The Best Director

Chapter 48 - 48 Am I a Jerk?

Chapter 48 Am I a Jerk?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio | Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

After completing all non-musical scenes, the crew began filming the musical parts. Both Wang Yang and Valery-Fister were inexperienced in this area, but luckily there was Annie Fletcher, the dance instructor for “Titanic,” who had ample experience with filming musical scenes. She knew where to place the cameras and what frames to capture, serving as a guiding light in this respect.

Of course, the focus of filming was on the visuals—that is, the dance. As for the singing, it was sufficient to match the lip-syncing during close-up shots, and the actual songs could be added in post-production.

After swiftly signing the contract, David Lawrence quickly arrived in Salt Lake City with his songs. Once Wang Yang had chosen the songs he was satisfied with, Lawrence taught the leads how to sing them. Annie Fletcher choreographed dances matching the style and rhythm of the songs for filming.

For those scenes whose songs were chosen early on, Annie Fletcher had already choreographed the dances so filming could proceed without delay.

To film these musical scenes, the crew rented two more film cameras for multi-angle shooting and did multiple takes for each scene, consuming a lot of film but also gathering ample footage. Decisions on how to portray the song and dance in each scene would be made during the post-production editing process.

At this time, the crew was in the cafeteria of East High School, filming the musical sequence for this setting. Cameras were set up on the second floor, while assistant photographers were working on capturing front and side shots from below. The major chorus and group dance shots had already been completed, and they were now moving towards the final stage.

Everyone continued dancing as Gabriela and her best friend walked in holding lunch trays. Sharpay Evans descended the stairs in a huff, seemingly looking for trouble with Gabriela. Suddenly, Gabriela stepped on a wet spot on the floor and slipped, her hands uncontrollably flipping the tray she was holding. A box of fries and sauce went flying and landed right on Sharpay Evans, who was trailing behind her, and then Sharpay left in a furiously aggrieved state.

In the original movie, the shot transitioned directly from a close-up of the flying sauce to Sharpay holding her chest in disbelief.

But Wang Yang wanted a more realistic shot. He wanted to capture a side shot featuring the whole sequence of Gabriela slipping, the sauce flying through the air, and hitting Sharpay on her chest. This shot could be inserted in the middle to make the dramatic moment more vivid and concrete.

Valery-Fister carried the camera while Wang Yang stood behind. The cheerleaders and extras continued dancing. Watching Rachel come down the stairs and Jessica holding the tray, Wang Yang prayed inwardly, “Please let this take work on the first try!” If it didn’t, Rachel would have to change back into the same clothes and get hit by the flying fries and sauce again, which would be both troublesome and uncomfortable.

Thump, thump, thump! Rachel, playing Sharpay, came down from the second floor furiously, with Zachary, playing Ryan, following behind like a servant. Jessica looked around at the dancing crowd, shrinking back as she moved forward. Suddenly, she stepped on the wet spot and slipped. The tray in her hand jerked upward, and the box full of fries and sauce soared into the air!

Everyone couldn’t help but watch the box. Wang Yang clenched his fists, his heart tightened, as the fries box seemed about to fall; Rachel hurriedly stepped forward, just in time for the box to hit her right in the chest! She pressed her hands against the box on her chest, already smeared with sauce. Looking down in shock, she then let out a shrill scream, “Aaaaah!!!”

Wang Yang happily pumped his fist in the air and shouted, “Cut! Good, very good!” He looked toward Jessica, smiled, and said, “Jessica, that was a great pass. It seems falling down often isn’t without its benefits.” Then he turned to Rachel and gave her a thumbs up, praising her, “Rachel, your performance was excellent!”

Jessica, however, couldn’t feel the joy, and somewhat bashfully looked at Rachel, saying, “Sorry, Rachel…” Rachel smiled slightly, shook her head, and replied, “It’s nothing; it’s all for the shooting. No need to apologize.” She continued to hold onto the fries box on her chest and said to Wang Yang, “Yang, shall we move on to the next shot?”

“Oh, right, the next shot.” Wang Yang also realized it wasn’t the time for jokes; Rachel was clearly uncomfortable, and even though it was for work, it would be best to finish quickly! He clapped his hands and called out, “Everyone get ready!”

Alison Reed, who played Ms. Darbus, walked over and stood behind Rachel, asking in surprise, “What happened?” Rachel, gasping with indignation, said aggrievedly, “It’s Gabriela, she spilled her lunch on me! On purpose! She wants to ruin everything! And Troy, he and his basketball team are the masterminds!” She glanced over at Jessica, grinding her teeth with anger as she recited her lines, “I’ve put so much into this musical, and now… Ah!” Out of nowhere to vent, she punched Zachary next to her and stamped her foot, exclaiming, “All of this is so wrong!”

Having said that, Rachel, with a hint of tears in her eyes, shook her hands and briskly walked towards the second floor, as the extras on the stairs made way for her.

“Cut!” Wang Yang called for a stop and nodded, “As good as ever, guys, let’s prepare for the next shot.” The next scenes involved Troy Bolton and his close friends, so the cameramen and lighting technicians had to adjust their setups again. Wang Yang glanced at Rachel in the distance; her look full of upset… She acted it out so well. He felt a strange discomfort in his heart and called out, “Rachel, well done, you can go clean yourself up now.”

Rachel nodded silently, walked up to the cafeteria’s second floor, sat down on a chair, and took the tissues given by the set staff, wiping the sauce stain on her chest. Seeing Jessica walking over, Rachel, while straightening her clothes, gave her a slight smile and greeted, “Hi.”

“Rachel.” Jessica sat down on the chair next to her and apologized to Rachel, “Even though it’s part of the job, I still want to say I’m sorry.” Rachel shrugged and said, “It’s really okay.” She revealed two dimples while laughing, “I am getting paid after all. I have my professional ethics, right?”

Jessica smiled, but she always felt that Rachel was a bit unhappy. It had been like this recently; was it because of that reason? If so, she couldn’t do much about it… After thinking for a while, the only thing she could say was, “Your professional ethics are great. You almost always get it in one take, while I end up with several NGs, wasting quite a bit of film.”

“It doesn’t matter; the film isn’t ours anyway.” Rachel laughed lightly, shaking her head. She suddenly said, “Christmas is coming up soon.”

At these words, Jessica paused, then nodded, “Yeah.” It seemed as if the last Christmas was a very long time ago. She said with some reflection, “This year seems to have gone by especially slowly.” Rachel asked, “Why? Because of Yang?” Jessica glanced at Rachel, was silent for a while, and then said, “I think so, ever since I reunited with Yang, my world has become much more colorful.”

“Then you should cherish it.” Rachel smiled faintly, patted Jessica’s shoulder, and stood up, “I’ll go to the restroom, excuse me.”

Jessica watched Rachel’s departing figure and firmly said to herself, “I’ll cherish it well.”

After a day of shooting and another two hours of dance rehearsal that evening, Rachel returned to her hotel room. She sat at the desk, looking at her laptop screen which displayed photos, pictures she had taken with Wang Yang while they were playing in Chicago. In the current photo, Wang Yang spread his arms wide at Navy Pier, his face alight with a brilliant smile.

Rachel looked for a while before clicking on the next photo, a picture taken by a passerby of her and Wang Yang playfully pretending to hit each other. Remembering those happy memories, Rachel couldn’t help but smile. She clicked through the next photo and the next, her smile gradually fading until her expression was completely serene.

Perhaps it was time to let go of these things! Rachel’s heart ached as she selected all the pictures in the folder, ready to hit delete. She rubbed her index finger on the mouse’s left button, unable to press it down. Clenching her teeth, it seemed she had made up her mind-

just then, there was a knock at the door, and Rachel faintly heard Wang Yang’s voice, “Rachel, are you there?”

Rachel froze. She turned her head to glance at the door as the knocking sounded again. She sighed, closed the folder, stood up, and went to open the door. Sure enough, it was Wang Yang outside. Rachel felt vexed and asked, “Yang, what’s the matter?”

Wang Yang watched her with a smile, saying, “I just wanted to say sorry, I’ve been looking for the chance to say it all day.” Rachel shrugged, “Sorry for what? It’s just work, I’m not angry.” Wang Yang nodded, yes, it was just work, nothing serious. He didn’t even know what he was apologizing for, but today, seeing that sad look in Rachel’s eyes, the look that pierced his heart like a thorn, made him very uncomfortable.

He shook his head again and said, “No, Rachel, I still have to say it, sorry.”

“I got it, so is there anything else?” Rachel said in a flat tone, her hand on the doorknob the entire time as if ready to close the door at any moment.

“Uh,” Wang Yang couldn’t think of anything else, and could only say, “No… nothing…” Seeing Rachel about to shut the door, he couldn’t help but call out, “Wait!” Rachel stopped and looked at him, “What is it, to say good night?” Hearing her mocking tone, Wang Yang helplessly wiped his forehead and replied, “Yes, I wanted to say good night.” Seeing Rachel ready to close the door without even saying good night, he sighed and said, “Rachel, I don’t understand, why won’t you talk to me anymore?”

In the past, on the phone, on MSN, they always chatted happily, discussing all sorts of topics, sharing their opinions. But lately, Rachel would only speak properly about work matters; at other times, her tone was always indifferent, lacking the pleasant conversational atmosphere they used to have. He tried talking to Rachel about movies, anything really, and all she would say was “Oh, really?” and then end the conversation bleakly.

Suddenly, Rachel laughed softly, “Yang, you understand, some things have changed.”

Some things have changed… Wang Yang fell silent. He knew things had changed, but did that mean they could no longer talk? He thought somewhat petulantly, “Rachel, I don’t understand. Aren’t we good friends? Can’t good friends talk about more than just work?”

“No, good friends can talk about a lot of things.” Rachel shrugged and then asked with a furrowed brow, “So tell me, what do you want to talk about, Yang?” She looked at him angrily, speaking rapidly, “Movies? Theater? Music and dance? Literature? ‘Rachel, I watched The Count of Monte Cristo again yesterday…’ ‘Rachel, I suddenly thought of a great idea…’ ‘Rachel, did you know…1 Rachel, Rachel, Rachel!” Her voice trembled as she continued, “Why come to me with these things? I don’t want to talk, okay?”

Wang Yang was stunned, while Rachel took a deep breath, spreading her hands humorously, “Do you have only one friend? Why come to me? Why come to me?”

“I…” Wang Yang was at a loss for words; he had many friends, so why come to Rachel? He didn’t know. He just felt chatting with Rachel was very enjoyable. Whenever he read something exciting or had an idea, he wanted to tell someone, and he always thought of Rachel. Rachel understood what he was saying; they had an understanding that made him comfortable.

Seeing his embarrassed expression, Rachel’s heart ached. She bit her lip and said, “Yang, do you know? This has caused me a lot of trouble.” Looking into Wang Yang’s eyes, she continued blankly, “I don’t understand what you’re thinking, what you want to achieve? Tell me, Yang, what is it you want? A woman friend with whom you can share confidences and talk about interests?” She exhaled painfully, gazed into the distance, and shook her head, “I can’t do it. It’s not my duty. My life has been completely disrupted by you, Yang. What else do you want?”

“Rachel, sorry, I apologize…” Wang Yang’s face burned with shame; he had been selfish, thinking they could continue as before, but it hurt this girl. Seeing Rachel’s reddened eyes, he felt miserable and repeated, “Sorry, Rachel, I really am sorry.”

Rachel took another deep breath, her warm eyes blinking as she said, “There’s no need to apologize, no need… Yang, good night, I’m going to sleep…” With that, she slammed the door shut. She leaned against the door, her heart feeling suffocated, the image of Wang Yang’s ashamed, embarrassed, and helpless face lingering before her eyes. Suppressing her breathing, she murmured, “Yang, I’m so sorry… I can’t do it.”

The door slammed shut. Wang Yang covered his face with his hands, eyes closed, and awkwardly reached for his hair, murmuring softly, “Am I a jerk?”

He clenched his fist and punched the wall, then walked towards the elevator. After a few steps, he looked back sensitively at the other end of the corridor. Seeing no one, he quickly walked away.

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