The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 99 There really are people worse off than you

Chapter 99 There really are people worse off than you

Lu Chengwen wasn't bothered. She stood up gracefully, straightened her dress, and sat down naturally on a chair next to him.

Jiang Shihan showed an apologetic expression. Lu Chengwen nodded to her, and she left.

Xu Xuejiao came over: "I didn't expect you to be such a hot commodity, Lu Chengwen."

Lu Chengwen said, "Why did you barge into someone's office? You're the vice president of Houde Group now, barging into someone's office with such a big title, you have no manners."

"You do!" Xu Xuejiao glanced at Leng Qingqiu: "What do you mean, you two are hooked up again?"

Lu Chengwen quickly said, "Don't say it so harshly, what do you mean hooked up!"

Leng Qingqiu said, "I'm chasing Chengwen, what's wrong? Does President Xu have an opinion?"

Xu Xuejiao laughed: "All the rich people in Xuecheng know that the Leng family has announced the dissolution of the engagement. You're looking a bit unpresentable now."

Leng Qingqiu said, "That sounds ridiculous What's wrong with chasing men? Besides, do I, Leng Qingqiu, care about other people's opinions?"

 Xu Xuejiao walked to Lu Chengwen and took Lu Chengwen's arm: " I am already his, he raped me in the car, Uncle Lu and Aunt Lu saw it!"

Lu Chengwen's face turned green: "Who's strong... what did you see? I didn't do anything, I was just trying to scare you!"

Leng Qingqiu smiled and said: "Well, my man should be the target of all girls. It's no big deal to occasionally eat some roadside stalls outside, I am his main course."

Xu Xuejiao immediately widened her eyes: "A guy who is about to go bankrupt needs to set up a roadside stall, right? When you open a pancake shop, Chengwen and I will go to support you!"

Lu Chengwen quickly stood between the two: "Stop! Stop!"

Xu Xuejiao said angrily: "Lu Chengwen! I can understand you saving her, but are you so useless that you want to continue to lick her?"

Lu Chengwen: "I don't..."

Leng Qingqiu: "Brother Chengwen, you know my feelings for you. It's okay to play outside, just don't get into trouble."

Lu Chengwen: "I didn't..."

Xu Xuejiao: "Our dad and mom have approved of me. If you dare to mess around, I will go to your house to make trouble every day!"

Lu Chengwen: "Whose dad and mom?"

Leng Qingqiu: "Brother Chengwen, I will move in tonight, are we going to have twins, or a boy and a girl?"

Lu Chengwen shouted: "Stop!"

Lu Chengwen collapsed inwardly and shouted:

[Is there anyone in this world more miserable than me? Is there anyone!?]

[Who dares to be more miserable than me?]


The helmsman sat majestically on the throne, the light dim.

The strategist appeared quietly, like a ghost: "Your subordinate greets the helmsman."

"Hmm." The helmsman wearing a black iron mask, his dark eyes glanced at the strategist:

"I have recently made some progress. The strategist has worked hard in managing the various affairs of the organization."

"The helmsman is far-sighted and insightful. Under your guidance and the guidance of your central ideology, our Xuecheng branch can develop and grow so strong, and it will continue to flourish."

The helmsman smiled majestically: "I am about to break through to the Upper Four Gates, and you also have a share of the credit."

"Thank you, helmsman."

"How is the young master?"

"Not very smooth."

"Humph." The helmsman snorted coldly: "A young boy, with some military exploits on the frontier, has been blown to the sky. I think he is still a little devil who lacks experience."

"Well, compared to the helmsman's great talent and strategy, the young master is indeed a little immature."

Speaking of this, the helmsman angrily slapped the armrest of the throne: "Because of his negligence, we have taken out 10 billion before and after! Now the entire branch has no cash, and next month's salary cannot be paid, and there are still many foreign debts. It's infuriating!"

The strategist nodded: "The young master's goal this time is to unify the four major families of Xuecheng. Any of these four major families have assets starting from 100 billion. The initial investment of 10 billion to the young master is a great favor. In the long run, we are not at a loss."

"Hmm. That being said, this young man has a big tone, asking for 5 billion as easily as asking for 500 yuan."

"The instruction from the main rudder is to fully support the young master's activities, to provide people with people, and to provide money with money. We are also following orders here, and I believe that the main rudder and the young master will not treat the helmsman badly."

"I understand this truth too. Forget it, let's not talk about it. Is Copper King here?"

"I was just about to talk about this."


"Copper Kin has defected to Lu Chengwen."

"What did you say!?"

The helmsman stood up all of a sudden.

The strategist said: "It's very strange, when I got there, I defected directly to Lu Chengwen, without any intermediate process. Now I have cut off contact with us and conspired with Lu Chengwen."

The helmsman suppressed his anger: "Idiot! Do you think you will have a good life with rich people? Don't you know the rules of our organization?"

"There is more bad news."

"Ah? Could it be..."

"The helmsman is wise! The 5 billion transfer of Copper King has been completed, divided into four batches, one batch of 4.9 billion has been transferred to the private account of Lu Chengwen of Dasheng Group; the other three transactions have been transferred to three newly established private accounts. I estimate that it may have gone into their own pockets."


The helmsman was furious!

With one palm down, the armrest of the throne was smashed to pieces!

"I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill these three ungrateful bastards!"

The strategist said: "Calm down, helmsman. There is one more news, please decide."

"What else is there!?"

The strategist said: "The young master urged us to raise another 5 billion and send it over as soon as possible, it is urgent!"

"Fuck you!"

The helmsman took off his black iron mask, his face grim: "Are you kidding me!? Are you kidding me!? Do you fucking take me to a cash machine? I can bear it if he wants one hundred million or two hundred million, but he opens his mouth and asks for fifty billion! And after fifty billion, another fifty billion, I am a 24-hour printing press and I can't afford him, this prodigal son!"

"Helmsman, please pay attention to your demeanor and majesty!"

"Your majesty!" The helmsman completely ignored his status and cried anxiously: "I gave him all my belongings over the years, but he turned Iron King against him and let 5 billion go into that Lu Chengwen's pocket!"

"I cobbled together, almost pawning my underwear, and then I managed to get another 5 billion, but it went into Lu Chengwen's pocket again!"

"Now I want another 5 billion! No! Not a single penny! Let him figure it out on his own, if he has the guts, let him go to his powerful father! I don't have a single penny left!"

The strategist hurriedly persuaded: "Helmsman, we have already invested 10 billion. If we break up with the young master at this time... this 10 billion will be wasted."

"What else can I do!?" The helmsman shouted, jumping up and down: "I can't get 5 billion even if I don't eat or drink now! Do you want me to sell my ass?"

The strategist rubbed his chin: "That's an idea, but I'm afraid it's too late..."

"Fuck you! Can you understand good and bad words?"

The strategist quickly said: "Calm down, helmsman!"

The helmsman was trembling with anger: "Find him, find Long Aotian, and get my 10 billion back!"

The strategist said: "Helmsman! Not!"


"This 10 billion never passed through the young master's hands! It was our people who gave it to Lu Chengwen, and both Copper King and Iron King had attacked the young master before. If we fall out now, we will duffer. The higher-ups will blame us, and... your position as helmsman, I'm afraid, will not be guaranteed."

The helmsman slumped down on the chair: "This... what can I do about this? Where can I get him so much money?"

The strategist thought for a while: "We can sell assets."


The strategist said: "For now, we can only gamble. As long as the young master gets 5 billion, it will definitely turn into 50 billion, or 500 billion in the future. By then, all our costs can be recovered. I roughly estimated that if we sell all our domestic and overseas assets, we can cash out more than 3 billion."

"That's still more than 10 billion short!"

"Then we have to go for usury."


The helmsman wanted to vomit blood.

"I, the helmsman of the dignified Xuecheng branch of the big organization, have to borrow usury?"

"We can let the red and black sects below take on more tasks recently, make small profits but quick turnover, carry out a large number of tasks, and quickly gather money. We will quickly sell our assets and send money to the young master."

"My... my years of foundation!"

"Helmsman! Now is the time to make a decision! If the main rudder finds out about this, two groups of our people have defected to the enemy and fled with huge sums of money, then it is your and my mismanagement and incompetence! At the main rudder, we are two pigs! The consequences..."

The helmsman was scared.

His face was pale, he sat on the throne in a daze for a long time, and slowly raised his head: "Do as you said, block the news."

At this time, the door was pushed open, and a handsome tall young man walked in.

The young man walked with a dragon and a tiger, with a confident smile on his face. He came in and knelt on one knee: "My subordinate, Silver King! The tasks assigned by the helmsman and the strategist have been overfulfilled, and I am here to report back!"

The main helmsman stood up excitedly and hurried down the steps to help him up: "Ah Yin, you're back!"

"Helmsman, your mask?"

"Don't worry about the mask, Copper King has also rebelled! He also gave my huge sum of money to others!"

Silver King was furious immediately: "Does he have the guts of a bear and a leopard!?"

The main helmsman took Silver King's hand as if he were holding his brother: "Your eldest brother is not back yet, so I'll leave this matter to you. I'll raise another sum of money, and you go find the young master. By the way, capture Copper King and Iron King alive for me, and let them find a way to hand over the money!"

Silver King was already half dead with anger: "Don't worry, helmsman! Even if I have to smash their bones and suck their blood dry, I will make them spit out the helmsman's money!"

"Good! As expected, you are still reliable! These two idiots, I'm so angry, I'm so angry!"

"Hahaha!" Silver King laughed loudly: "The helmsman doesn't need to worry, with me, Silver King, I will turn the tide and make the final decision!"

"Then I'll leave it to you! Brother!"





Lu Chengwen looked at Copper King and the three fat and thin people.

"Did you have fun last night?"

Copper King quickly said: "It's so cool! We called four sisters, drank more than a dozen bottles of good wine, and spent more than 200,000 yuan in one night."

Lu Chengwen smiled: "Okay, just spend money, people who can spend money can make money."


"From today onwards, you have to stay out of sight and tell Jiang Shihan everything you need. Don't mess around, I'm going to ask you to do something big soon. If it's done, I'll reward you heavily."

"Thank you for your cultivation, young master!"

"Remember, from today onwards, you are my people, and you are not allowed to have any contact with the branch. If I find out..."

"The branch is nothing!" Copper King immediately stated his position: "The helmsman is not even worthy of carrying shoes for the young master!"

Lu Chengwen was very satisfied.

Coming out, Lu Chengwen patted his chest.

My heart is bitter.

What should I do about this? Will I die miserably after it's exposed?


Titles of the upcoming chapters :

Chapter 100 This is reality

Chapter 101: Going Big or Small

Chapter 102 I am willing


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