The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 25

My Villains Episode 025

7. Sewerage (3)

While I was thinking about the equipment, Ellen suddenly opened her mouth.

“Why don’t we just search around the stairs?”

huh? Suddenly, what kind of stairs?

Oh right. I was debating whether or not to do more exploration.

“Only around the stairs?”

“O 99 O .

Saying that, Ellen rummaged through her sling bag and took out something that looked like a flattened oil blotting paper.

“Give me a map.”

“huh? uh here.”

He took a map of the second floor, covered it with oil paper, and marked the places where the stairs were located with a pencil (a writing instrument made of charcoal).

Then, he raised his white finger and pointed at the marked points.

“Now, this is the location of the stairs on the third floor, right? Even if you go downstairs and check the area around the stairs, you can dramatically improve the quality of the map.”

“Ugh. The third floor is where we have to go anyway, so let’s figure out the terrain in advance and prepare?”

“that’s right.”

Oh this….

Dozens of races, gods, and dungeon features that change every time provide an infinite play experience. can.

It’s a method often used in Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup (DCSS or stone porridge for short), isn’t it?

I like it.

After blowing off the charcoal powder, Ellen folded the oil paper and put it in her bosom.

“And even further down there might be guys like Rat Man. Then we can make some money.” “good. So let’s just look around the stairs. Instead, I’ll look at it slowly so as not to be impatient.”

“of course.”

So we decided to explore around the stairs on the 3rd floor.

There were a total of 4 stairs from the 2nd basement floor to the 3rd basement floor. What was not new was the 4 stairs from the 1st basement floor to the 2nd basement floor.

A little different was that unlike the stairs on the 1st and 2nd floors, which were located in the north, south, east and west directions, the stairs on the 2nd and 3rd floors were twisted clockwise at about 45 degrees.

The method of navigating only around the stairs was a rather good choice, although the traffic line was lengthened because I had to cross the second floor several times. It was because I was able to find and catch two zombie gangs wandering aimlessly in the middle.

After dealing with them, Ellen pursed her lips and looked at the waterway where the iron ring had bounced off.

“Ah, those annoying zombies. You just lost the iron ring for no reason.”

When he mumbled with a pitiful expression, I shrugged my shoulders and comforted him.

“You still have a lot left? And when it runs out, you can buy it at the workshop.”

“If you act loose like that, you’ll soon be empty?”

…What are you talking about, really broke.

The guy spent most of the money he earned from selling the tiger’s eye silver ring to buy a crossbow that cost six silver coins.

Maybe he has a silver coin in his hand by now? no, less than that

Yes, youth is the law of poverty. Let’s not say anything.

Not knowing that I was laughing inwardly, Ellen looked very satisfied when I kept my mouth shut.

“So just avoid these zombies and go. It’s just a waste of time and a waste of energy.”

“That’s not allowed. There might be a situation where you have to run away from the third floor. Clearing the way out is essential.”

At my resolute refusal, Ellen shut her mouth with a blank expression.

It was understandable that he complained, but from my point of view, putting aside the retreat, it was just nice to have such a small amount of experience.

The reason why I care about experience is because I stayed at level 11 ever since I leveled up after killing the pirates on the ship.

Even in hardcore mode, which is just a game, if you neglect to farm experience points, the progress of the scenario will be delayed and the risk of facing death skyrockets.

After all, isn’t this the reality? It was self-evident that the probability of survival in this dog-like world would be proportional to the level. So you just have to pay attention.

However, a really annoying problem occurred here, and it was that I couldn’t accurately determine my current experience level. It was because in the dream, only the character sheet was shown, and the required experience or inventory equipment information was not taught at all.

Phew Real mode beyond hardcore?

Even if you can take a stat and skill, where is it? It’s just that the information is a little bit controlled, isn’t it?

And the required experience was roughly estimated. How many years have you been playing in the dark world?

First of all, if you recall the experience table required for leveling up….

Was the required experience level 4500 at level 11? no no it’s 3600

There was no way to accurately know the experience value of the moment they arrived at South Harbor. Assume that it is approximately zero.

I can’t remember the Naked Pirate’s experience. It’s probably similar to a highwayman. Let’s say 15.

Iron Mask That is, the experience of a warrior wearing an iron mask is 50.

Then, the experience gained from the dockside is… a little less than 1000.

Zombie EXP is 7 and corpse worm is… 5? So, the experience gained today is roughly 410.

No, I’m having a party with the crossbow stand, so it’s about 250 by cutting it by 40%.

Ah, the reason I predicted that it would be a party with Ellen was because of my dream.

Next to the I tab, which showed my character sheet, there was a tab 1, which showed Ellen’s sheet.

I can’t say it’s a party, but… should I say it’s connected? Anyway, it seemed like that.

Anyway, my current EXP is around 1250.

This was the reason why he tried to kill zombies and corpse worms as well.

The Dark World was originally difficult to level up, but it was more difficult when it came to reality.

Game characters don’t get tired or back down and fight all day long just by tapping the mouse and keyboard, but I can’t do that.

So, when it is safe and leisurely, you should sweep as many trash mobs as possible to farm experience.

If you repeat the hunt you’ve done so far – about ten times, you’ll level up.

…I can’t help but sigh at the thought of wallowing around with corpse worms for a long time to come.

The 3rd basement floor was not much different from the 2nd floor as we expected.

A dark passageway stretched out on either side, with a waterway in the middle. It was also the same that there was a hub that divided the road into four branches after passing through the passage.

The monsters inhabiting the hub were the same. Zombies and carrionworms. I already feel fed up.

When the heck is rat man coming out? I’m tired of guys who don’t even have money.

Of course, boring is boring, and experience is an experience. So, I took down the last one like tenacity.

You say you can slightly increase my odds of survival by hurting your stomach? Then you have to roll in the shit field, can you do anything?

Ellen and I first went down the stairs at 7 o’clock. There was no particular reason for choosing the 7 o’clock direction, it was just because it was the closest.

After going down the stairs and moving along the straight passage, I cleaned up the first herb I came across and came back up.

The same level of exploration was carried out in the order of the stairs at 5 o’clock and 2 o’clock, and in that way, the map of the third floor Ellen drew gradually took shape.

It was around the time we headed for the last step, the one at 11 o’clock.

When I noticed that Ellen’s leather shoes were starting to drag, I asked her.

“Are you tired?”

“…Never mind.”

He said it bluntly, but there were a couple of drops of sweat hanging from his chin.

It’s going to be hard. It was more difficult than I thought to search around the stairs on the 3rd floor in advance.

Dealing with the enemy was rather nothing. However, walking continuously made me constantly fatigued. This was especially so because the sewerage was a structure as wide as the South Harbor.

Of course, the sewer system was a well-cut flagstone facility. Since it was originally designed to manage waterways, it was of course a structure that was easy to move around.

However, since it had been neglected for a long time, there were many trips on the floor, and there were many blocked or collapsed points, so there were frequent detours on the road. In addition, there was no time to relax because of the monsters that appeared from time to time.

It was a car that even I was about to get stiff in my legs.

It was even more strange if Ellen, who was small in stature, was carrying a backpack that was bigger than her torso and didn’t feel tired.

“Would you like to carry my backpack?”

“…that’s okay.”

Really that asshole.

In his bag, there were bandages, an oil bottle, an empty bottle, 4 sulfur torches, a rope antidote, hemostatic ointment, a dry leather water bottle, a glass bottle for collecting, and so on.

In addition, I carry a sling bag containing my personal items such as iron bullets and an hourglass.

Maybe if you add up all that weight, wouldn’t it be enough to go out 15 kg?

So what did I hear?

Let’s see… I’m armed.

And he wrapped himself in a bag, and inside it was a small amount of whetstone, tinder, antidote, and hemostatic agent.

Oh, and a half-empty leather canteen was also attached to her waist.

Considering the superhuman strength of 23, it is practically the same as having no luggage.

…Speaking this, something pricked my conscience, but it was all for a reason.

When an enemy suddenly appears close by, I have to react and fight immediately. You can’t entrust melee combat to a weak crossbow stand, can you?

And what’s really surprising is that it was Ellen, not me, who suggested this unequal distribution of burdens.

To be honest, I was a bit surprised, but I was very happy because I felt that I had a strong will not to become a burden on myself.

But- I can’t help but not fall down seeing how hard it is. I took breaks in between, but I’ve already been doing that for 9 hours.

“Give me this. It’s about to end, but I’ll listen.”

“…because it’s done.”

“Hey, are you afraid I might make fun of you? It’s okay because it’s different. I won’t make fun of acquaintances.”

At my assertion, Ellen’s blue eyes shook for a moment, but she soon closed her mouth. Then he would shake his head.

“I don’t need it. Are your ears blocked?”

…Yes, looking into your eyes, you still have energy.

As we talked about it, we arrived at the stairs at 11 o’clock.

After going down here and searching only the first hub, today’s work is over.

I went down the stairs with a bull’s-eye lantern, but when I reached the third floor, I noticed something strange.

“huh? Hey, look over there.”

“…was it water?”

As Ellen muttered, it was water. As if the waterway in the center had overflowed, water was splashing around the stairs.


“Downstream is blocked or upstream is pierced. will be one of the two Or both.”

Listening to his muttering, I was lost in thought.

The surface layer of the sewer system So, was there a point like this in the sewer system of the ancient empire?

As far as I remember, the sewers of the ancient empire were just regular, tediously long structures.

Tension naturally soared in an unexpected environment.

Until now, dealing with corpse worms and zombies, his loose instincts sharpened.

“…what do you want to do?”

Ellen’s question made me think.

It’s just that the water overflowed a little, so there’s no need to be too nervous.

I earned quite a bit of experience, but I didn’t earn a single penny. Shouldn’t we get something?

And it’s still on the third basement floor. At most, it’s said that I’m about Ratman. In addition, they had secured a retreat right behind them.

I pondered for a while and made a decision.

“Let’s just check the hub and go.”

At my words, Ellen put down her heavy backpack on the stairs. I would be back here anyway, so it would be better to go lightly.

After confirming that the guy was retracting the string of the crossbow, he moved along the aisle.

I walked like that for about 5 minutes and reached the hub… but damn it was futile.

“Oh that’s annoying. There was nothing in the hub except water sloshing up to the ankles.

When I mumbled dejectedly, Ellen muttered, frowning.

“…something is strange.”


“look. there’s nothing too No bodies or trash.”


As the guy said, there was nothing particularly noticeable about this hub. If I had to choose, would it be the collapsed wall in one corner and the soil flowing out of it?

But even that was a common sight in the sewers.

Wait a minute, but that’s…

Something caught my eye in the middle of the mud


“Look at this, Ellen.”


After gently scattering the soil, spheres the size of a fist were gathered together.

The white spheres, which were confused as to whether they were stained with soil or with brown spots, had a slightly elongated shape, as if they were pressed sideways.


Ellen came to my side and examined the spotted egg for a moment.

Then he said, turning his face white.

“…Poi has to run away.”

Parangson Fusion Fantasy ‘A Novel

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