The Billionaire's Kept Woman

Chapter 138 - Obsession

Chapter 138 - Obsession

Keira squirmed excitedly while watching Connor's car in the driveway. Keira quickly opened the passenger seat of the Audi to greet Johanna. Johanna quickly came out and they hugged each other. Keira was about to kiss her but Johanna pushed her face away.

"I am not well."

"I missed you!" Keira pouted.

Johanna hugged Keira again and stared at the corner where a man was standing in the dark. She smirked at him. She knew that he'd get mad. But she won't let him dominate her again. Just like what Connor said a while ago, he can love Keira as she wants and no one will stop her. He mentioned that Keira loved her too and was worried about her every time Keira thought about her.

Now, Johanna decided. She won't let anyone take Keira from her or even Karmina. She had enough in her life. People who were supposed to love her didn't keep their promise to love her and be with her. She swore to herself to protect Keira and Karmina even without anyone telling her.

"Jo!" Karmina exclaimed and hugged Johanna and even caressed her hair. "I will prepare your favorites." Karmina sighed and reached Johanna's warm hands. "You look thin."

"Mom, I am feeding her well," Connor told them.

"You better be." Keira raised her brows as he chuckled and scratched his head.

Keira scooped Johanna's arm and took her inside while Johanna was glancing at Harvey at the shadow.

"Harvey is here?" Johanna mumbled to Keira's ear.

"Yeah… as my cousin." Keira chuckled. "MJ is here too."

"Hmm, what a reunion?" Johanna smiled.

"You have to be well. Okay?" Keira said and rubbed Johanna's arm over the long sleeve shirt that she's wearing. "I bought herbs that would help you." Keira started chatting with her while walking to the dining hall. Johanna was happy and slowly, she's feeling better than before. Keira was everyone's happiness and she'll do everything to protect her.

"Are you staying for a night?" Karmina asked.

"No, Mom. I'll be comfortable at Connor's house."

"Our house," Connor said and patted her head.

"Well, it seems like the two of you are planning to seal the love," Harvey speaks as he puts his arms around MJ. Connor smiled at him.

"Why not? We are adults and I love her." Connor told him.

"Really, love?" Harvey chuckled sardonically as MJ nudged him.

"Why not? Everyone is capable of love." Connor wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. Even from behind, Connor could read Johanna's body language.

"Everyone, let's stop right there," Karmina said. "H, stop that." Karmina threatened her son.

"I'm just kidding," Harvey said and chuckled.

Keira was forced to smile as she pulled Johanna and they all went to the dining hall. She was happy that Johanna was with them and they are complete. But she's not dumb not to see how Harvey make it hard for Johanna. She didn't know what happened but there must be something wrong going on and Connor knew well that it triggered Johanna who became clingy toward her.

"I bought the cake you like," Johanna said. "In the same store."

"Thank you."

Connor gladly placed it on the fridge while the maids poured drinks on their glasses. Karmina didn't sit down as she got warm water for Johanna.

"I don't see Uncle Alex around," Johanna said.

"He's in Italy with some business stuff. He's helping Gena with the stocks." Alessandro said as he sat down and served his wife her favorite foods.

"Babe, I'll eat less," Keira said.

"You'll get hungry in the middle of the night." Alessandro creased his brows. "It'll be a long night too since Jo is here."

Johanna chuckled as she looked at Keira with that charming smile. Keira nodded with a sigh.

"You don't have to eat less. You are always fat." Harvey commented as Keira glared at him. "Just kidding," Harvey exclaimed.

The dinner continues and it's good that Keira isn't hearing any sarcasm from Harvey toward Johanna. Or else, she'll beat him up into a pulp.

After dinner, Johanna went to the room that she's staying in. She expected Harvey to corner her and so, she faced him and looked up at him confidently.

"What are you trying to do?" Harvey asked in his rough dangerous voice. He scooped Johanna's chin tightly. "Are you trying to disobey me?" His deadly glare would send shivers to anyone but not Johanna.

"I am not disobeying you or following your orders. I will do things on my own now. Including protecting Keira and Mom."

Harvey laughed sardonically and scooped her neck squeezing it a little.

"Who told you to disobey me? Connor?" He growled. Johanna rolled her eyes.

"I did it on my own and I don't need anyone to do so." She gritted her teeth. "You can't take them away from me as you did back then. You selfish bastard." Jo felt a rush of anger through her body.

Harvey tightened his hand to her neck. His teeth gritted. She choked a bit and was about to fight him.

"Harvey! What are you doing?!" Keira exclaimed and rushed to them and hit Harvey on the chest. Harvey loosened his grip on Johanna's neck as she coughed a little bit. "Let her go."

"We are just talking," Harvey said without letting Johanna's neck go.

"Talking?" Keira gritted her teeth. Harvey smiled at her and lightly kissed Johanna's lips.

"Yup, we are talking." He let Johanna go and patted her head. "Get well soon. Okay?"

Keira tried to control her tears as she watched her brother walk away. She quickly hugged Johanna and checked if her neck hurts.

"I'm fine," Johanna mumbled.


Alessandro and Connor saw what happened in the hallway. They were in the other room talking about their plans to find Hannah Grace until it happened. Then, they watched as Keira cried and hugged Johanna.

"I'm sorry… I'm sorry." Keira said all over again as Johanna scooped Keira's face.

"Why are you sorry? It's nothing, Keira." Johanna smiled at her to comfort her.

At that moment, Alessandro's chest felt a pang of pain. Connor felt the same. Keira and Johanna loved each other dearly, more than best friends. They are sisters even though not by blood.

"What did he tell you when he visited you at your house?" She asked quickly. "Jo, tell me everything."

Johanna only smiled and wiped Keira's face.

"He just wished me to get well so I could go back to work and protect you," Johanna said softly. "Stop crying now, Keira."

Alessandro went to the window as Connor gently closed the door. He approached Alessandro and peered through the window to see the patio where everyone was settling the wine and fruits.

"I never thought that Keira and Johanna's interaction would be this close," Connor said. "It almost makes me think that Harvey was jealous."

"Harvey was jealous," Alessandro confirmed. "Even when we were young. Harvey would threaten me and I am not surprised if he did the same to Jo. I don't mean to harm Keira and we were just playmates. She told me a lot of things about her sister. Although they weren't sisters by blood, Keira said that Johanna swore to her that she'll protect her."

"Then, why did Harvey separate them?"

"It's not Harvey. It's Henry." Alessandro sighed. "But now I understand. Harvey might suggest to Henry to separate the two."

"Was she that dangerous? Johanna?" Connor asked out of curiosity.

"She's dangerous," Alessandro said. "I saw how she beat up someone in my young eyes when they were bullying Keira outside the villa. But I know that she only does it to protect Keira."

Connor crossed his arms.

"Harvey is obsessed with controlling his Ace." Connor looked at the door. "I still have to confirm it."

"Data will delay as we expected," Alessandro said. "But watch over Johanna for Keira. My wife loves her so much."

"You don't have to tell me that." Connor grinned.

"Keira mentioned to me that Johanna always sends her letters and even calls her during breaks. She was lonely when Johanna left for the states and she felt so alone. Harvey was always away and always gone and Johanna was there to fill that loneliness with their mother. There's no such thing as selfish love. Keira gave it all to everyone." Alessandro smiled. "I will do everything to protect her too."

The two went downstairs and everyone seemed to be having fun. Karmina was laughing so much with Harvey and MJ while Keira and Johanna were inseparable. Those shining eyes that Johanna has can only be seen whenever she's close to Keira or Karmina. Never in his life, he met someone like Johanna. She would do everything for them even though she can't hold her problems. Connor wanted to shower her with love more than what Keira and Karmina gave. Although, he knew that it won't compare to them. But he'll try hard to see those love-eyes or shining eyes whenever she looks at him.

MJ approached the girls as they started chatting about weddings and plans. They even admired MJ's ring. Harvey watches them while he's listening to Connor and Alessandro who were busy chatting about weddings and stuff.

"I just want a simple one," MJ answered the two who asked about weddings. "How about you, Jo? Any plans?"

"Nope." Johanna shook her head.

"Oh, babe! Come on! I haven't asked you yet but you are rejecting me in front of everyone." Connor said aloud as everyone laughed.

Johanna creased her brows at him.

"Medicine." Karmina arrived with a tray, a glass of water, and medicine for fever. Johanna thanked her and drank it.

Then, Karmina gave it back to the maid and sat beside Johanna.

"Do you want me to massage you?" Karmina asked.

"I'm feeling good now, mom," Johanna said. "Connor always massages my joints."

"That's good." Karmina caressed her hair lovingly.

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