The Black Necromancer

Chapter 367 Teamwork

As Garr charged forward, Leon's elite summons all charged right at him. They had to stop him from interrupting Leon no matter the cost! They could tell that whatever their master was summoning had the power to turn the tide in their favor overwhelmingly!

Nero led the charge forward, his tower kite shield glowing with bright colors. The skull on its surface had blazing flames in its sockets that gave it an ominous, domineering look.

"Sending your summons to slow me down is pointless!" Garr growled and slammed his fists together. At the same time, Nero felt a strange force gather around him. He was barely able to dispel his sword and summon a second shield in his right hand to hold it against his other side before two giant fists made of mana smashed right into the shields.


A strong force erupted from the collision as the two fists tried to smash Nero into paste.

"Hold on, Nero!" Aristodemus, the armored giant, said as he appeared with his greatsword in hand. He brought down his weapon on the wrist of the giant fist, slicing through it and canceling it out.


Several figures blazed past them and arrived before Garr in the blink of an eye.

Fenrir's fists were covered in glowing dark suns as he cocked his fists back. The space around him seemed to be frozen stiff under the influence of the black suns.


The space around Fenrir and Garr seemed to constantly switch between a frozen state and a broken state as the black light flashed unceasingly. Each punch carried within it a mind blowing power that could freeze everything under its sphere of influence.

Yet, before this mind numbing power that should have left almost every being stunned and frozen, Garr easily kept up, using his palms to block every blow.

"If ice won't work, fire will!" Ignis appeared behind Fenrir in a flash. His eyes burned with flames and lava dripped from the side of his mouth as he let everything go.


Instantly, a scorching heat washed over the entire area. Garr made a hand gesture and flipped his palm upside down and Ignis felt an uncontrollable dizziness wash over him. Out of shock, his skill stopped halfway, allowing Garr to approach him.

The three meter tall Undead being grabbed hold of Fenrir's head as he teleported in front of Ignis and did the same to the fire user. Before he could continue, the space around them suddenly fluctuated and the two summons vanished from his grasp.

"A powerful Space magic user. Interesting." Garr turned to look at Oris who remained in the distance.

"You fools! If we want to beat him, then we need to work together. Rushing up ahead is stupid and will give him the chance to beat us!" Kaladin scolded the others.

After scolding them, he turned back to Garr and began to cook up a nasty spell. His words were a wake up call to the others and they immediately began to coordinate their attacks to have a certain sense of smoothness and teamwork.

Nero's swords blazed as he unleashed a flurry of powerful sword slashes at point blank range. Garr flicked his wrist and two large swords appeared in his grasp. The swords were joined together by a long chain at their hilt, and possessed a wicked, serrated edge to each of their blazed.

The three meter tall demonic Undead parried every swing of Nero's sword with a sort of ease that made Nero's skin crawl.

"Your swordplay is mediocre at best. Like a child swinging an axe! You will hurt yourself and your companions if you do not stop swinging!" Garr mocked with a guttural laugh as he pulled Nero to the side and kicked him, while redirecting Nero's latest strike at Aristodemus that had appeared behind him.

The Armored Giant easily dodged the attack with his prodigious agility before swinging his two swords at Garr. His swords were covered in a silvery light that gave Garr a slight hint of danger, but it was like feeling a needle could prick you. In a show of power, he discarded his swords and grabbed onto the swords, only to have them disappear.

"You underestimate us too much!" Aristodemus yelled as his swords reappeared in his hands, as he repositioned and stabbed down into Garr's shoulders.


The blades stabbed through the armor over Garr's shoulders with surprising ease, which shocked the Demonic Undead.

"What?!" He was taken aback as he felt the swords begin to bind him from the inside. The space that his body occupied became stiff, limiting his outward resistance. Oris had revealed his full power!

"Today would be nice, Grokus!" The Dark Wing Eagle King groaned as he struggled to keep Garr from batting away Aristodemus.

"A curse at this level is not as simple as you think!" Grokus replied as he finally finished constructing the curse that he had been working on ever since the battle started.

He held up a skull that glowed with a strange black energy. The energy was foul and detestable to anyone, even those who specialized in curses and had Unholy energy thrumming through their cores.

"NOT EVEN GODS CAN ESCAPE THIS CURSE!!!" The Undead Orc Shaman declared to the skies as thunder rumbled through the ears of all present. Dark clouds began to form in the sky as he manifested an extremely powerful curse.

Then he crushed the skull.


It was as if reality itself had been ripped apart. Garr's vision spun and his head pounded. The image of a skull flashed on his armor and a black skull that glowed stood out from the rest of the black armor.

"What nonsense is this?!" He smashed apart his armor, revealing his pale chest underneath. The mark was still there.

"That is the curse that anyone who bears ill will toward my master shall bear!" Kaladin answered the question. The spell he had been brewing was finally ready.

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