The Billion-Value Lands Are Just For Farming

Chapter 427

Chapter 427 - Su Ming Went to Buy a Cake for His Mother

The night passed quietly, and the sun rose early the next morning.

At nine o'clock, Su Ming woke up, stretched contentedly, and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

Afterward, he took a careful look at his phone.

Oh my! He had three missed calls and a slew of messages.

Su Ming quickly checked them, finding a message from his dad.

”You little rascal, it's so late already. Why aren't you awake? Your mom's birthday is in three days. Don't you dare forget!”

“Order a cake for her in Eastsea, and come back to celebrate on her birthday.”

“Also, it's high time you found yourself a wife.”

“Wu Laoer's grandson from next door is already in elementary school.”

“Wu Laoer parades his grandson in front of our house every day!”

“It infuriates me just to think about it. You're getting married this year, no excuses!”

Su Ming couldn't help feeling resigned after reading his dad's messages.

He agreed with the idea of ordering a cake and returning home for his mom's birthday celebration—it was his duty as a son.

But the last thing he expected was his dad pressuring him to marry.

Su Ming believed that love should take its natural course. He couldn't just marry someone as if he was meeting a corporate performance target.

He shook his head, anticipating the marriage talk he'd likely face at his mom's birthday party.

The thought alone was enough to give him a headache.

Maybe he should bring Xiao Ke'er to his mother's birthday party?

But inviting Xiao Ke'er might be too abrupt for her. She probably wouldn't want to come.

In today's society, views on marriage are more liberal, and there's less need to adhere to the old-fashioned customs.

Yet, Xiao Ke'er was a lady of high standing. If they were to marry, he'd have to properly propose to her at her home.

With that realization, Su Ming smacked his forehead and mumbled, “Where has my mind wandered off to? I should focus on ordering the cake for mom first.”

Indeed, Su Ming had planned to order his mother's cake today.

Typically, most people would reserve a cake worth a few dozen dollars from a bakery a couple of days in advance for a birthday.

But this time, Su Ming intended to splurge on a more extravagant cake for his mother.

In Eastsea, there was a renowned cake shop known for its custom-made cakes, though they came at a steep price. The pastry chefs at this establishment needed to design the cake's appearance and prepare the ingredients two to three days in advance, with the final creation taking place on the eve of the customer's birthday.

Su Ming decided to place his cake order now, as he was currently free. Once dressed, he stepped out to a street vendor and purchased a pancake. He checked his phone's GPS and noted that the cake shop was a moderate distance away. Driving there would cover five kilometers, but walking would only be one kilometer. Driving meant a longer route, while walking meant navigating through a few small alleys. Opting for the latter, Su Ming set off on foot.

Near the city center lay an old district, replete with historic architecture reminiscent of the quadrangle courtyards found within the capital's second ring. This district, once home to ancient nobility, was preserved due to its significant historical value, featuring a labyrinth of alleys.

Su Ming, having conducted business in this old district before, was well-acquainted with the area. Holding his pancake, he meandered into an alley, taking the opportunity to appreciate the ancient structures he had previously overlooked. Inside the alley, freshly painted white courtyard walls flanked him, and his steps echoed over the time-worn square bricks, their surfaces marred and interspersed with tufts of grass. The ambiance was more reminiscent of a quaint southern town than the heart of a bustling city.

As he strolled, a sudden flurry of footsteps caught his attention. Su Ming turned to see a statuesque, beautiful woman approaching, her elegance accentuated by a smartly tailored black dress.

She was a stunning woman, her delicate features enhanced by light, refined makeup. Her skirt fell to her knees, showcasing her slender, smooth calves. Her skin appeared porcelain in the sunlight, and she was perched on a pair of high heels. While she might have been just a touch less striking than Xiao Ke'er, her beauty was undeniable.

Yet, her face was marred by anger. Her brows were knitted tightly, her teeth clenched, as she moved briskly along. Su Ming, upon noticing her, quickly stepped aside to give her room. The corridor was narrow, barely wide enough for one person to pass by him. It would have been rude to block her path, so he pressed himself against the wall to let her through.

Oblivious to Su Ming's considerate gesture, the woman hurried past him, leaving a trail of her light scent and a ripple of air in her wake. Clearly, she was intent on addressing some urgent matter.

Once she had passed, Su Ming resumed his usual pace. Despite her allure, she was a stranger to him. He wasn't the type to be swayed by looks alone. Perhaps his recent rise in status had something to do with it, granting him easy access to luxuries that once seemed out of reach, making him more indifferent to such distractions.

At a crossroads, Su Ming pulled out his phone to prevent getting lost, checked his location, and turned left. A few steps later, he noticed an alley to his right. The high walls on either side cast shadows, giving the alley a dim appearance. Weeds sprouted from the unkempt ground, adding to the sense of neglect. It was clear that few ventured down this path.

Su Ming gave the alley a cursory glance and saw that it was occupied. He didn't think much of it and was about to continue on his way when a girl's voice echoed from within.

”Are you the ones who bullied my classmate?” she demanded.

Su Ming paused, his curiosity piqued by the confrontation.

He stopped and peered into the alley, where he saw a group of six people, five of whom were men. Three sported afros and were dressed in garish attire, the telltale signs of street thugs, a common sight in any city. The other two were bald, muscular men.

Standing opposite them was a stunning woman.

Upon closer inspection, Su Ming recognized her as the beauty who had just walked by him.

Several thugs had encircled the woman. One of the ruffians, with his back to Su Ming, taunted, “So you've got the guts to confront us yourself? Yep, we're the ones who messed with your friend. What are you gonna do about it?”

Su Ming didn't have x-ray vision to see through the thug to the beauty beyond. It was just that the thug, despite sporting a wild afro, was quite short.

As a result, Su Ming had a clear view of the woman's face.

“Give me back my friend's phone right now!” she demanded, visibly upset.

“Oh, you want the phone back? Sure, but I've got one little condition,” the thug facing away from Su Ming said with a cold laugh.

“Look, gorgeous, I feel like we've got a connection. How about you join us for a drink, and then we'll give you the phone back. What do you say?”

While he spoke, the thug stepped closer to the woman.

Su Ming couldn't see his face, but he could easily imagine the repulsive smirk that must be there.

Furious, the woman retorted, “Return my friend's phone at once, or I'm calling the cops!”

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