The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 439

Chapter 439 - A Person Who Loved Eating Food

Wang Guohui visited a luxury food Trade Company. As someone involved in international trade himself, his company had a partnership with this one. The owner greeted him personally upon his arrival. Learning of Wang Guohui's intentions, the owner's reaction mirrored that of Boss Soong's—overjoyed, he quickly summoned a fleet of vehicles and loaded them with premium red wine, top-notch foie gras, and caviar more valuable than gold. With their cargo, they headed straight for BBQ Street.

By the time they arrived, the locals were eagerly awaiting them, foregoing the grilling of ordinary fare. The charcoal was ablaze, and numerous steamers and ovens, borrowed from a nearby hotel along with its chefs, lined the street. The sight was nothing short of impressive. From a bird's-eye view, the right side of the nearly 200-meter-long and 30-meter-wide BBQ Street was bustling with grills and culinary equipment. Close to two hundred chefs stood at the ready.

Across the street, a 25-meter-wide expanse was packed with tables, buzzing with a lively crowd. All eyes were on Su Ming, whose presence commanded great admiration. Without Mr. Su, such a feast would have been unimaginable. Su Ming and Xiao Ke'er sat together, engaging in casual conversation, their demeanors relaxed. Any aspirations to woo Xiao Ke'er had been abandoned by her other suitors, who dared not compete with Mr. Su for her attention.

Meanwhile, Young Master Jin reveled in the moment, waving to the crowd with a smug grin. The onlookers snickered among themselves—had Young Master Jin lost his wits from an excess of sauerkraut? His waving now would soon turn to tears.

A middle-aged woman stood by, utterly bewildered, silently pleading for someone to make sense of the situation. Something was off with Young Master Jin. She had attempted to intervene several times, only to be rebuked each time. She considered calling his family but was at a loss for the number; after all, she was merely an attendant.

In Young Master Jin's eyes, she mattered less than the family dog.

His bodyguards stood ramrod straight behind him, solely focused on his safety, indifferent to anything else.

Suddenly, a voice thundered, “They're here!”

Down the street, two lengthy convoys approached.

In unison, everyone rose, swiftly stowing away tables and chairs to clear a path for the vehicles.

The cars halted, and President Chen and Wang Guohui swelled with pride.

They had successfully completed a task for Mr. Su to perfection.

Megaphone in hand, President Chen watched as the dockworkers disembarked.

The crowd was poised and ready.

At President Chen's command, “Unload the goods!” the car doors swung open, revealing a bounty of luxury seafood and fine wines.

The adage proved true: many hands make light work.

The voracious energy of the food enthusiasts ensured the swift unloading of the goods.

Wang Guohui, the chairman of a Trade Company with international dealings, found managing the barbecue stand a breeze.

The convoys departed swiftly, parking just off the road.

The crowd promptly reset the tables and chairs.

The dockworkers, invited by the warm-hearted locals, stayed to partake in the feast, a reward for their hard labor.

With the setup nearing completion, President Chen and Wang Guohui joined Su Ming.

President Chen inquired with deference, “Mr. Su, we're all set.”

“Let's get started.”

”Absolutely!” President Chen responded, then, megaphone in hand, announced, “Folks, let's begin!”

The barbecue street buzzed with excitement.

Australian lobsters, usually reserved for upscale dining, sizzled on the grills like everyday fare.

Bluefin tuna, a rare sight for many, was expertly sliced into bite-sized pieces by a skilled chef.

Everyone present was included in the feast!

Cases of red wine, valued at tens of thousands of yuan per bottle, lay on the ground. Eschewing glasses, people joyously hoisted bottles to their lips and drank.

Abalones, sea cucumbers, caviar, foie gras, snails, and truffles adorned the table.

“Who else but Mr. Su could invite us to enjoy such exquisite fare outdoors?”

“Indeed. We owe it to Mr. Su for the opportunity to savor these gourmet treats.”

“I'm going to share this on my social media and brag a little.”

“I heard a box of caviar costs over two thousand RMB. I've just indulged in several boxes, which is like eating the value of a smartphone.”

“We're drinking a renowned international wine today, Romanee-Conti. Let's aim to get tipsy and drink freely!”

“To our health!”

The entire barbecue street was alight with energy, bustling with activity.

Most of the patrons were ordinary folks who seldom had the chance to enjoy such luxurious food, so they were eager to make the most of this occasion.

However, Su Ming and Xiao Ke'er were not like the others. Neither of them was short on cash.

Su Ming had never cared for such delicacies. Xiao Ke'er, having been exposed to fine dining from a young age, had grown weary of it.

Taking a sip of warm water, Xiao Ke'er quietly asked, “How did you manage it?”

”It's a secret,” Su Ming replied with a playful smile.

Xiao Ke'er raised an eyebrow in concern. “Aren't you worried he won't have enough to cover the bill?”

With a calm smile, Su Ming reassured her, “Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. His funds are safe in President Chen's bank.”

Hearing this, Xiao Ke'er allowed herself a relieved smile, realizing her concern was unnecessary. Yet, she couldn't help feeling a bit sorry for the unfortunate Young Master Jin. He had been there for quite some time without even a drink of water, blissfully unaware of what awaited him, still full of self-satisfaction.

Before long, President Chen approached. He and Wang Guohui had been preoccupied with tallying the bill, but for these seasoned professionals, the task was a breeze.

President Chen presented the documents, saying, “Mr. Su, here is the total bill and the itemized one.”

Su Ming nodded, reviewing the bill.

One billion yuan!

Su Ming was momentarily surprised, but then he considered it and concluded it made perfect sense.

The dining experience here was quite the extravagant affair, with a multitude of guests indulging in high-priced gourmet dishes. The selection of red wines alone commanded prices upwards of tens of thousands of RMB per bottle, while a single bluefin tuna boasted a value exceeding two million RMB. Tucked away in the warehouse was an even larger bluefin tuna, a prized asset of Boss Soong, valued at over six million RMB. While the other food items might not have been as costly individually, their sheer quantity added up. Factoring in the labor costs, it was entirely plausible that the meal's value reached a staggering one hundred million yuan.

President Chen let out a sly chuckle before remarking, “Mr. Su, his bank account holds a balance exceeding 110 million RMB. I've heard he liquidated a considerable amount of stock to amass that sum. It appears he's gearing up to channel those funds into business ventures in Eastsea. However, it looks like his business plans have hit a snag.”

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