The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 118: The reason for reorganizing the family (13)

Chapter 118: The reason for reorganizing the family (13)

Chapter 118 The trouble with reorganizing the family (13)

"Xu Yin! Xu Yin, you have advanced to the finals! You have passed in both math and English! Hahahaha!"

On this day, as soon as Xu Yin arrived at school, she was stopped by the principal.

Looking at his face glowing and dancing, he was even more excited than Xu Yin himself.

No wonder he was so happy. There has been no competition promotion in their town for many years, and every time they have stopped at the county level selection.

This year, their town received two recommended places, one more than in previous years.

Although Xu Yin's grades were very good and she was still 30 points ahead of the second place in the mid-term exam, there was a difference between the school exam and the serious competition and selection. So although she was admitted, to be honest, everyone didn't hold too much hope. I expected it to be the same as in previous years, just a formality and it would be over.

I didnt expect that she made the cut!

Not only did he advance to the next level in mathematics and English, he also ranked first in the county.

The principal received the double competition list yesterday and was so surprised that he almost dislocated his jaw.

Then I was so excited that I didn't sleep all night and came to school early in the morning, full of energy.

After telling Xu Yin the good news, he waved his hand and pulled up the banner.

The teachers and students of the town middle school were so happy when they heard the good news. They were even more excited than when the county No. 1 Middle School won the first prize in the city competition last year.

Mathematics and English teachers met and negotiated a plan, and took turns giving Xu Yin one-on-one tutoring for the competition.

135 Mathematics and 24 English. On the weekends, we also set aside a day to take a math test in the morning and English questions in the afternoon. The two teachers were more attentive than Xu Yin.

Xu Yin:

I would like to say that her knowledge reserve is adequate for junior high school competitions, but it doesnt have to be this way.

But the teachers didnt know that, after making several city competition papers for Xu Yin, her jaw that had just been closed almost dislocated again.

What is the concept of a perfect score in the municipal competition?

It is possible to be exempted from the provincial competition exam and directly advance to the national competition!

Why I say its possible? Because no one has achieved perfect scores in previous years.

The two teachers were instantly in awe. They spared no effort to collect review materials and sacrificed their own time after get off work to give Xu Yin practice questions. They hoped that she would make a splash in the city competition and give the school a good reputation.

The first prize in County No. 1 Middle School is nothing. There are so many first prizes, and their beloved disciple Xu Yin may win the only first prize!

As a result, Xu Yin had more homework and papers to carry home, and her live broadcast time had to be shortened. She only took some time to go up the mountain to take a look during her busy schedule.

There are surveillance cameras in the strawberry greenhouse, so she is not worried, not to mention that the strawberries are still just leaves.

In the mountains in autumn, wild osmanthus blooms in full bloom, and it tastes better than the osmanthus in your own backyard.

Xu Yin brought a breathable cloth bag and went up the mountain to collect a bag.

After you get home, remove the stems and leaves and spread them out on a sieve, otherwise they will wilt easily.

Let it dry overnight in a ventilated and cool corridor of the main room. The next day, add two pounds of crushed rock sugar, mix well, and put it into a well-sealed container for fermentation.

After two or three days, the osmanthus dew will be formed.

One pound of osmanthus dew is paired with ten pounds of aged wine.

She found a jar of five-year-old high-quality sorghum wine in the system warehouse.

This is brewed in the last small world. Use it to make osmanthus wine. Compared with similar wines on the market, it is definitely the king.

You may not be able to buy such an authentic product for two hundred yuan per pound.

After the brew was finished, Xu Yin dug a deep hole next to the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the backyard and buried it so that it could be opened and tasted by this time next year.

The osmanthus flowers from my own osmanthus tree were not wasted. After picking them, I made several jars of tangerine peel and osmanthus jam with the tangerine peel.

I made glutinous rice cakes during the Chinese New Year and ate them with this sauce. It was a great taste bud enjoyment.

After uploading the two vlogs of Osmanthus Stuffed and Osmanthus Sauce, she continued to concentrate on the competition.

The teachers were too caring. If she didn't work hard, she would always feel sorry for them.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day to set off to the city to participate in the mathematics competition.

Teacher Niu Li, who led the team, took the trouble to remind Xu Yin to carefully review the questions for tomorrow's math competition. She even took out the questions they answered incorrectly during the competition and the real questions from previous years to explain to them. They were not let go until they arrived at the hotel arranged by the organizer. I went to the toilet and you were waiting in line.

After Niu Li left, the two top students from County No. 1 Middle School and Xu Yin looked at each other, then smiled at each other.

Teacher Niu is more nervous than us.

No! She is worried that we will make an empty trip and embarrass the county.

Xu Yin was listening to them chatting when suddenly, a scream came from the rest area in the corner of the hall, and then someone shouted "help".

Turning around to look, there was a man in the rest area who was full of anger, holding a fruit knife dripping with blood in his hand.

Just now he used this knife to stab a woman with a child.

Niu Li, who came back from using the toilet, turned pale with fright when she saw this scene. She ran over and hugged Xu Yin and others behind her: "Hide! Hide quickly!"

However, it was too late.

The man with the knife probably realized that he had committed a crime, and the hotel security guards had already surrounded him.

He seemed to have given up on escaping. He smiled sinisterly at the panicked student team at the front desk, rushed over with a knife in his hand, and shouted something incoherently.

Niu Li and a female teacher from another school were so scared that all the blood drained from their faces, but they still protected the students like a mother hen in an eagle catching chicks.

But with the gangsters wielding knives in front of them and the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel lobby behind them, there was no way to escape.

At this moment, Xu Yin gently pushed the teacher away and stood up.

Niu Li was so frightened that her eyes were splitting with fear, and her voice was broken: "Xu Yin, why are you so stupid! Get behind me!"

Xu Yin, come back quickly! Other students saw this and hurriedly grabbed her.

But the gangsters knife had already stabbed Xu Yin in front of her.

The timid girl could not bear to close her eyes.

The next second, Ah

The man's cry of pain was intertwined with the crisp sound of the knife hitting the ground.

Everyone at the scene looked at the scene in front of them in stunned silence.

The situation that they thought the petite girl might be stabbed by a gangster did not happen.

Not only did it not happen, Xu Yin broke the gangster's wrist and threw him several meters away, falling right in front of the security guards who rushed over.

This... is very fantasy.

Niu Li was the first to react. She hurriedly pulled Xu Yin over and looked her up and down:

"How are you? You're not hurt, are you? Why are you so stupid? You actually ran out at the critical moment. How can I explain to your parents if something happens..."

Im fine, Teacher Niu. Im very strong and have learned some boxing.

"That can't be like this. The situation was very dangerous at that time. You were a girl with bare hands, and the other party was holding a knife. What if..."

Before nothing happens, he has already been beaten to the ground by me.

Xu Yin moved her wrist.

In this small world, because of Yan Kejins identity, she was frequently chased and intercepted by assassins.

In addition to the highly skilled martial arts guards sent to protect her, Yan Kejin also personally taught her several Qinggong and grappling techniques for escaping in critical moments.

The incident happened so suddenly that she didn't have time to think about it. She subconsciously took a step forward and held the other person's wrist.

She wanted to use her small grappling skills to restrain the person first, but she didn't expect that the divine power came to her and she broke the opponent's wrist... in one fell swoop.

The last day of April, please give me a monthly pass~

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