The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 437

Chapter 437 - This Is a Trap

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged woman realized that Su Ming was laying a trap for Young Master Jin.

She quickly stood up to intervene, “Young Master Jin, what's gotten into you today? You're usually so frugal that you only drink mineral water to avoid spending too much. Why are you offering to buy a meal for everyone now? It's going to cost a fortune.”

She blurted out the truth in her attempt to deter Young Master Jin.

Young Master Jin was known for his penny-pinching ways, yet today he was surprisingly generous, which the middle-aged woman found odd.

Young Master Jin was visibly upset and retorted, “I'm having a conversation with my brother. How is that any of your concern?”

“Brother, name your terms. If it's within my power, I'll certainly fulfill them,” declared Young Master Jin, thumping his chest emphatically.

Su Ming chuckled, “Great. However, the ingredients on this street are too mundane. I'd like to procure some premium ingredients for everyone to enjoy. What do you say, Young Master Jin?”

Without hesitation, Young Master Jin consented, “No problem. If the street's offerings are subpar, then let's go for the good stuff. No matter the cost, I'll cover it today.”

His proclamation left the bystanders in utter disbelief.

Truth be told, if Young Master Jin were to foot the bill for everyone's meal, he would indeed be spending money, but dining on mutton and beef skewers on this street would only set him back a few hundred thousand at most for the evening.

The street was known for its basic fare, with few upscale ingredients on hand.

But Su Ming's suggestion changed everything.

If Su Ming were to source ingredients from elsewhere, the sky was the limit on the price.

They had assumed that Su Ming's trap for Young Master Jin was simply to have him host a meal for everyone and that would be the end of it.

Little did they know, Su Ming had another snare in store for Young Master Jin.

Su Ming grinned and complimented, “Young Master Jin, you are without a doubt the most generous person I've ever met.”

He then stood up, borrowed a loudspeaker from the vendor, climbed onto a table, and switched it on.

”Ladies and gentlemen, today Young Master Jin from H Country is treating us to a feast. He's declared that the street's fare isn't upscale enough. We're free to purchase the finest ingredients and prepare them, and Young Master Jin has generously offered to reimburse us for all expenses.”

As soon as Su Ming finished speaking, the onlookers in the distance were visibly taken aback.

Su Ming had outsmarted Young Master Jin from H Country once again.

Though they wouldn't dare confront Young Master Jin directly, they certainly had no qualms about spending his money.

Su Ming announced, “I have a small suggestion. Let's skip the beef skewers and other low-end fare. All the barbecue shop owners, let's line up our stalls together. We'll go out and buy some abalone, lobsters, and other delicacies to grill. And let's not forget to pick up some red and white wine to enjoy with our meal.”

The entire street erupted in cheers, everyone raising their hands in jubilation.

They were in awe of Su Ming, who had managed to turn the previously arrogant man from H Country into a willing host for their feast.

Immediately after Su Ming's declaration, the barbecue stall owners sprang into action, clearing out the left side of the street.

Xiao Ke'er moved her car to the roadside.

The barbecue stalls were arranged in a neat row, and the patrons formed a line that stretched from one end of the street to the other.

It didn't matter whether they knew each other or not; everyone squeezed in together, filling every available seat.

Some brought tables from their homes, and a few even hauled in the long tables from cafeterias.

At one table sat Su Ming and Xiao Ke'er, just the two of them.

It wasn't that the others were afraid to join Su Ming for a meal; rather, they felt it would be inappropriate. The situation was akin to how no one in ancient times would dare share a table with the emperor—an exaggeration, perhaps, but it underscored the deep respect they all had for Su Ming.

Suddenly, someone pushed through the crowd, calling out, “Mr. Su!”

“Mr. Su, it is indeed you!” came another voice, filled with surprise.

Su Ming looked over and recognized them as President Chen and Wang Guohui.

“Why are you two here?” Su Ming inquired.

“Mr. Su, haven't you heard? The story of you duping that kid from H Country has spread all over Eastsea. We came to see if you needed any assistance,” President Chen explained eagerly.

“Yes, exactly,” Wang Guohui added, smiling in agreement.

As President Chen and Wang Guohui conversed, their attention shifted to the side.

They caught sight of Young Master Jin seated in a chair, laughing joyously. They paused, momentarily taken aback.

“Mr. Su, is he the young man from H Country you managed to outwit?” President Chen inquired quietly.

“Do you know him?” Su Ming probed.

“Well, I wouldn't say I'm well-acquainted with him. Our paths have crossed a few times, strictly for business purposes. His family owns a massive corporation in H Country, employing tens of thousands. They've partnered with the Four Stars Group. It's an incredibly well-known and wealthy company, valued at no less than ten billion yuan. Young Master Jin is known for being frugal, yet you convinced him to treat an entire street to a meal. That's something only you could pull off,” President Chen remarked with genuine admiration.

“That's a given! In Mr. Su's presence, no one holds a candle to him,” Wang Guohui chimed in promptly.

Su Ming smiled and responded, “Your timing is perfect. I have a task for you both.”

“Not to worry, Mr. Su. You can count on us! We guarantee your satisfaction,” President Chen and Wang Guohui assured, standing tall and ready.

Su Ming leaned in to share a few words with President Chen and Wang Guohui.

Upon hearing Su Ming's plan, they were impressed and eager to proceed.

“Rest assured, Mr. Su, we will fulfill the mission,” they affirmed. With that, they departed in opposite directions, ready to execute their tasks.

The bystanders had overheard the exchange between Su Ming, President Chen, and Wang Guohui.

The crowd was a mix of everyday folks and those of wealth and influence.

“Isn't that President Chen from Tianhua Bank?” one onlooker noted.

“And there's Wang Guohui, the chairman of Wang Group. These two are prominent figures in Eastsea. To see them showing such deference to this man, who is he?” another mused.

“Wait a second! Did I just hear President Chen address him as Mr. Su?”

“Mr. Su! Are you referring to the Mr. Su who took Antiques City by storm? The very same Mr. Su who uncovered a hidden national treasure, produced dozens of top-grade diamonds, and owns land in the city center valued at ten billion!”

“That's the legendary Mr. Su!”

“At first, we were concerned for him, but now, there's really nothing to worry about.”

“Exactly! He is Mr. Su, after all! Mr. Su is incredible!”

“Mr. Su is invincible!” everyone cheered.

The whole street was abuzz with the news that Su Ming was the legendary Mr. Su.

People started to cheer, raising their arms high, their chants resonating powerfully and in perfect unison.

Young Master Jin wasn't the least bit angry, thanks to the Consent Pill. In fact, he was somewhat pleased.

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