The Boss of the Apocalypse Disguises Himself As a Cannon Fodder Female Educated Youth

Chapter 136: Word of mouth begins to explode

Chapter 136: Word of mouth begins to explode

Chapter 136 Word-of-mouth begins to explode

The two elders of the Jiang family stood up together and spoke out to persuade Jun Ning to stay, "An Ning, you have worked so hard to deliver things here, you can't just leave like this, wait until you have lunch!"

Thats right, Aning, listen to grandma and leave after eating.

Yan Ling also said: "Aning, just stay and eat!"

Jun Ning said with a sweet smile: "Grandpa, grandma, cousin-in-law, I really have things to do, but I'm not being polite to you. I'll come over for dinner another day, bye."

After saying that, Jun Ning waved to them and walked out the door.

The two elders of the Jiang family and Yan Ling, who was holding little Ruirui, hurriedly sent her out again.

They saw Junning getting into the truck and leaving with the two workers, and then they turned back to the house.

Yan Ling said excitedly to Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang: "Grandpa and grandma, could you please take a look at Ruirui for me? I'll send some grapes to my parents' family."

Mr. Jiang also understood her desire to offer the treasure urgently, and nodded with a smile, "Okay, you go! Your grandma and I will help you keep an eye on Ruirui. Leave early and come back early."

Yan Ling smiled and nodded, "I know, I'll be back after delivering it."

Mrs. Jiang accompanied her to carry the grapes and weighed her portions.

The whole family pooled their money together to buy it. Whoever bought it will definitely settle the accounts with his brothers. No one will lose, and no one can take advantage of the other.

Yan Ling quickly carried six boxes of grapes down, tied them tightly with ropes to both sides and the middle of the bicycle, and rode towards her parents' home.

When Yan Ling rushed to her parents' house, she happened to meet her mother Xiang Wenhui returning home from get off work.

When Xiang Wenhui saw that her precious daughter was carrying so many boxes of things back to her parents' home, she hurried over to help her daughter hold the car and asked with a distressed look on her face: "Lingling, what did you bring home? Why did you bring so many things back?" ?

Although Yan Ling was sweating profusely while riding the bicycle and was getting hot from the sun while wearing a hat, she still happily said to her mother: "Mom, this is a good thing from Hong Kong City. I asked a relative to buy it. Come on, help me." I'll unpack the box and carry it in quickly."

When Xiang Wenhui saw her daughter's appearance, she couldn't help but smile and asked, "What good thing is this? Look at your precious face."

Yan Ling winked at her and said with a playful smile: "It's a good thing that everyone wants to grab. Otherwise, I would go out of my way to deliver it to you at noon."

Xiang Wenhui looked at her daughter's pretty face, which was flushed from the sun, and said with a distressed look on her face: "You can just call me and ask your brother to come and pull her over. Why do you have to send her here yourself?"

Yan Ling said coquettishly: "I just want to present a treasure to you!"

Xiang Wenhui smiled angrily and said, "Okay, okay, it's too hot outside. Let's go in quickly."

The mother and daughter worked hard to carry the six boxes of grapes in.

There is no way, the men in the family have not returned yet, only the mother and daughter went to the battle to move.

In this era of strict inspections, even if their family had a rich hidden wealth, they would not dare to ask servants to come home to help, for fear of being reported as being capitalists.

Just like the Jiang family, they dont dare to hire servants even if they have money.

Unless they are high-level cadres assigned by the state, they can enjoy the services of domestic staff allocated by the state.

As soon as she entered the house, Yan Ling drank a large glass of cold water. Immediately afterwards, regardless of Xiang Wenhui's concern for her to sit down and rest, she directly opened the box, took out a bunch of big and round honey-sweet grapes, and placed them in front of Xiang Wenhui, "Mom, look at these grapes. , have you never seen such juicy and beautiful grapes?"

Xiang Wenhui looked at the bunch of juicy grapes and nodded in surprise, "I have never seen such juicy grapes."

Yan Ling smiled again and said: "These grapes are not only beautiful to look at, but also very delicious. I will wash two bunches and bring them over, and we two will enjoy them first."

Xiang Wenhui watched her precious daughter busy working non-stop, her eyes full of pampering and love.

This child really deserves to be loved so much by her family. She also knows some good things, so she brings them to her parents and brother.

Yan Ling washed the grapes and put them on the coffee table. Then she picked a grape, tore open the skin and brought it to her mother Xiang Wenhui's mouth. "Mom, try it quickly. Is it delicious?"

Xiang Wenhui opened his mouth and took the love grapes brought to his mouth by his precious daughter.

Xiang Wenhui opened his eyes wide after eating it.

After finishing the grape, Xiang Wenhui said eagerly to Yan Ling: "Lingling, these grapes are really delicious! Who did you ask to buy them from Hong Kong City? After eating these grapes, what else can we do?" Cant buy any more?

Yan Ling smiled and said: "My husband's aunt, her daughter is now the director of the Yangcheng office of a large group in Hong Kong City. These grapes are the products of that group company in Hong Kong City. Their company also produces a lot of delicious food. I'll ask her next time if I can buy some other good things for you to eat."

Xiang Wenhui kept eating grapes and asked her daughter, "These things are so delicious and of first-class quality. The price must not be cheap, right?"

Yan Ling nodded, "I heard that fruit of this quality sells for 100 Hong Kong dollars per catty in Hong Kong City, and the supply exceeds demand. It only costs 10 yuan here, so I bought a few hundred yuan."

Xiang Wenhui immediately got up, went to the bedroom, took out two thousand yuan, and forced it into her daughter's hand, "Lingling, I'll give you this money. If you see any good things in the future, just buy them. If you don't have enough money, you can follow me." Mom said."

Yan Ling knew that her family was well-off, so she was not polite to her mother.

After collecting the money, she secretly said to her mother: "Mom, my aunt also gave a kind of good thing called spiritual wine and spiritual tea to the elders of the family and my father-in-law and mother-in-law. I heard that drinking it can prolong life. You are in good health, and our two elders are guarding it like a treasure."

Xiang Wenhui was a little skeptical, "Is there really such a good thing?"

Yan Ling nodded vigorously, "It's really that good. I've also drank that spirit wine, and it really made me feel good all over. Unfortunately, I only drank one glass that day."

I also heard from Aunt Xiuqing that my uncle had stomach problems, and after drinking this spirit wine and spirit tea, the disease was cured. She also told many examples that many people in Hong Kong City were cured of their old problems.

I heard that the minimum price for these spirit wines and spirits teas in Hong Kong City is 10,000 yuan per bottle, and the more expensive ones are tens of thousands per bottle.

At this price, everyone is snatching it up like crazy. I find it a bit incredible when I hear it.

Before the turbulent years, Xiang Wenhui, who was used to living the life of a rich young lady, was not as surprised as his daughter Yan Ling.

Her previous life was just such a life of splendor and wealth!

Xiang Wenhui walked into the bedroom again and took out two bundles of RMB directly to Yan Ling, "I'll give you 20,000 yuan. Please ask if you can buy some Lingcha Lingjiu?"

Your dad and I, as well as your grandparents, are now older and have a lot of old problems. If it is really useful, it is really a good deal to buy health with such a small amount of money.

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