The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 496

Chapter 496 - This Is too Scary

At the end of the road, three thugs stood in disbelief.

One was dressed in a red dress, another in a skimpy miniskirt, and the third in pink pajamas.

They gaped at a building before them.

It had been a clubhouse, their stronghold.

They'd often retreat here for rest, never paying for food or clothing since their boss covered all expenses.

But now, the clubhouse was in shambles.

A seal was plastered on the door, police tape stretched across the entrance, and the second-floor windows were wide open, revealing the chaotic state of the furniture within.

Clearly, the club was deserted.

“What in the world happened here? Why has our base been trashed?” Big Brother bellowed, his voice laced with disbelief.

The chaos was Hsu Chenyang's doing.

Big Brother sank into contemplation.

He had left the clubhouse just last night as darkness fell, and all had been normal.

Yet inexplicably, he ended up sleeping naked in an alley overnight.

Returning was no small feat, only to find his clubhouse vandalized.

Who could be responsible?

It was bad enough that his clothes were stolen, but to have his headquarters ransacked was too much.

His clothes and bank card were inside.

Years of effort, gone in an instant.

He was on the verge of tears.

“Big brother, should we seek out the young master?” one subordinate suggested.

“Yes, it seems only the young master can help us now,” added the other, his face etched with dismay.

”Fine,” Big Brother finally conceded after a long pause, nodding in resignation.

He sighed deeply.

They usually made it to the Young Master's house in twenty minutes by car, but now, that short drive seemed an insurmountable trek.

Just then, an elderly man hobbled by, using a cane for support.

He had an old mobile phone at his waist and a bulging pocket that likely held a substantial amount of money.

The three exchanged glances, their spirits lifting.

Hope was in sight.

The old man, in his outdated but decidedly masculine attire, with his basic phone and apparent wealth, was their beacon of salvation.

They had a plan: rob the old man first, then hit the young master's house next.

One thug leaped forward, ready to intimidate the old man, but out of nowhere, he broke into dance.

Another thug scowled and bellowed, “You're useless! Can't you rob this old man?”

Dressed in suspenders and a miniskirt, he charged at the old man with a menacing air.

“Hand over your phone and money, now!” But before he could finish his demand, he too was overtaken by the urge to dance.

Big Brother had had enough.

He marched forward, shoving his two henchmen aside, and demanded, “Give me the money, now.”

But suddenly, Big Brother was dancing as well, looking even more joyful than his underlings.

The elderly man, trembling, frowned at the spectacle before him.

“You're so young. Why not work hard instead of turning to robbery?”

“And what's with those outfits? They're hideous!”

The old man commanded with authority, “Strip off all your clothes!”

Big Brother convulsed but managed to say through clenched teeth, “You could beat me to death, and I still wouldn't strip!”

The old man's frown deepened as he declared loudly, “When I was at war, I killed many enemies. I could easily take you all down! Let's see how steadfast you really are!”

The trio exchanged glances, realizing this old man was a war hero. Had they known earlier, they never would have dared to rob him! They hadn't anticipated his cane was actually a stun baton, leaving them weak and twitching uncontrollably.

As the old man raised his cane again, they began to strip, albeit slowly, buying themselves time.

Feeling somewhat recovered, Big Brother turned tail and fled, yelling, “Run!”

His subordinates scrambled after him.

And so, a bizarre scene unfolded on the street.

Big Brother, topless and shivering, sported pink pajama bottoms adorned with cartoon characters. One of his lackeys was also shirtless, wearing only a micro skirt, while the other was draped in a long skirt.

After exerting considerable effort, they finally reached the entrance of the young master's villa.

The security guard at the gate had just woken up. He yawned and approached them slowly, asking, “Who are you folks? What do you want with my young master? Do you have an appointment?”

As the guard came closer, still rubbing his eyes, his myopia made it difficult to see without his glasses. He noticed a pink and a red silhouette, mistaking them for a couple of attractive women. He chuckled to himself. Despite his poor vision only allowing him to make out their outlines, he could tell they were certainly not short. He always thought tall women tended to be beautiful and longed for a girlfriend like that.

Sighing and shaking his head, the guard put on his glasses.

Once he got a clear view of the three individuals, he was completely flabbergasted.

The next moment, he spun on his heel and bolted.

In utter disarray, he dashed into the guardhouse and grabbed all his defensive weapons.

With a voice quivering with fear, the guard bellowed, “Who are you people? Leave this place at once!”

They were simply too intimidating!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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