The Black Necromancer

Chapter 290 The Black Fangs

"You could have fixed their car, you know." Leon mumbled as he walked after Leon. They had left the area after stuffing the gangsters into Michael's pocket dimension. Leon had also gone back to take Daryl.

"I know. But I didn't feel like it. I don't have the time to wipe their memories." Michael shrugged.

"Whatever you say." Leon also shrugged. "So, where are we going?"

"Daryl is an inside member of the organization that's behind this. They are known as the Black Fangs." Michael said as he walked at a slow pace. "Since he's an inner member, he knows the locations of their hideouts. I got the information from his memory."

"Oh, then shouldn't we be moving faster?" Leon asked.

"Mm, I'm thinking. They surely have connections with other gangs. We should wipe them out as well so we can weed out the problems properly." Michael said as he rubbed his chin.

"You're right. So give me the location so I can go take care of them."

"Hmm..." Michael hummed and kept on thinking, while Leon was getting more frustrated with each passing moment. He just wanted to get this over with so he could speak to his friends.

Leon opened his mouth, but before he could get a word out, a flood of information that dazed him poured into his mind. Normally, such information, which was just the location of the gang's hideouts, and the people of note in the hideouts, should have been easy for Leon to absorb, but the main problem came from the fact that Michael had opened up a greater portion of his mind to pass on this information.

"Urgh..." A few moments passed before Leon regained his wits, and when he did, he realized that he was no longer with Michael. He was in a rundown alley with pilled up garbage.


'Listen up, Leon. You can take care of the Black Fang's people. I'll deal with the others that are connected to them. Be careful when you use your summons. The entry was for just me and you, so if you use too many summons, you'll be burdening yourself. You can try it if you don't know what I mean.' Michael's voice resounded through Leon's mind before cutting off.

"Oh..." Leon pursed his lips and sorted through the information that Michael had left him. He looked around and realized that an entrance to one of the smaller hideouts of the main gang behind the attacks of Andrew and Rowan.

'These attacks might have just been Daryl, but it wouldn't have gone through if it wasn't approved by someone high up.' Leon thought to himself as he got ready to summon. Black smoke rose up behind him into a few forms.

Three dark skinned men appeared behind Leon. One was lean and tall, with shoulder length hair and bright blue eyes that seemed to glow in the dark. The second was bulkier with developed muscles and a strong jaw. His red eyes glowed eerily in the dark and his hair was short. The last one stood at seven feet, had imposing muscles, and glowing green eyes. His hair was shaved at the sides while the rest had been slicked back.

These three were Kaladin, Nero and Grokus!

"What? Why do you guys have human forms?" Leon was taken aback with confusion.

"We do not know, Master." As the oldest of Leon's summons present, Kaladin took the lead. He was the Oldest Brother.

"Hmm, probably the Laws of this world. Anyhow, it doesn't matter. I have a job for you three." Leon straightened up and passed on the information to the three of them mentally. He shared his map and the locations of the hideouts of the gang to them, while also passing on instructions.

"When you get there, take down anyone who has this tattoo." He showed them the tattoo. It was simple, just a tattoo of a set of black upper teeth with two fangs. "Take down the leader, and bring him to me. Also, update me on which one you take down."

"Yes Master!" All three summons bowed at once, before vanishing into the darkness of the night.

"Alright, let's get this done." Leon rolled his shoulder before walking to the door at the end of the alley. He gave it a lit knock and a panel at the top of the door slid open, revealing a pair of eyes.

"Passcode." The person said.

"..." Leon stared at him for two seconds before kicking the door and blowing it off its hinges. "I'm taking down all of you bastards."

The commotion drew a lot of attention from those in the room after the door.

"Who the fuck is that?" A burly man turned around and stared at the door that was laying on the man who had answered it. The man was out. His eyes then moved to Leon who stood with his hands in his pocket.

"The one who's bringing you down, that's who." Leon growled and held up his hands in a fighting stance. "Come at me."

"Arrogant prick!" The burly man reared back his fist to punch Leon, but in the next moment, he was sent flying by Leon's fist that had buried itself in his face, instantly breaking his nose.

"Patrick?!" The people that had expected the burly man to beat Leon up were all shocked. They jumped from their seats and pulled out weapons. Most of them were with sticks and steel pipes, but a few of them pulled out pistols.

"Ah, this is funny. I'm gonna mess you up real bad!" Leon grinned like a mad man as he strode forward.


He appeared in front of a man and punched him right in solar plexus, sending the man flying through the room with wide eyes and a trail of saliva and blood pouring from his mouth.

"Michael!" Two girls in the corner screamed after seeing the man slam into the wall and slide down.


A door on the other side of the room slammed open and a big bellied man with large muscles stomped out.

"What the hell is all the racket about?!" He demanded, fuming, but paused when he saw the busted door and three of his men on the floor. Then he saw Leon.

"Oh, you must be the boss here." Leon grinned menacingly, his eyes curved into crescents that radiated death.

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