The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1050: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of a lucky girl from a rural family (45)

Chapter 1050: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of a lucky girl from a rural family (45)

Chapter 1050: The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-law of a Blessed Farm Girl (45)

So, Xu Yin, who was forced to change into new clothes by the county magistrate's wife, and Cui Mengjin, who was called back from the fields by the county magistrate's men, knelt down with their sleeping sons in their arms to welcome the decree promulgated by the new emperor. This is an imperial edict of award.

"By God's blessing, the emperor summoned me and said: The Xu family of Qinghe County is wise, ingenious and intelligent. She is diligent and conscientious in farming. She not only discovered the magic weapon to increase production, but also prayed for thirty stones of high-yielding grain seeds for me... This is me Pray for the blessings of the common people. I will be granted the title of Eighth-grade Minister of Agriculture, enjoy the county's salary, and be given a house in the capital, a hundred acres of arable land, a thousand taels of silver, ten pieces of jewelry, ten pieces of silk and satin, and a number of slaves...I admire this!"

"What are you doing standing there, thank you!" The county magistrate's wife tugged on Xu Yin's sleeve.

Xu Yin had no choice but to kowtow and thank him.

I have ten thousand words in my heart and I dont know whether to say them or not.

Co-author In the past four years, the county magistrate dedicated everything he took away from her to the prince...

No wonder the system has been buzzing incessantly in the past few years, with energy points arriving almost every day. I would also like to say that Mr. Chen is very capable, teaching so many people to use new fertilizers and eat grains grown with new fertilizers. It's not him who dares to give orders, but the prince.

So, three years ago he strongly invited me to farm in Zhuangzi in the capital. I am afraid it was not an ordinary Zhuangzi, but an imperial village, right?

Congratulations to both of you!

After reading the imperial edict, County Magistrate Chen put away the edict and smiled happily as he arched his hands towards Xu Yin and his wife.

He has also been promoted. As a retainer of His Highness the Crown Prince, he has been able to ascend to heaven with a chicken or a dog. Now he has been promoted three levels in a row and is now a full fourth-grade Beijing official.

"Yinmei, after you have settled down at home, let's go to Beijing together!"

Xu Yin almost dislocated her jaw: "We also have to go to Beijing?"

"Of course! His Majesty wants to meet you and your wife. The emperor's kindness is so great that you should always go and thank him. Besides, don't you want to see the houses and fields in the capital?"

To be honest, I dont want to!

What about you? Do you want to go to the capital?

Sent away the county magistrate and his wife and a group of villagers who were watching the fun, looking at a pile of rewards and the six slaves standing respectfully outside the house waiting to be assigned work, Xu Yin pinched her eyebrows with a headache and asked the man.

Cui Mengjin took her into his arms and rubbed her temples: "If the lady wants to go, I will go with the lady."

"Alas..." Xu Yin sighed, "This is no longer a question we have to think about. When the emperor summons us, ordinary people don't have the right to say no."

Looking down at his son who was still grinning in his sleep with a silly smile on his face, he couldn't help but want to pinch his fleshy little cheeks. Only the heartless kid didn't have these worries.

If you are going to go anyway, it is better to prepare in advance.

In this case, we wont build the house now, and well talk about it when we get back.

Originally, the autumn harvest was over, and she had finally saved enough money. She wanted to build a courtyard with blue bricks and black tiles, and a wall around the main courtyard to separate the castor bean garden to the east, the vegetable garden to the west, and the three adobe houses to the north. There are also pig pens, chicken and duck houses at the back, all enclosed.

Erect a grape trellis on the patio of the main courtyard, transplant a few wild osmanthus, and build a set of stone tables and benches for summer cooling... I have gone through the design in my mind several times, but... the plan really can't keep up with the changes!

Cui Mengjin comforted her: "Let's go out for a walk during the winter."

He remembered going to Chunzhou Prefecture four years ago, and she had a great time shopping there. The capital was at the feet of the emperor, so it must be more lively and interesting than Chunzhou Prefecture.

Xu Yin just complained to her own man. When the biggest boss summoned him, she had to have the courage to refuse.

Li Zheng happened to be out today. When he came back, he learned that Meng Jin's daughter-in-law had been conferred the title of eighth-grade agriculture minister by the new emperor. He was so shocked that he almost lost his temper.

Speaking of the official title of Si Nong, it was added by the Supreme Emperor when he ascended the throne. Unlike the county magistrate who has to go to the Yamen to work, Si Nong is a sinecure but enjoys all the benefits of the county magistrate. The purpose of the Supreme Emperor setting up this official position is to encourage farming, but Over the years, few farmers have actually been granted titles, and Xu Yin is the first one in Qinghe County. After the clan elders heard about it, they picked an auspicious day to open the ancestral hall and recorded the name of Meng Jin's daughter-in-law in the family tree.

Xu Yin twitched her lips. In other words, she originally only deserved to be named "Meng Jin's wife Xu" in the Cui family tree, but now she can record her full name.

Xu Erya? No, no, no! My name is Xu Yin, Cao Tou Yin.

After opening the ancestral hall, all the crops in the fields were harvested. Xu Yin and his wife kept enough food for the next year, and sold the excess;

The lotus roots in the lotus pond were dug up and divided into three groups. One group kept the seeds, one group still invested in the collective lotus pond, and the other group invested in the lotus root powder processing workshop;

Six slaves, leaving two to look after the house. The chickens, ducks and pigs at home need to be fed, and the winter vegetables in the field will not be harvested for a while.

The four of them went to Beijing with them, helping to carry luggage and take care of the children on the way.

This trip to the capital, she brought a lot of preferred grain seeds, vegetable seeds, and melon seeds.

Since the emperor summoned her as a farmer, he would definitely ask some questions related to farming. Bringing some seeds of all kinds can also diversify the topic. Otherwise, should we look at the emperor with big eyes and small eyes?

At the end there is a basket of freshly harvested papayas and a papaya tree packed with soil.

The papaya seeds bought by Chunzhou Prefecture, after four years of careful watering, finally bear fruit this year. The emperor rewarded her with so many things, so she should take this as a gift.

Ahem, the emperor may not like it, but his queen and concubines will definitely be satisfied with this gift.

After everything was packed, Xu Yin and his wife took their children and servants and set off for the capital.

On the day of departure, the villagers of Dawa Village came out to see each other off.

Eldest brother, elder sister-in-law.

Cui Jikang bid farewell to the two of them with red eyes:

Its a long journey to the capital, so brothers and sisters-in-law must take care of themselves!

Yeah. Cui Mengjin was as concise and to the point as ever.

Xu Yin patted the young man on the shoulder: "Try your best in the provincial examination! Maybe you will have to go to the capital to take the national examination before we come back from the capital."

The young mans eyes were bright: Can I do it?

Of course! My sister-in-law is optimistic about you!

The young man clenched his fists and nodded with excitement: "I will work hard."

Ms. Cui on the side rolled her eyes: "Third brother, don't listen to your sister-in-law's nonsense. It's not that easy to pass the exam! In my opinion, it's just a waste of money and money."

Everyone else felt that Cui's words were too disappointing: "Ji Kang is about to die, and you are still making sarcastic remarks. You are still his mother, so why don't you just look forward to him?"

Xu Yin ignored the spoiled mother-in-law who was always wiping tears from her eyes. She pulled Cui Jikang over and gave him some instructions on what to pay attention to when going to the examination room. She then secretly stuffed a banknote to him: "I am poor and rich, so stay away from home." Show off your wealth, but don't be too economical and be kind to yourself. It doesn't matter if you don't pass the exam. You are still young, so you should go and practice."

Thank you, sister-in-law. Cui Jikangs voice was choked with tears.

Okay, okay, its time for us to go!

Her mother-in-law's family is still waiting to see them off at the intersection ahead. Socializing is also very tiring, ugh.

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