The Bootlicking Antagonist Only Wants to Survive, but the Female Lead Refuses to Follow the Usual Plot

Chapter 106 Still fell into the trap

Chapter 106 Still fell into the trap

Chapter 106 Still fell into the trap

Luo Shiyin's expression management completely failed at that moment!

She instantly flew into a rage, her originally charming almond-shaped eyes widened, radiating killing intent.

This jerk!

For all these years I've been walking the rivers and lakes, I've never suffered such a huge loss!

You've touched all over my thighs and buttocks, you've kneaded my chest beyond recognition, you've taken my first kiss, and now, not only can't you even use a single bit of eyesight skills on me, but you also make me…

Luo Shiyin's blood was churning, she had already channeled her true energy, and her first reaction was to slap Lu Chengwen to death.

But for a fleeting moment, she suddenly noticed that Lu Chengwen, as if sensing danger, suddenly tensed all his muscles, and she could feel the surging true energy circulating within him as if he was ready to fight her at any moment.

Luo Shiyin immediately dissipated her true energy and playfully punched Lu Chengwen's chest:

"Mr. Lu! You're so annoying, I'm not that kind of woman!"

"Oh, you're not? " Lu Chengwen's true energy also gradually relaxed, "If you're not, there's nothing left to talk about. You can go out."

Luo Shiyin was about to be driven crazy by him.

If she could slap him to death, she wouldn't hesitate for a second.

At this moment, Luo Shiyin silently swore in her heart that she would slap him to death!

Once the young master takes control of all of Lu's family's assets, I will slap him to death! I must!

And it has to be me who does it!

Otherwise, the humiliation I have endured here will be a lifelong shadow that I will never be able to erase.

Luo Shiyin couldn't understand, why didn't the scent work.

And the pupil technique, this stubborn deadhead refused to meet my gaze, as if he already knew that if he looked at me, he would fall for my trick.


Originally, Luo Shiyin could hear Lu Chengwen's inner thoughts.

But when facing Luo Shiyin, Lu Chengwen dared not let his mind wander, let alone begin those romantic and lewd fantasies as he did with Xu Xuejiao and Leng Qingqiu.

His mind started to sing an opera:

[Last night at the palace, drinking the nectar of immortality,
Couples sat together, chatting about everyday life,
I spoke kindly to her,
But who knew this vile woman would go mad? A true man does not tolerate a woman's defiance,
Therefore I drew my sword and chopped down Heyang…]

It was like pouring oil on a fire.

Luo Shiyin was human too, she was a woman, she was a beautiful woman, and she was a woman who had never suffered a loss at the hands of a man!

At this moment, it was the biggest setback Luo Shiyin had ever encountered in her life!

It was the city of Mai that Luo Shiyin had reached!

It was the first battle of Gaixia that Luo Shiyin had encountered…

It was too tragic.

The humiliation and strong sense of frustration in her heart made her tremble all over.

Lu Chengwen pushed her away, "Damn it! This doesn't work, that doesn't work, Huo Wendong only knows how to fucking screw me over, and he even wants to swap secretaries with me! My Shihan is good at singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, everything, this one can't do anything, what's the use… Go, go, go, find your Huo Wendong."

Luo Shiyin was going crazy.

She quickly smiled and said, "Mr. Lu, don't be angry, I'm a girl, I'm shy."

Lu Chengwen, like a proper lustful rich second-generation, arrogantly said, "I've been playing with women since high school, I never touch those who are shy, it's a buzzkill!"

Luo Shiyin suppressed her anger, "Oh, you're a big man, and you're angry at me? Okay, I'll have a drink with you, Mr. Lu, let's talk about our feelings first."

Luo Shiyin walked to the wine cabinet, resting one hand on it, feeling dizzy from anger.

Her head buzzed.

It seems like you won't know how many tricks we have until you experience something serious!

Luo Shiyin gritted her teeth, pulled out the best bottle of wine, grabbed two glasses, walked back with a smile, and poured two glasses of wine.

Of course, she discreetly added something to the one for Lu Chengwen.

A drop of Mei'er Red.

Colorless and odorless, it dissolves in any liquid.

After drinking it, one becomes lost in desire, overwhelmed by lust, and unable to control themselves.

I don't believe you can drink it and stay unaffected!

Holding the wine glass, she handed it to Lu Chengwen, but he still wouldn't look at her.

Luo Shiyin smiled and said, "Mr. Lu, don't be angry, this little sister is apologizing to you! I was wrong! How about we drink to each other?"

This kind of game was very common, Chen Fatty had already played it to death.

Lu Chengwen slightly cracked a smile, just as he was about to drink with her, he suddenly said, "Let's play a game."

"What game?"

"You feed me your wine, I feed you my wine. You won't refuse me again, will you?"

Luo Shiyin was stunned.

A million thoughts were racing through her mind.


Why does this guy seem to see through me at every step!?

Why are all his unreasonable demands aimed at me!?

Does he know everything about me and my sect!?

How else could it be so coincidental!?

Luo Shiyin smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Lu, if you have a request, I will fulfill it."

She discreetly added Mei'er Red to both glasses.

She thought to herself: I can cure my poison, can you?

With these two glasses, no matter which one you drink! After you finish it, you will be my puppet!

My servant! My plaything! My slave!

Luo Shiyin drank Lu Chengwen's glass in one gulp, smiled charmingly, and held the glass upside down, "Mr. Lu, I drank it."

"Okay, drink this one too."

Luo Shiyin could barely hold it anymore.

"Mr. Lu, you're breaking the rules, we agreed you would drink with me!"

"I'm not being coy, you already drank yours, this is Mr. Lu punishing you, finish it and we'll go to the room to take care of business."

Luo Shiyin glanced at the room, and sure enough, the door to the restroom inside was ajar, and there was another big bed inside.


I'll go to bed and deal with you, I don't believe I can't handle you today!

Luo Shiyin finished both glasses, "Mr. Lu, can you carry me to the room?"

Lu Chengwen strode into the room himself.

Luo Shiyin rolled her eyes, she could only act like a worthless piece of baggage and walk in herself.

As soon as they went in, Lu Chengwen coldly commanded, "Turn around."


"Turn around."

"What are you doing, Mr. Lu?"

Luo Shiyin turned around, Lu Chengwen put a blindfold on her from behind.

"Hmm, this looks much better."

Luo Shiyin was about to break down.

She was really about to break down.

What the hell!? You're covering my eyes, how am I supposed to use my Five-Colored Happy Flower Pupil without a mirror?

This isn't playing fair!

Lu Chengwen said, "Get on the bed, lie down, spread your limbs."

"Mr. Lu, what are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing, my preferences are a bit different from ordinary people. I like to tie a girl's hands and feet to the four bedposts, then start hehe. Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

Luo Shiyin ripped off the blindfold, turned her head, and saw that Lu Chengwen had put on sunglasses again, looking at her with a triumphant smile.

Luo Shiyin looked at Lu Chengwen's smile, her heart felt like it had been frozen.

He must have done this on purpose!

This guy, he knows all my tricks!

Why? He's just a rich second-generation who lives, grows up, makes money, and dates in the city. He should be full of money-grubbing thoughts, full of silk stockings and long legs, full of superiority and self-righteousness, the kind of shallow person.

How could he know my background!?

At this point, if you say it's all a coincidence, it's too much of a coincidence.

Lu Chengwen had already turned around and walked out, "Forget it, forget it, it's not interesting. You go out, help me call Shihan in, my Shihan is much more fun."

Luo Shiyin squeezed out a smile, calmly saying, "Since Mr. Lu doesn't like Shiyin, then Shiyin won't stay here to dampen Mr. Lu's spirits."

Luo Shiyin walked to the door and glanced back, Lu Chengwen was looking out the window, completely ignoring her.

This scene was deeply imprinted in Luo Shiyin's mind.

Lu Chengwen, wearing a sharp suit, stood tall in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, completely ignoring her, calmly looking at the high-rise buildings, and the bustling traffic outside, like a sculpture, unmoved.

Luo Shiyin was so angry that tears welled up in her eyes. She wiped them away and turned to leave.


Lu Chengwen saw her leave through the reflection in the floor-to-ceiling window and breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn it, this woman, she's too dangerous.

Thank goodness I'm quick-witted, I didn't fall for her tricks.

Lu Chengwen smiled and pulled out two rubber stoppers from his nostrils, which he normally used to block his ears when he slept.

But Lu Chengwen knew that Luo Shiyin was dangerous from head to toe, smelling anything would have serious consequences.

Her eyes were even more dangerous, one glance and you would become like Huo Wendong.

As for the wine she poured, that was even more dangerous.

You can't even look at her eyes, you can't even smell her, you dare to eat what she gives you? Do you dare to drink what she gives you? Put it in your stomach!?

Do you think I'm a newbie?

Lu Chengwen sat on his chair, feeling smug.

Not only did I not fall for her tricks, but also… hehehe, don't say it, she has a great figure, and feels great!

If you don't take advantage of this kind of opportunity, you're a complete idiot.

Oh, I regret it, I should have groped her a little longer.

No, no, no, it's safer to avoid this kind of woman.

Suddenly Lu Chengwen felt a strange scent, he sniffed and noticed a faint fragrance.

It must be left behind by Luo Shiyin.

Wow, this woman's fragrance is really… it smells quite elegant, I didn't expect this scent to last so long, it's been so long, it's still…

Damn it!

Lu Chengwen felt his heartbeat getting faster, his body was burning, his mouth was dry, and his mind was a little blurry.

He quickly checked his pulse, there was a slight abnormality, but he couldn't figure out what it was.

Damn it! I blocked my nose for so long, but I still fell for it!?

Lu Chengwen stumbled into the bathroom, and splashed cold water on his face for a long time, it had no effect, and the turmoil within him was becoming increasingly difficult to suppress.

At this time, Jiang Shihan pushed the door open, "Mr. Lu, Mr. Huo, and Ms. Shiyin are gone, both of them are quite unhappy. Mr. Lu?"

Jiang Shihan walked to the bathroom, "Mr. Lu, what's wrong with you!?"

Lu Chengwen turned around, his face covered in water droplets, gasping for breath, seeing the beautiful and sexy Jiang Shihan, he instantly became more agitated.

"Go, go out!"

"Mr. Lu, are you feeling unwell? Should I call a doctor for you?"

"Call a doctor, my ass, I've been poisoned!"

Jiang Shihan was scared, "Poisoned!? What kind of poison?"

Lu Chengwen could no longer hear a girl's voice, he forced himself to stay awake, "None of your business, get out!"

Jiang Shihan not only didn't leave but also quickly approached, supporting Lu Chengwen, very close, "Oh my god, Mr. Lu, your forehead is so hot, I'll call a doctor for you!"

Lu Chengwen suddenly lunged at Jiang Shihan, Jiang Shihan screamed in fright, and fell to the ground, looking at Lu Chengwen with fear.

Lu Chengwen shook his head hard, telling himself he had to hold on, otherwise something terrible would happen!

Lu Chengwen gasped for breath, sweat dripping onto Jiang Shihan's face, chest…

Lu Chengwen's voice became hoarse, "Go, call Chen Fatty, get me two women, hurry!"


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