The Author's POV

Chapter 319 - Meeting [3]

Chapter 319 - Meeting [3]

Following the dwarf, we soon got out of the northern tower and directly entered the city of Henolur.

Upon entering the city, I noticed that compared to before, it was a lot quieter.

The liveliness that shrouded the city when I had first arrived was no longer there, and what replaced it was a solemn atmosphere.

"We're almost there."

Walking through the city's empty streets, before long, we arrived in front of a mansion.

With metal fences surrounding the place, what I could see from the gap of the fences was a lush green garden filled with all sorts of plants and trees.

Stopping beside the gate, the dwarf that led me here pressed onto the bell of the mansion. Then, as if expecting the dwarf's appearance, the gates of the mansion opened up.

Ki Clank—

The moment the gates opened, the scenery that I could barely see from the gaps of the fence was now on full display for me to see.

Surrounding a large fountain in the middle of the garden was a neat array of plants and trees. The wide range of colors that came from the plants perfectly contrasted the beige-colored mansion that stood in the middle of the garden.

Taking a step into the mansion, I took a deep breath. Compared to the city, the air here was much fresher.

With both feet outside the mansion gate, the dwarf that brought me here opened his mouth.

"Please enter tha mansion, me duty be now over an' I shall now leave."

"Oh, sure."

I absentmindedly replied at the dwarf.

My mind was too distracted by the view presented before me.

"This is amazing…"

Walking around the mansion, I couldn't help but marvel at the garden.

It had to be noted that we were currently underground, meaning that there was no sunlight. For the plants to grow this healthy, it was a testament to how advanced the dwarves were.

"You like it?"

Startling me out of my thoughts was an aged voice.

Without turning around, I already knew who it was.

"It's nice."

I faintly replied.

"I'm glad you like it, Ren."

Turning my head, my eyes paused on the old man standing next to me.

As I stared at him, he gave me a calm and unfathomable feeling.

Looking back at me, he asked.

"Should we head inside?"


Judging from how he called me Ren, he appears to have finally recognized me.

Not that it was hard since I wasn't trying to hide it.

From how I didn't hide my face, to how I straight up used my real name in the achievement points section.

The goal in doing so was to gain his attention. Even if I was acquainted with Waylan, that didn't mean he could allow me to meet Douglas.

The purpose of exposing myself was to gain Douglas's attention.

"Over here."

Upon entering the mansion, Douglas brought me inside of an enormous living room where we sat down.

Right as we sat down, Douglas offered me some tea.

"Would you like some tea?"


"Green or black?"

"Let's go with black."

In contrast to green tea, black tea was much better for relaxing. Now that I had just come out from a long battle, all I wanted to do was relax.

"Good choice."

With a pleased smile, Douglas waved his hand.

Soon, a teapot filled with water materialized in front of us. Then, with a simple touch, the water in the pot began to boil.

While he was preparing the tea, he started making small talk with me.

"How did you find your stay in Henolur?"

"It's a pretty nice place."

"Is that so? Anything you didn't like?"

"The war."

Once the water began to boil, the headmaster threw in black tea leaves before closing the pot.

Turning his attention back to me, an amicable smile appeared on his face.

"As we wait for the tea to be ready, how about you tell me about your circumstances."

Leaning back on the chair behind me, I crossed my legs.

"You want to know why I'm still alive?"

Without answering, Douglas continued to smile kindly.

"I'll take that as a yes."

My previous relaxed attitude disappeared, and what replaced it was a serious one, but I couldn't help it. I was about to take a huge gamble.

One that could decide my future.

With Douglas not being a part of the Union and being one of the only selfless humans in the novel I wrote, I felt that he could be trusted. He had a deep sense of responsibility, especially to those that were part of the Lock.

The fact that he was Donna's and Monica's master was a testament to his righteous behavior. He was the one that engraved onto them their current upright and selfless personalities. If there was anyone that could be trusted, it would be him.

Now that I thought about it, the changes that had been happening due to what I did shouldn't have affected him since he wasn't within the scope of my changes.

But I could never say for sure. After all, I was no god. I didn't know everything.

Perhaps the changes that I brought, though unlikely, have changed Douglas into someone different.

Still, I knew that I had to take this gamble.

"How should I begin? It all started when…"

And so I started to tell Douglas about my experiences.

From how I teleported to the Monolith to how I escaped and saved the people from the Union to only be stabbed in the back by them. Of course, I did omit some important information, but I did say most of the important stuff.

As I recounted the story, I tried my best to suppress my uneven heartbeat.

Throughout the whole conversation, the smile on the headmaster's face slowly started to fade as his brows knit tightly.

"…the Union joined hands with the Monolith and put a bounty on me. Because of the bounty, I was forced to leave the human domain. It is also the reason why I'm here."

Leaning forward, the headmaster's eyes ripples slightly. For a while, he didn't say anything.

It wasn't long before he finally opened his mouth.

"Do you know why the Union decided to agree to your bounty?"

"…I do."

I replied.

At first, I wasn't too sure, but after coming to Henolur, I understood why the Union decided to agree to the Monolith's terms.

"It's because of the war that is currently happening. With the demons not wanting to suffer any major setbacks, they most likely ordered the Monolith to cease all forms of conflicts with the Union."

I thoughtfully said before leaning back on my chair. Propping my hand on the armrest, and resting my cheek on my hand, I continued.

"Considering the Union's situation, they chose the most pragmatic solution, which was to accept their offer and sell me out. At the end of the day, they are still not ready to fight against the Monolith."

Removing the lid from the teapot, Douglas poured the now-ready tea into a tiny porcelain teacup in front of me.

"Do you resent them?"

"You're referring to the Union? If so, yes, I do. I very much resent them."

Knowing Douglas's personality very well, I decided to be honest with my answer.

Although their decision was the right one, that didn't mean that I didn't resent them.

I very much resented them. But, to throw me under the bus right after getting back home…

Let's just say that I was very pissed.

Taking a small sip of the tea, Douglas opened his mouth.

"If I may ask if you become strong enough to face them, what are you going to do to the Union?"

"…Good question."

I breathed out.

Was I going to let them go for what they did? Was I going to make those that forced me to leave the human domain pay for what they did to me? Or was I going to let them go?

"Are you planning on causing them significant damage?"

Lifting my head and staring at Douglas in the eyes, I shook my head.

"Sadly, not. Although I do resent them, I have to keep the bigger picture in mind."

"You're referring to the demon king?"


No matter how much I hated the people at the Union, they were still powerful people.

If I wanted to defeat the demon king, I needed them to live.

Closing my eyes and musing for a moment, uncrossing my legs and leaning forward, I softly said.

"For the meantime, whatever I do to the Union, it'll be on the forms of self-defense, as for what happens later…"

Putting the teacup down, I looked at the small ripples that appeared on the tea.

"That'll depend on the future."

Following my words, a deep silence shrouded the room. Then, with my eyes locked on Douglas, I patiently waited for his answer.


After a while, putting the teacup down, Douglas let out a sigh.

"…That's good enough for now."

Standing up, with his hands behind his back, he walked towards a particular painting. Halting his steps, with his back facing me, he softly muttered.

"Although I do not wish for you to carry on the hatred you have for the Union, I do understand where you are coming from."

Though his words were soft, they powerfully rang inside of my ears.

"The reason why I have never joined the Union is precisely because of their pragmatic view on lives."

Douglas closed his eyes slightly.

"They are those that add value to life, and I do not agree with such a view. Every life is as important as the other, and the moment we think of it that way, our society will fall apart."

Listening to Douglas from the side, my brows progressively furrowed.

As expected, I wasn't wrong about him. He really had high morals. I was more and more convinced about this the more I listened to him.

Turning his head, Douglas's looked at me with clear eyes.

"The reason you told me everything is because you want me to protect you when the time is right, correct?"

Blinking slowly, I nodded my head.

"That is correct."

"I like your honesty."

A small smile appeared on Douglas's face.

Turning to face the painting one more time, he interlocked his hands behind his back.

"I will not interfere with what you wish to do with the Union; However, I do wish for you to keep in mind the bigger picture. No matter how much you hate them, they are individuals who will play a big role when the time comes that the demon king descends. If the Union falls into chaos, our chances against the demon king will decrease."

"…I'll keep those words in mind."

From the very start, I was trying to keep the bigger picture in mind.

At the end of the day, my goal was to survive the third cataclysm. For that, I needed as many pieces on the board as possible.

Still, it wasn't like I was going to let them go scot-free for what they did to me. Once I had enough power, I was definitely going to let them understand what they did.

"I'm satisfied as long as you think that m—"


Cutting Douglas off, the living room door suddenly opened, and a haggard figure walked in.

The moment he entered the room, the mana in the room thickened up considerably.

"Ugh, Douglas, I was so close in defeating that de—Huh? What are you doing here?"

It was then that Waylan suddenly noticed my presence.

"I called him here."

Douglas replied with a helpless smile.

"You did? Oh, right. You did mention something about you recognizing him."

Slumping on a sofa near me, Waylan helped himself to a cup of tea.

After taking a sip of the tea, Waylam's shoulders fully relaxed.


Letting out a relaxed sound, he lifted his head and looked at Douglas.

"So, what did you guys talk about?"


Turning to face Douglas, my face twitched.

It wasn't like I could reveal to Douglas what had happened with the Union when he was the Vice-leader of the organization.

Although his position was lower than the seven heads, he was still the Vice-leader.

Fortunately, Douglas understood this as well. However, the answer he gave completely caught me off-guard.

"We were talking about a new assignment that I will be giving him."

Blinking a couple of times, a look of understanding appeared on Waylan's face.

"Oh? Are you talking about that job?"


"Hold on, what are you guys talking about?"

What in the world were the two of them talking about?

"It's better if I show you."

Walking towards me, Douglas waved his hand, and a piece of paper appeared in his hand.

"The task is simple… All you need to do is protect someone."

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