The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 116: The reason for reorganizing the family (11)

Chapter 116: The reason for reorganizing the family (11)

Chapter 116 The troubles in reorganizing the family (11)

After finishing the work in the melon field, she carried two watermelons down the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, she met the village chief who also came from the land to check. Xu Yin gave him one.

Thinking that the soybeans at home seemed not enough to make soy sauce, I asked him to borrow a tricycle and go to town to buy soybeans in the afternoon.

Hearing that she wanted to buy soybeans, the village chief grinned:

"Do you still need to buy that thing? My family hasn't finished last year's soybeans yet, and the two hundred kilograms collected this year have not been touched. I will send them to your home in a while. By the way, what do you want so many soybeans for? Grinding tofu?"

No, I want to try making soy sauce.

The village chief was defeated by her imagination and thought that it was worth the effort to make this thing by herself? Which supermarket doesn't sell it?

Is this an assignment assigned by your school?

Xu Yin: No, Im interested.

Come on, the village chief who couldnt figure it out simply gave it up and waved his hand: You go home first, Ill go check out the fields and Ill send you the soybeans later.

Fans with sharp ears couldnt help but wonder when the village chief mentioned school and homework:

[Miss sister, are you still studying? Which university? I thought I would go back to my hometown to pursue my career after graduation. By the way, shouldnt school start now? Why are you still at home? ]

[That is to say, are there any schools that are not open now? So happy! ]

[Which school is this girl from? Maybe we are alumni! ]

Xu Yin:

She dares to say that she is still in the third grade of junior high school and has not passed the high school entrance examination, let alone the college entrance examination?

Arrived home, Grandma Xu was taking advantage of the good weather today to set up a horse stool and spread a reed mat in the yard to enjoy the autumn sun.

In addition to the bedding for the grandfather and grandson, some dry goods from the granary were also taken out and dried to prevent them from getting damp and causing insects.

Seeing her granddaughter come back from picking watermelons, Grandma Xu smiled and narrowed her eyes: "Thanks to our blessings, we can still eat watermelons during this season."

Xu Yin smiled and said: "Grandma, how many more meals can I still eat? I counted, there are about a hundred."

"So much? I can't finish it." When Grandma Xu heard that her granddaughter had planted so much, she couldn't help but worry, "If you can't finish it, it will be wasted. How about I ask the village chief? His youngest son has opened a shop in the town. , how about taking it to him for consignment?"

Before Grandma Xu went to find the village chief, the village chief came over first.

Zhou Yangs family also came together.

They came to the countryside to visit the old man today, and happened to catch the village elder and his wife eating the watermelon Xu Yin gave them. Their taste buds were amazed by the taste.

I just wanted to come to Xu Yins house to buy some and take them back.

Xu Yin laughed when she heard this: "The others are not ripe yet. The two I picked today are the only ones that are ripe."

"Huh? Is it undercooked?" Zhou Yang's excited expression dropped when he came, "I still want to hold half of it and enjoy it!"

"It will take a few days, and I will let you eat enough by then." Xu Yin comforted him.

Yinyin, how much have you planted? Zhou Yangs mother asked, Our department has not yet decided on the benefits for the Mid-Autumn Festival. I think your melons are very good. Can you sell them to me for sixty?

Sixty? That can.

Xu Yin nodded.

Grandma Xu was very happy. Just now she was worried that there were too many watermelons and she would not be able to eat them all. It would be troublesome to sell them, so now someone came to ask for them.

Zhou Yang's father also drank the aftertaste and said, "Yin Yin, do you still have more watermelons? I ordered thirty. Do you have any? A friend of mine is opening a restaurant next month. I can't think of what to give him, so I might as well give him thirty melons." , let him use it as a reward on the opening day."

Just like that, ninety of the hundred or so melons were ordered before they were fully ripe. The rest could be eaten by herself or given away. Grandma Xu had no worries at all.

After Zhou Yangs family left, Xu Yin started working on soy sauce. Making soy sauce is a relatively long process, and she plans to make a special video on it.

However, the early steps also involve live broadcasting, so that fans can learn and do it now.

The soy sauce koji essence she uses is high-quality koji essence stocked in the last small world. If it is not available, you can buy it in the market.

Stir evenly and pour into a clean container prepared in advance to seal and ferment.

Open the lid the next day and you will see a lot of mycelium growing on the surface of the soybeans. Turn over and continue fermentation.

On the third day, pour the prepared salt water into the container, sprinkle a few handfuls of salt, seal it and let it dry in the sun for half a year, and the soy sauce will be ready.

How? Is it very simple?

Xu Yin moved the sealed large wine jar under the eaves of the front yard. As long as the weather was clear, it would be exposed to the sun.

She asked the netizens in the live broadcast room while washing her hands.

The barrage in the live broadcast room has gone up:

[Is it so easy to make soy sauce? It doesn't look like it can be successful. ]

[I followed the little sister, but I didnt finish it. When I saw the fuzzy beans after the first fermentation, I was so scared that I threw the jar away. I have a question: Is the soy sauce sold on the market really made this way? I have a problem with soy sauce...]

[Speaking of Changmao, I remember when I was a child, I helped my family make soy sauce, and there were white flowers floating in the soy sauce vat in the small shop. At that time, I was young and thought that this was what soy sauce looked like. ]

[White hair is mold and mycelium is fermentation, are they different? ]

[Having visited a soy sauce factory, you will find that the ones you make are much cleaner than the ones you buy. The factory just doesnt let you see this scene. ]

[Hahahaha, I threw it away too! Its better to buy and eat, out of sight but out of mind! ]

Fans were laughing and joking


This topic caused by soy sauce and stinky tofu and fermented bean curd has become a hot topic among the public.

Many people said they didnt want to eat it anymore or didnt dare to eat it anymore, but the next day they were holding the freshly fried stinky tofu in the food court and eating it.

More netizens followed this hot search and paid attention to the #Girl# I love farming.

Xu Yin didnt touch her mobile phone during the mid-term exams. After the exam, she discovered that her number of followers had exceeded five million.

Aijias boss not only sent her a thank you red envelope, saying that last quarters turnover exceeded the historical record; he also asked his secretary to draw up a new contract and proactively increased Xu Yins advertising fees.

Xu Yin:

This is the first time I have seen a client so proactively increase advertising fees.

Who wouldnt be happy if wages are not increased?

As a celebration, Xu Yin proudly moved the latest smart household fruit and vegetable freeze-drying machine to her home.

Mushrooms picked up from the mountains and endless fruits and vegetables in the backyard are made into ready-to-eat dried fruits and vegetables, which are crispy and suitable for snacks.

Xu Yin taught Grandma Xu that the old lady really likes this job. She wants to freeze everything, fruits, vegetables, flowers and herbs... she is very busy.

Luckily, Xu Yin bought a large box of sealed bags and cans online, otherwise there would be no containers to store them.

tivetive with having left behind to to give to the grandma and grandson as snacks, most of the freeze-dried fruits and vegetables were given away.

Zhou Yang received the homemade dried fruits and vegetables from the Xu family and immediately sent them to his classmates to show off. Within a week, he called and cried:

Sister, do you have any dried fruits and vegetables? My classmates were so cruel. They came to my house on the pretext of coming to play basketball in my community and divided up all the dried fruits and vegetables you gave me. Wuwuwu

Xu Yin: "...Brother, you are a step too late. I will use the big head to draw a lottery for the fans."

Last time, the bonus for one million fans was the dandelion tea that I roasted myself. This time, it is homemade, green and organic dried fruits and vegetables.

She is so down-to-earth and will never admit to being stingy.

Zhou Yang burst out crying, regretting showing off.

Xu Yin said: "I still have a few kilograms of food left. I will send it to you tomorrow together with the watermelon."

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