, I agree! Even though Im young and cant make sesame cakes, I can help collect the money!

Ma Jianbing laughed at him: "Can you count the money?"

Xu Xiao was anxious: "Why can't I count them all? How can I not recognize what money looks like?"

The uncle and nephew were bickering and washing up, forgetting to pay attention to Jiao Dongmei next to them.

Jiao Dongmei pondered in her mind: How can you make money selling sesame cakes? Ma Chunfang even called her natal brother to help? How many people does a small sesame seed stall need? Is business so good?

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