The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 34

My Villains Episode 034

9-2. Request (1)

Ellen, who was meditating among the clutter, seemed to be chewing on the spells she had just cast.

I was about to sit down next to him, but when I saw figures approaching, I stood up again.



I smiled lightly and held out my hand, and Grania, wearing a round helmet on her side, took her hand with a tired face.

Behind Grania stood a woman in her early twenties with a puzzled expression. It was Arnal, an archer.

Grania looked at my body and asked a question with a slightly surprised face.

“I thought you were pretty hurt, but are you fine?”

“Uh- it was just a little scratched.”

I said, tapping the bandage on my shoulder


In fact, the wound stabbed by Poison’s curved sword was quite serious. However, thanks to her strong body and mysterious blood, the wounds were already healing.

With Mr. Oreg’s special ointment applied and a bandage applied, it was tolerable as long as it did not move violently.

By the way wait a minute. When I saw it during the battle earlier-

“What about Anton? Wasn’t Anton also there?”

“I’m getting treatment and resting for a while.”

Oh right.

I saw it in a panic, but Anton was fighting against the thieves, looking like he was clearly injured somewhere.

I had a quick drink with the Grania gang, so I had a rough idea of what kind of guy Anton was.

He is a veteran of his own who has been with Grania since he started working as a mercenary in his hometown, and he has a mild-mannered personality for a mercenary.

“Does it look bad?”

“fairly. It was stabbed deep in the arm.” As Grania blurted out her words with a dark expression, Arnal, who had been tying her short back hair together, spoke instead with a heartbroken voice.

“The condition is very bad. If you’re unlucky, you might be crippled.”

W ”

I couldn’t find anything else to say, so when I kept my mouth shut, Arnal, who was behind me, burst out laughing.

“Ha, is that the end?”


“If you notice, why don’t you at least pretend to be sorry?”

What are you doing all of a sudden?

Before I could answer, a sharp voice came from behind.

“Pretending to be sorry?”

When I turned around, I saw Ellen standing next to me with her arms crossed after finishing her meditation.

“Why are you arguing with Poi that I was beaten by beggars because of my lack of skills?”

yes good You’re not the kind of guy who’s going to go crazy somewhere.

Arnal, whose face was distorted by Ellen’s words, asked in a sarcastic voice, widening his eyes.

“Why? Can you explain?”

“Stop Arnal.”

Arnal, ignoring Grania’s sighed dissuades, began firing at me and Ellen.

“We came here to meet Phoenix. And the reason why I didn’t run away when the thieves came in was because Phoenix’s bad-tempered half knew that his colleague was hiding on the second floor. how is it? Are you feeling a little sorry now?”

“Ha, how dare you call someone the other half?”

“The other half is a young girl who can do nothing but suck, so what is it?”

“Stop Arnal!”

Grania raised her voice belatedly, but for some reason, it felt like she was deliberately playing behind the drums. Should I say that it seems like he is using Arnal’s mouth to say something he can’t say?

Well then, I don’t have to stop Ellen from doing what she does.

“In flamma_”

Ellen, who was sneering, let out a spark on her palm with a short spell.

The faces of Grania and Arnal instantly turned into shock. The guards nearby also started whispering among themselves with surprised faces.

“How dare you be a mercenary bitch? Half way? I?”

As the flame grew in size and lengthened like an arrow, Ellen’s cold smile deepened as well.

On the other hand, Grania and Arnal, who stood hesitantly, could not hide their bewilderment.

He was unable to do either one way or another, looking at the flaming arrows flying menacingly and at me with his hands on the pommel.

“…That Mr. Ellen. Calm down for a moment.”

“Calm? That archer insulted not only me, but also my master and the entire palace of La Palais. But calm down?”

to overdo it. To be honest, until an hour ago, the half was right.

I let out a small sigh when I saw Grania and Arnal step back with nervous faces.

I’ll have to come soon

“That’s enough, Ellen. I wouldn’t say it sincerely. My colleague was badly injured, so that’s understandable.”

Arnal met my eyes, removed his hand from the quiver and nodded.

“…yes, that’s right. I made a mistake.”

Ellen glared at Arnal for a moment and waved her hand.

“I will pass this time. But there won’t be a second time, so you better watch your mouth.”

As the flaming arrow lost its shape and was blown away by the wind, the boy folded his arms again and shut his mouth.

…I think this guy’s shoulders will rise to the sky. Is it an illusion?

When the situation was roughly finished, I suddenly had a question and asked Grania.

“But you said it was because of me that you came here?”

“that’s right. I have something to tell you.”

“What to say?”

Grania kept her mouth shut for a while and looked around for a moment.

Thanks to Ellen’s spell, the eyes of passers-by and the guards were gathering, so Grania led us to the back of the inn.

Grania opened her mouth only when she reached the place where she fought against Poison and his subordinates a little while ago.

“Did you hear that we were hired by the lord of the castle?”

“huh. Are you staying at the barracks these days? Do they serve you well?”

To my nonchalant question, Grania

trembled and answered.

“Well, all the military food is there. Still better than here.”

“Yeah, that’s right. Wouldn’t all the soldiers run away if we just fed them oat gruel?”

Ellen narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she didn’t like the conversation to relieve tension.

“Stop the useless words. Why are you talking about Seongju all of a sudden?”

“We came here because of the message from the lord of the castle.”

“A message from the lord of the castle?”

As Grania was about to answer, a voice suddenly sounded.

“That I will explain.”

what is this again

The one who appeared along with the voice was none other than the captain of the guard.

The captain of the guard, who appeared with two escorts, looked like a ferocious bulldog, with a round brown beard and plump cheeks.

“Rather than mere mercenaries, it would be more efficient for me, as the Count’s vassal, to deliver the orders myself. Because I came all the way here.”

Ignoring Grania’s distorted expression, the guard commander put his hand on his waist and added a word with a stern face.

“Even if it’s from a back alley, I can’t just watch them call the lord insignificantly.”

The captain of the guard wore a checkered embroidered insignia and a thick cloak over chain mail. In addition, the wide shoulders and the long sword at the waist were the same as they were seen in the game.

Do you have the toughness to throw up like in the game in real life?

But- if he was the captain of the guard, he would be of high rank. Do you want to be a noble? I’m not sure, but since he’s a vassal of the lord of the castle, he must be a nobleman with quite a bit of power.

I was lost in my thoughts, so I kept my mouth shut for a while, and then the guard captain twitched his eyebrows for a moment and asked a question subtly.

“Are you Phoenix?”

“…you’re right.”

“Right. I will give you the order of His Excellency Osred of Eafrid, the Earl of Savon, the ruler of the Narrow Sea, and the owner of the South Harbor and the Salt Castle, so be polite.”

“Your name?”

When I looked back at Grania with a puzzled expression on her face, she quickly added her words.

“To be precise, it is a request. The lord of the castle has specially requested you.”

“What request?”

It was the captain of the guard who answered.

“The situation in the city is urgent, so it is a request that I dare not refuse. So you should think of it as an order and faithfully carry it out.”

Grania again.

“You can deliver the letter outside the castle. It’s dangerous, but it’s to save the city. I need your help.”

This time, the captain of the guard.

“The Count has handed down the blueprint for a sewer system that has been passed down from ancient times. If the rumors about you going around in the world aren’t in vain, I can handle this much.”

Grania again.

“After escaping the encirclement of bandits by using the secret passage indicated in the blueprint, I will deliver the letter from the lord of the castle to the reinforcements stationed nearby.” Can’t we just say one? Why are you confusing me by taking turns?

“Wait a minute, please.”

After stopping the guard who was trying to speak again, he asked Grania a question.

“What are you talking about all of a sudden? Not the lord of the castle, but the lord of the castle made a request to me? why?”


“The Count made a decision after seeing your true leather. If you’re going to hunt such a monster alone, you’ve decided that you’re the right person to handle this.”

genuine leather? monster?

Ah, is it the crocodile skin that was sold after coming out of the sewer?

Come to think of it, the man who bought the leather introduced himself as the tower’s butler. It seems that he went up to the lord as it was.

“There must be hundreds of soldiers under the lord of the castle, so why bother telling me about it…

The guard captain frowned at my question as if he was very troubled.

“We are keeping watch on the sea beyond the bay and the plain beyond the walls, and at the same time looking into the city.”

“It’s to the extent that mercenaries are mobilized to defend the castle. The offensives of the bandits are becoming more frequent, so a mobilization order might be issued sooner or later.”

What is the mobilization order?

South Harbor is a port city with developed commerce through trade. Although the power of the lord of the castle was very strong, it was not possible to crush the guilds that came in from the outside at will.

I heard that issuing a conscription order for outsiders is quite burdensome because of such circumstances, but if a mobilization order that includes conscription is issued…

“It’s a complete mess.”

“Q” TZI.

I silently nodded my head in agreement with Ellen’s murmur before asking the question again.

“so. You don’t have enough hands, so you’re telling me and Ellen to handle it alone’?”

“Of course not. You can go with the mercenaries here.” “…Grania?” Seeing my puzzled expression, Grania smiled wryly and nodded.

“Originally, Arnal Anton and I were going to be together- but Anton seems to be having a hard time.”

“…Why only you? rest of it?”

“Mr. Gilius and Pharrell have joined the Royal Guard for a while. Sister Olga entered the church with a bishop’s proclamation attached. I can’t even meet you now.”

“Apart from Sister Olga, the Royal Guard? Was the SS that easy to get into?”

To my question, the captain of the guard shook his head and answered instead.

“No way. This is Your Excellency’s consideration. You showed your willingness to guarantee your identity as much as you were entrusted with a dangerous mission.”

Although he was the captain of the guard, he spoke in a rather brazen manner, but he had a look of embarrassment on his face, as if he wasn’t good at lying.

Upon noticing this, he glanced at Grania to see that his complexion was very dark.


…I have a rough idea of what the situation is?

Pharrell was a mercenary with good javelin skills and was Grania’s younger brother. It’s not that his skills aren’t bad, but he wasn’t outstanding enough to be a member of the Royal Guard, even if he had to accept that he was a wandering mercenary.

Capturing Pharrell in the Royal Guard was probably a safety device to prevent Grania’s betrayal. They took hostages because they feared that they would abandon the city and run away during their mission.

Gilius is… If only Farrell was caught, it would be too revealing, so was he captured together?

Or maybe Gilius volunteered to stay because he didn’t want to run into me.

Anyway, two dark men are hostages… I guess it doesn’t matter if you just run away.

Thinking that to himself, he nodded his head with a serious face.

“Um, that’s right. If you organize it, join forces with the mercenaries to find the secret passage of the sewer, go out of the city and deliver the letter of the Holy Lord to the reinforcements. Is that correct?”


Looking back on my memories of playing The Dark World, the mission to deliver a letter to reinforcements through a secret passage was one of the main scenarios in Chapter 2.

It means that a quest similar to the request I received now existed in the game.

But the problem was that the order was a little odd.

In the game, after finding a series of clues in the sewer and delivering them to the guards, it was the mission to receive the letter from the owner of the castle.

But to cut the first part of the scenario into chunks and skip it like this. Is the order messed up?

Did the battle on the docks or hunting the crocodiles have any effect?

Or was it because it had already been two weeks since arriving in South Harbor?

…Umm, it’s hard to judge accurately in the current situation. The gap between reality and games was still a difficult problem.

After thinking about it for a while, I sighed and shook my head.

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