The Boss of the Apocalypse Disguises Himself As a Cannon Fodder Female Educated Youth

Chapter 109: Competing

Chapter 109: Competing

Chapter 109 Competing

In an instant, Jun Ning had already read through the original owners memories of these people.

The original owner didn't like to argue or quarrel with these people, and Jun Ning, a mature person now, would not even argue with these people who were still children in her eyes.

Jun Ning looked at Luo Chao with a smile and said, "I've just come back. I'll come play with you when I have time. I have something else to do, so I'll go home first."

Luo Chao's parents were also leaders of the machinery factory, and they caused a big trouble, which had a bad impact on their respective parents.

Luo Chao looked at Jun Ning, who was getting more and more beautiful, and some thoughts in his heart were about to change.

The more calm and composed Jun Ning is and the more good-looking she is, the more Tang Zhen and Niu Sisi dislike her.

The jealousy and resentment that had been accumulating in their hearts also made them lose their minds, and they both stopped in front of Jun Ning.

Tang Zhen directly challenged Jun Ning, "Jun Ning, since you are back, come and have fun with us. Don't you dare?"

Jun Ning chuckled lightly, "What do you want to play? Can you afford it? If you lose, don't cry and go home to your parents!"

Tang Zhens facial features are actually quite good.

It's a pity that jealousy and resentment made her look hateful and ugly.

Tang Zhen glared at Junning and said bitterly: "How about we compete in skating?"

Jun Ning deliberately used an angry tone and said with disdain: "How about skating? Isn't that what children do? I'm tired of playing and have no time."

Tang Zhen was so angry that her eyes turned red, "Jun Ning, you also know how to tell lies. If you go to the countryside to be an educated youth, will there be an ice rink in the countryside? You don't even make a draft when you lie. It's really ridiculous!"

Jun Ning felt a little headache looking at these rebellious boys and girls.

They are all children under the age of 18, including the original owner.

But in the past, they could only quarrel, make a scene, argue, or get jealous. They didn't do anything evil, and she couldn't be cruel to them.

But she didnt want to tangle with them, but they kept pestering her.

It seems that if you want to make them give up, you can only convince them with your ability so that they can only look up to her and no longer have the desire to compete or compare with her.

Jun Ning sighed softly, pretending to be helpless and said: "Okay, let's go, let's go, I will drive you there, and I will open your eyes today."

Even if Tang Zhen and Niu Sisi didn't like Jun Ning, they felt very proud when they heard that there was a car to ride in and play, and they couldn't help but feel excited.

As soon as Jun Ning unlocked the car, Luo Chao rushed to sit in the passenger seat.

Tang Qingguo, Tang Zhen, and Niu Sisi sat in the back seat.

Jun Ning sat in the driver's seat.

They watched with envy as Jun Ning started the car familiarly, drove the car familiarly, and headed towards the skating rink where they usually played.

Luo Chao asked Jun Ning curiously, "Aning, when did you learn to drive? Who taught you?"

Jun Ning replied calmly: "Some time ago, a friend taught me."

Luo Chao asked again: "Whose car does it belong to?"

Junning still said calmly, "I borrowed it."

Luo Chao asked shamelessly: "Aning, can you teach me how to drive?"

Jun Ning asked him, "Do you have a car?"

Luo Chao looked embarrassed and asked, "Can you teach me with this car?"

JUN Ning replied directly to him, "That's definitely not possible! This is someone else's car. I'm just borrowing it today and will return it tomorrow. It only takes ten and a half days to learn to drive. Can you learn it?"

Luo Chao's face instantly darkened. He always felt that Jun Ning gave him a strong sense of distance after returning from his trip to the countryside.

The distance between them seems to be getting farther and farther.

He was afraid that he would not be able to catch up with her and would be thrown far away by her.

In the end, he could only watch her disappear into his world, and he could never find her again.

Jun Ning felt the low pressure emanating from Luo Chao and couldn't help turning her head to look at him, but she didn't speak to him again.

She had no friendship with these children to begin with, and she was destined not to be a part of the same world, so it was a good idea to stay away from them now.

There are very, very few entertainment projects in this era.

The ice skating rink in Yangcheng is often visited by many boys and girls.

The ice rink is open-air, with a cement floor, and a fence made of welded steel pipes around it to separate the players and spectators.

Only those who have given money can enter and play.

At this time, skaters all used four-wheel skates to skate on the concrete floor.

The ice rink also has some ground faults specially designed to allow skaters to do some tricks.

But when sliding on this kind of cement floor, beginners often fall and get bruises all over their bodies. In more severe cases, their hands and feet may be broken.

Most skaters just skate on flat ground and dont dare to do tricks on obstacles.

Those who can do tricks on obstacles will become the king of the skating rink, and are envied and admired by everyone.

Junning drove Luo Chao, Tang Zhen and others over in a car, instantly attracting the attention of countless people.

When Junning, who was wearing a ruffled shirt and black harem pants, got out of the car and appeared in front of everyone, everyone inside and outside the rink opened their eyes wide and looked straight at Junning. .

Whether they were boys or girls, they were all shocked by Jun Ning's stunning appearance and fashionable dressing.

In this era, most of the clothes that everyone can see are blue, gray and black clothes.

Even an ordinary white shirt and black pants are already very fashionable.

Junning's ruffled shirt and black harem pants are both fashionable brands from the end of the world. If worn in this era, they will amaze the time and everyone.

What's more, Junning not only dressed like everyone's daughter, but also drove over in a military-branded car. At first sight, he was from an extraordinary family.

Everyone at the scene was curious and guessing about Jun Ning's background and identity.

Some teenagers and young men are eager to get close to Jun Ning to see if they can make friends with him?

Jun Ning is used to being watched. No matter how many people are paying attention to her, she remains calm and composed.

On the other hand, Luo Chao and Tang Zhen have never been the center of everyone's attention like they are now. They feel proud and a little shy at the same time.

Jun Ning turned to Luo Chao and Tang Zhen and asked, "Luo Chao, Tang Zhen, what do you want to do? I'm treating you today!"

Tang Zhen has always felt that he was very good at skating.

At least, she dared to play with obstacles and tricks that others did not dare to play, and when she played, everyone applauded.

She didnt believe that she couldnt beat Junning, so she asked Junning to come to the skating rink to compete.

Luo Chao looked at Jun Ning with a smile and said, "An Ning, how do you want to play? I can take you!"

Jun Ning refused directly, "You don't need to take care of me, I'll play by myself."

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