The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 46

My Villains Episode 046

13. Army of Young Lions (1)

The preparations were finished in no time.

Mr. Luke and Arnal were riding on a yellow horse with a long mane. A horse with short legs but a large physique looks strong. Even with two people on board, there is no sign of being burdened.

Grania chose a small gray horse. It was characterized by abundant hair below the knees, and although it was close to the size of a pony, it seemed to have a very gentle personality.

There were also a few slender hunting horses, but none were chosen. It should be fast, but it’s because he has a fierce personality and lacks strength, so it didn’t suit us.

Of course, it wasn’t my opinion, it was the judgment of Mr. Luke, who is well versed in words.

Throwing away useless items such as shovels and pickaxes, we lightened our bodies as much as possible and immediately rode out of the camp


Then we crossed the ‘Salt River’, but fortunately the water flow was quite dry, so we were able to cross while riding a horse.

Come to think of it, I think I heard from Daria that it hasn’t rained in a while. I saw the benefit of it.

By the time they crossed the river, the light green radiance had weakened. It was still noticeable in the dark, but… Compared to the amount of light at the beginning, which was like a pinpoint light, it’s something to be noticed.

Meanwhile, the forest along the river was filled with various trees, including large ash trees, thin chestnut trees, and short hazel trees.

It wasn’t that dense, but it wasn’t an environment where horses could freely run.

When the direction was confusing, Mr. Luke, who was running in the lead, would look up at the night sky and read the constellations. Even when I was running north like that, I often got lost because of the dizzy forest road. It was only natural that the movement slowed down.

Fortunately, the magic bandits were invisible.

They may have slowed the chase by loading the bodies on the remaining horses in the camp and sending them running in all directions.

Anyway, I couldn’t let go of the string of tension because I didn’t know when the pursuit of them would catch up.

Of particular concern was Chapter 2’s second pick, ‘Raid Chief Fageneau’. In the game, he was the guy you ran into on the way to contact the reinforcements.

Apart from Fageno, I want to avoid the archers he leads as much as possible.

Given that the scenario is quite twisted, we might not meet.

Umm… Let’s look forward to it, but let’s not let our guard down.

Despite the tight tension, the magic bandits didn’t even show their noses after an hour of wandering through the forest.

Finally, when the forest was over and we entered the plain, we let out a sigh of relief as our field of vision widened dramatically as we leaned against the moonlight.

It was then.


“what’s the matter?”

“No, something just-”

I was about to answer Ellen’s question by hearing the faint sound of horses’ hooves.

Beep beep!

A sharp whistle ripped through the night sky.

An ominous sentiment ran down the back of his neck, and soon savage voices erupted from the forest.


“catch! Don’t miss it!” Could it be because of the sound from the forest? Angry shouts poured out from everywhere except the front.

And soon, torches were lit from all directions, and bandits appeared destroying the bushes.

The screams that echoed everywhere were not echoes or illusions.

Looking back, there seemed to be about 50 people in sight.

No, all of a sudden this much? Where the hell did these guys come from?

Moreover, considering the distant whistle, it seems that this is not all.

The plans made before crossing the river were quickly forgotten due to the scale and speed that exceeded the expectations of the pursuing party.

“Everybody run!”

Using my shout as a signal, a full-scale chase began.

Wedge liquid!

“O ha

sharp punctuation sound.

Fortunately, the arrow missed, but the mere fact that there was someone shooting a bow among the pursuers made my neck shrink. Whistles and shouts resounded ceaselessly, and arrows flew whenever it was easy to forget.

“Hey hey hey!”

As I let go of the reins with a shout, Spotted, who noticed my urgency, started running with energy.

“Poi left!”


Hearing Ellen’s shrill voice, he instinctively raised his shield. Right after that, a heavy harpoon flew in and hit the shield! framed up

The sharp blade that pierced the shield plate stopped right in front of Ellen’s eyes.


he yelled at Ellen, who was so shocked that she couldn’t even scream.

“Don’t bruise and fight back!”

“Oh, hold me.”

With his forearm pierced by the leather strap of the shield, he hugged Ellen.

Because he held the reins only with his right hand, his anxiety soared, but Phoenix’s body skillfully drove the horse.

Ellen, who cast a spell and completed the hand sign by wringing her fingers, began pouring out her magic.

Those who shot arrows or threw harpoons from a distance were rewarded with flaming arrows, and those who approached were beaten with wind fists on the legs of horses, causing them to roll on the ground together with the horses.


“Damn you magician!”

I caught a glimpse of the magic bandit who was rolling as one with the horse and looked ahead.

It was the same as people and horses to get tired quickly from sprinting. Grania’s horse and Mr. Luke’s horse were already getting tired. Spotted was running on the ground as if flying, as if he still had some stamina. But “Damn-”

I gritted my teeth and slowed down.

If I kept my speed like this, someone would be pushed to the rear. The comrade who was pushed away like that would soon be hit by an arrow and fall off the horse.

It was better for me and Ellen to guard the rear.

At that time, Mr. Luke, who was running in the lead, looked back and shouted.

“Hold the mark!”

Realizing Mr. Luke’s intentions at once, I quickly took out a straw ball and put it on the nape of the spotted man’s neck.

Ellen, who was casting the spell, hurriedly rummaged through her sling bag and took out the mark, and at the same time, a strange shout echoed across the plain.


‘Scream of the Abyss’, cast in a wide open space, created a dramatic scene with dim moonlight and dizzying torches as lighting.

The horses exposed to the black haze went wild and ran wild, and flocks of birds that had been sleeping in the forest far away flew up.

The frozen horsemen fell off their horses and were trampled on by the horseshoes, or hung from the horse’s neck and pulled out of the tail.

It was a scene where the whole world shuddered and woke up.

Mr. Luke’s order helped him breathe a little, but it was not a safe situation.

“Ugh- what is this?”

“There is another magician! chase!”

Some of the bandits resisted the spell and calmed down the frightened horses to resume the chase.

The talkative guys were usually on the higher ranks, and were equipped with good horses and menacing armaments.

In other words, Mr. Luke’s spell only shook off the poor guys, but it couldn’t shake off the ones with a certain level.

“Aim for words!”

“Don’t get too close! Throw a spear from a distance!”

Contrary to the ferocious growl, they were attacking very calmly.

I used my strength to block their attacks with my shield, and Ellen also squeezed mana and fired spells.

Spotted was also tenaciously holding on even though he was hit by two arrows in the buttocks.

Then, the bandits started targeting the group ahead instead of us, who were fiercely resisting.

Hee hee hee!

When I turned my head at the mournful cry, Grania was rolling on the ground. The pony she was driving had fallen by the neck with a short spear before she knew it.


“Keep going!”

Grania, who jumped up and shouted, luckily looked pretty well.

Since the armor was melted by the slime, he was still wearing the light leather armor he had captured from the enemy, so he seems to have landed safely.

“Damn it!”

At that moment, instead of a tired head, instinct led the body. The cry of conscience that he could not abandon Grania became the ember.

The embers burned hot, fueled by the anger at the noisy bandits and the shame of being chased by prey.

Eventually I pulled the reins.

When I stopped, Ellen screamed in surprise.

“what are you doing!”

“Hold the reins!”


“Take the reins!”

I immediately jumped off my horse and pulled out the harpoon stuck in my shield.

Ellen, who was handed the reins in the cold, was white on her face.

“You can’t…

“Hold tight!”


When the spot that had been hit on the hip ran and cried for a long time, I immediately grabbed the harpoon. Then, he threw it with all his might at the magician who was trying to chase after Ellen.


Ah, the thrilling taste….

The magic enemy hit by the harpoon in the middle of the chest floated up in the air and rolled on the ground in a terrifying way.

Before he could sing his joy, three or four men and horses caught up with Ellen.

Fortunately, it seemed unlikely that they would be easily caught, as the spotted fish, whose steps had become lighter, were running as if they were folding the ground.

Even if they catch up, Luke or Ellen will be able to deal with about three or four magicians somehow with spells.

After making my judgment, I drew out the bloody blade in an instant, dyed my vision red, and shouted.

“Here you bastards!” Then, he started beating the perforated shield with a pulse.

Emitting a faint glow and making a fuss, the eyes of the enemies naturally gathered.

…as many as dogs. i’m crazy

Contrary to the regrets I thought in my mind, my body was waking up from fatigue as I smelled the strong smell of blood.

“Kill it!”

“No, we have to leave one guy alive!”

When they saw me making a fuss, they started running at me without hesitation. The spectacle of a heavy man and horse rushing in, raising dust, was terrifying.


The muscles of the whole body tightened. The bandits rushing to the front were ready to trample me.

Right before the crash, I stopped breathing and kicked the ground sideways. At the same time, he cut the neck of the horse passing in front of his eyes.

hee hee hee!

“Oh billion!”

As the horse spurted blood and fell forward, the horseman riding it also fell to the ground.

The moment I took my eyes off the guy whose neck was broken and his eyes turned upside down.


A tremendous shock hit my chest as if I had been hit by a huge hammer. Before I knew it, I was run over by a brown horse that was charging at me.


I am short of breath. blurred vision

In that state, after rolling vigorously on the ground, he hurriedly stood up scratching the floor.

If I stayed down like this, it was obvious that I would be trampled on by the horseshoe.

As I jumped up, a dreary laugh erupted from all around me.

“Oh he’s not dead.”

“Hehe, he’s a pretty strong guy.”

My mouth is full of fishy metal. The pain that comes from this. I even bit off my damn tongue.

At the moment of the collision, it seems that it survived thanks to the quick lifting of the shield.

The impact of hundreds of kilograms of weight left all the wooden boards of the shield broken and only the subdragon skin tattered.

This bitch costs eight

silver coins…

Spitting red spit, I threw away my discarded shield and threw myself away.

“Oh, you bastard- Hehe!”

Was it because I was careless because I stumbled for a while? The nearby magician could not respond to my attack and was stabbed in the side.

At the same time, I felt something flying behind me and I quickly rolled to the side to avoid it.

“What a rat!”

Speaking of thieves, who said who was a rat?

The enraged magician was pulling the string to retrieve the snare that had been misplaced.

I hurriedly ran and pulled the noose, and the horseman holding the rope fell off his horse due to the momentary supernatural power. Before he could say something like

“Oh, this crazy,”

the blood-soaked Pulse cut his throat.

“Nigimi, what kind of guys are there?”

“You got the girl, so just kill her!”

what? catch who?

While being wary of the magic bandits around him, he suddenly found the ‘girl’.

“These bastards.”

Grania, who was limp, was being tied up by the bandits with ropes. I couldn’t see where the helmet had gone, and blood was dripping from between her scarlet hair.

There is nothing to do.

While grinding my teeth, I took an ax from the waist of the decapitated corpse and grabbed it.

After turning the ax a couple of times to learn the weight, he threw it with all his might at the approaching enemy.


The ax lodged in his thigh.

Or, to be more precise, he had his thigh cut off and was attached to a horse.

I threw it for the chest, but it didn’t matter. Anyway, he’ll bleed to death.

So who’s next?

I looked around with my fighting spirit, and the bandits met my eyes.

“That cheeky bastard!”

“Kill! Take me by the throat!”

the ensuing melee.

After grabbing the bandit’s belt and pulling it down, he stabbed it under the beard.

He was hit in the back of the head by an arrow that flew from somewhere. The pitches rang out occasionally.

After aiming for the neck, he grabbed the spear that was stabbing him and threw it back, driving a ferrule into Changsu’s eyeball.

I was hit by a horse for the second time, but I jumped up like a tumbleweed. However, I couldn’t control my body for a while because of the aftermath of the collision.

Then, a flail flew from somewhere and hit the shoulder.

Thanks to twisting his upper body, he didn’t get hit in the face, but his shoulder blade was distorted by the iron ball that landed on the running horse.

The feeling in his left arm disappeared for an instant –

the magician who rushed in with a strange scream threw out his curved sword.

After swinging the Maju Pulse to break the curved sword, he even cut the horse’s hind legs.

The horseman who fell off his horse begged for his life and was decapitated.

I killed five more bandits and two more horses.

In return, an arrow stuck in his thigh, an iron club hit his head, and a spear pierced his left hand.

The pain continued and the body began to lose strength. The blood that had been bubbling up while impulsing me gradually cooled down as the situation became unfavorable.

“Huh uh huh-”

I’m short of breath. My head is dizzy and my whole body is throbbing.

The instinct that encouraged the fight was whispering to him to curl up and run away this time.

Is the dirty and despicable nature of Phoenix or Kim Seung-soo?

Not a goddamn berserker, every time what is this? Rational judgment is like giving a dog and running rampant like a dog in heat.

He got angry to hide his regret. He squeezed out a shout from the heat.


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