The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 494

Chapter 494 - Tortoise Can Play Rock Music

Before Su Ming knew it, the clock struck twelve. He wrapped up his gaming session and immediately opened the virtual mall. Out of nowhere, a burst of blue and green light flashed, revealing Level Three items!

Su Ming's attention snapped to the screen, where he noticed several seeds had sprouted in the plantation area. Among them were two Level Two seeds and one Level Three seed. There were twenty Glistening Lemon seeds available, each priced at 200,000 yuan, and an equal number of Burning Chili seeds, also at 200,000 yuan each.

With a chuckle at the bargain prices, Su Ming didn't hesitate to purchase the seeds.

His focus then shifted to the third seed, which radiated a soft blue glow. It was a Level Three Celestial Peach seed! The name alone nearly made Su Ming leap from his seat. Could this be the same type of peach that Sun Wukong feasted on?

Frozen in place for a moment, Su Ming quickly regained his composure. It was unlikely that such a treasure would be a mere Level Three seed. He clicked on the description eagerly.

Celestial Peach, 100th Generation: The progeny of a hundred generations of Celestial Peaches!

A wave of relief washed over Su Ming. The Celestial Peach offered by the System was indeed a descendant of the genuine article. But the description hinted at something even more intriguing: the Celestial Peach truly existed.

This meant that if he upgraded his land sufficiently, the System would surely reward him with a Celestial Peach. The thought filled Su Ming with anticipation.

He glanced at the price tag next. Each Celestial Peach seed was listed at five million yuan. While five million yuan might not be a significant amount for Su Ming at the moment, he realized that his land would need to reach a considerably high level before he could acquire a Celestial Peach from the store. By then, an authentic Celestial Peach could very well cost fifty billion yuan apiece.

Su Ming had thought his wealth was substantial, but it seemed he still had a ways to go. He needed to start earning more money, and fast. If push came to shove, he could always sell his properties and company shares, but there was no rush for that just yet.

With a contented smile, Su Ming purchased all five seeds. Spending 25 million yuan might seem steep, but the satisfaction it brought him was priceless.

Su Ming opened the aquatic product area, and as a blue light flashed, a Level Three crop materialized. He marveled at his fortune today.

Reflecting on recent events, Su Ming realized that since the levels of his areas had increased, he was encountering Level Two and Level Three crops with increasing frequency.

This time, however, what appeared was beyond words. It was peculiar, a creature called the Rock-and-roll Turtle.

The System had previously offered a Western Cowboy Alpaca, which he had accepted. But a Rock-and-roll Turtle? Could a turtle actually play rock music?

Without hesitation, Su Ming purchased all five Rock-and-roll Turtles and headed to the vacant aquatic product area.

Blinking, he positioned his phone in front of him and tapped the exchange button. Instantly, five turtles sporting sunglasses appeared in the cabin, crawling around and subtly grooving to the music's beat, each with a stereo strapped to its back.

The quintet of turtles continued to blast rock tunes. On closer inspection, Su Ming noticed each stereo was adorned with a turtle model, each distinct from the next—some with drums, others with guitars or basses, and one as the lead singer.

Could they genuinely perform rock music? They seemed capable of playing an array of instruments. But they were incredibly loud.

Without a word, Su Ming flung open the wooden house's partition and discarded all five turtles into the water.

What happened next left Su Ming astounded. The turtles stood upright underwater, and their stereos detached, revealing a small stage. Guitars, basses, and a variety of rock instruments, along with a spotlight, materialized on the platform.

The turtles were thoroughly enjoying themselves!

Su Ming stood by the water's edge, slack-jawed. He watched for a long while before rubbing his nose. By now, nothing the System conjured up could surprise him.

After observing the turtles for a moment more, Su Ming retreated to his house. He played a game, had a bite to eat, and then drifted off to sleep.

Early the next morning, in an alley, a man slowly opened his eyes to a biting chill. He sneezed immediately upon waking. “Why is it so cold here?” he wondered, looking around in shock. There were so many people—easily thirty or forty—all gathered around him.

“Why are you all staring at me? Have you been captivated by my good looks?” he joked, stroking his chin.

The crowd's expressions shifted awkwardly, many of them seemingly on the verge of speaking but holding back. Finally, one person blurted out, “No offense, but I just wanted to give you a heads-up. Aren't you feeling a bit cold?”

“Of course, I'm cold. It's October, and the weather's freezing,” the man retorted, sneezing once more.

He mused to himself, “This fall is exceptionally chilly. I fear this winter will be even harsher. Despite my thick clothes, I'm still so cold.”

It was then that he had a startling revelation—his clothes were missing. That's when it all clicked; the reason for the crowd's attention was clear.

He was standing there without a stitch on!

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