The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1023: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of a lucky girl from a rural family (18)

Chapter 1023: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of a lucky girl from a rural family (18)

Chapter 1023: The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-law of a Blessed Farm Girl (18)

Although Mrs. Cui was used to her eldest son being dull, she couldn't help but get angry when she saw that he didn't even smile at her. On the way back, she muttered to her second and third sons:

"Ms. Xu must have said something in front of the boss, otherwise your eldest brother would show off to me? We walked around half the village to see him, but he didn't say hello to us to sit down, so he should give us a smile, right? You're wasting your money on me. Thinking about him, I carried half a catty of snacks. Your little sister is right, just come and have a look. No matter what you give, it won't be left behind. If you feed it to the chicken, it will also lay a few more eggs for me. Give this It's like throwing money into the water..."

Cui became more and more angry as he talked.

Cui Er scratched his head: "Mom, no matter what, the eldest brother's leg is injured. As a younger brother, I should buy some things and visit him. Maybe he is in a bad mood because of the leg injury. Mom, don't take it to heart. Big brother is still very filial to you."

Ms. Cui curled her lips, just be really filial! I am afraid that if I marry a daughter-in-law and forget my mother, I will give birth to a white-eyed wolf!


When passing the two acres of rice fields assigned to Dafang, Cui Jikang, the third child, shouted in surprise:

Mom, look, thats my eldest brothers rice field, right? The ears of rice are growing so well? Theyre so heavy that theyre almost bending the stalks.

"No way?"

Ms. Cui took a closer look and saw that this was indeed the two acres of paddy field allocated to Dafang. However, the leaves were full of green branches and grains, and it looked like it was grown in fertile fields.

Dont you guys say that you are lazy all day long and dont like to work in the fields? I didn't even want to pull out the grass, so I spent a few days on the ground to raise a group of ducks for them to peck and eat...

That lazy woman wouldnt mind trading two acres of land with someone else because of the long journey, right? Cuis first reaction was this.

"Mom, look!" Cui Jikang pointed to a group of ducks walking in the field, quacking and looking for food. "These are ducks raised by my sister-in-law. The ducks have red ropes tied to their feet. I passed by the old house at the end of the village that day and saw the dog. The guys helped tie it up, this is my eldest brothers field, thats right!

This is even harder to believe.

A lazy woman who doesn't like to go to the ground usually and doesn't leave for a while after doing so.

In order to be lazy, she also raised a flock of ducks in the rice field, and let the ducks remove insects and pull weeds for her.

She is not ashamed, even Mrs. Cui is ashamed of her daughter-in-law.

I am not active in fertilizing. I heard that I have only fertilized twice since the separation of the family, and it smells bad. The fertilizers I applied were all messy fertilizers. One time there was no smell, and the other time was plant ash. If you don't even apply fertilizer properly, how can the land be fertile?

In the end, the rice planted by such a lazy woman actually grew so full?

I passed by Lao Cuis paddy field and compared it... Its unreasonable! Its so unreasonable!

Ms. Cui pointed her fingers at heaven and earth and complained all the way that God was not discerning.

After the villagers passing by heard about it, they ran to Xu Yins field and took a look. It was really weird!

How did Meng Jins wife take care of her?

Are ducks really so useful if raised in rice fields? Or is there any other trick?

Each house sent its hostess to Xu Yin to make friends and talk about things as usual.

"Meng Jin's family, your rice is growing really well. How do you take care of it? The ears of rice are full and plump, which makes my family very envious. I have to ask you. .You accept these eggs and help Meng Jin recuperate."

My chickens havent been very fond of laying eggs in the past two days. These are shrimps that my children caught in the river. They dont have any meat, they just taste delicious.

This family delivers eggs, that family delivers shrimps, and a few others deliver vegetables freshly pulled from the ground.

Xu Yin:

Theres no need to worry about what to eat tonight. How did you do it?

Improving the fertility of the land will increase the yield.

How to improve?

The fertilizer applied must be fully fermented and rich in variety.

In addition to human and animal excrement, you also need to grind some animal bone powder, rotten vegetable leaves, fish offal, and occasionally plant ash... In short, the more varieties, the better. Just like if people eat whole grains, fish, meat, and vegetables, will they grow healthy? Will eating only grains without meat, or eating only wild vegetables without grains, make you skinny and prone to illness? It makes sense!

The women who came to the house took Xu Yin's brainwashing experience and returned home in a daze, telling the truth to the head of the family with half-belief and doubt.

"Dad, do you think what Meng Jin's wife said is true? Isn't it really because of laziness? I was too lazy to scrape the fat in the manure pit, so I took out the leftover bones, the internal organs that were about to be thrown away after killing the fish, and Some rotten peels and vegetable leaves were thrown together in the compost pile, and the pile remained there for several months. Only when the smell was gone did I remember to pick it up and put it in the ground."

Goudan Daddy and Tiewa Daddy and other leading men are also confused as to why there is so much care in applying fertilizer to crops? Isnt it really because of laziness?

However, the rice in the two acres of paddy field of Meng Jin's family is growing really well, and Meng Jin's wife is rarely seen doing anything at ordinary times. All the work of pulling weeds is left to the ducks...

Recently, because of Meng Jin's leg injury, she hasn't been in the fields for a long time. The rice can still grow so well. Could it be that the fertilizer is applied carefully?

No matter what, just learn it and give it a try. You wont suffer any loss if you try it.

Therefore, these two families believed that Xu Yinshis fertilizer was exquisite, and followed her to develop a new method of retting.

Although other villagers have heard about it, they all think it is ridiculous. Our ancestors have farmed this way for thousands of years. How can the experience accumulated by our ancestors over several generations be inferior to that of a lazy and delicious woman who can make as much fat as she likes?

What bones, fish offal, rotten vegetables, leaves, and egg shells...are you sure it wasn't because she was lazy and didn't want to sweep them out of the yard that she threw them all into the manure tank?

Xu Yin:

right! Don't ask, I'm just lazy if you ask!

At this moment, she took the eggs and wild vegetables given by the village women and said to Comrade Xiao Jin with a smile: "I will fry you a wild vegetable egg pancake tonight and mix it with cold dishes. You can eat the bacon I made some time ago. Steam a plate and try it." ?

Cui Mengjin didn't know why, looking at the lady's smile, her ears felt a little hot. Did the lady like him very much? Otherwise, why would she be thinking about him all the time?

Xu Yin has been going out in the morning and evening recently, the weather is getting hotter, and there is an injury at home, so she tries to stay at home during the day.

Ms. Cui did not see her eldest daughter-in-law going to the fields for several days, and she increasingly felt that all the tricks she came up with, such as raising ducks in rice fields and new fertilizers, were all due to laziness.

However, the growth of crops does not deceive people.

Xu Yin's two-acre rice field turned from green to yellow as the rice ears turned from green to yellow, and the rice stalks were bent under the weight of the heavy rice ears. Following her, Goudan and Tiewa, who were fertilizing the new type of fertilizer, fertilized once before draining the rice fields. The grains seem to be much plumper than before, and the rice stalks are stronger and taller than before.

The villagers have to believe: Meng Jin, this fat wife, is really lazy and blessed!

But this year it is too late. No matter how regretful they are, they have already missed the best time for top dressing and can only wait until next year.

The villagers had mixed emotions, feeling that they had missed out on 100 million taels of gold...

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