The Author's POV

Chapter 237: Statement [1]

Chapter 237: Statement [1]

The rules of the dummy massacre game were quite simple.

A contestant would be brought inside of a private room. In it were multiple combat dummies waiting in the room; each programmed to have different combat styles.

A timer would be set up in the corner of the room, and the goal was to eliminate all of the dummies within that specified amount of time.

If the contestant failed to win during that time limit, they were eliminated from the game.

Because of the overwhelming number of participants, multiple different groups were created and only the top five of each group were allowed to pass to the next round. Therefore, even if an individual managed to defeat all of the dummies, they were not guaranteed a chance to pass to the next round.

For those participating, time was of the essence. The fewer mistakes they made, the less time they would lose.


[Arena grounds]

"All done"

"Thank you"

Thanking a female attendant, I walked away and looked at my wrist. Wrapped around it was a black bracelet.

The bracelet was an artifact designed to suppress someone's rank.

'Tsk, I can certainly feel my rank getting suppressed', I thought as I inwardly clicked my tongue.

Typically it was used on prisoners; in this case, it was to make the competition fairer. Give the lower academies a better chance.

Arriving at the edge of the arena grounds where a large metal door stood, I waited for my turn to start.

Behind the metal door was the room that led to the dummy massacre game.

Originally it used to be an indoor training ground, but just for the tournament, it was converted into the area that would be used to hold the dummy massacre games.

'This feels weird…'

As I was waiting for my turn, ever so slightly, the edges of my lips twitched.

Amongst the participants present, I was the one that attracted the most attention. Everyone's eyes were on me.

Even though I wasn't the only first-year participant coming from the Lock, if someone here wasn't living under a rock, they would've seen my face on the news a month back.

I was the top dog in my group. Everyone knew that. Their wariness and apprehension towards me made sense. I too would've done the same had I been in their position.

—Beep! —Beep!

[Contenstant, Jude Wright; Time ? 2: 37 seconds]


The metallic doors suddenly opened and a confident youth walked out. Wearing a green-colored uniform the youth turned around and looked at his score.

A smirk emerged on his face.


[Dummy massacre group 9]

「1」— 2 : 37; [Jude Wright/Rowlan Academy]

「2」— 2 : 40; [Dan Potter/Lutwik Academy]

「3」— 2 : 55; [Odessa Mack/Citadel Academy]

「4」— 2 : 59; [Willie Morin/Velmont Academy]

「5」— 3 : 01; [Luo Xuegang/Cape Croal Academy]


"So two minutes and a half is enough to get first place?"

This was a lot lower than I had expected. From when I practiced a few weeks backs, my all-time high score was in the early two minutes.

Furthermore, the only reason it was still in the two minutes range was because I never went all out.

Had I gone all out, my score would've been drastically different.


Whilst I was looking at the scoreboard, I suddenly felt a stare directed towards my direction. Turning around, I found the same youth from before, Jude Wright, provocatively looking at me.

Almost as if he was saying, 'try beating my score'


Chuckling slightly, I helplessly shook my head.

Seeing him challenge me, I figured that he was very proud of his score. Unfortunately for him, his smile would not last for long.

I was going to give him a bit of a shocker.

"Participant Ren Dover, please make your way towards your designated area"

With a tablet in his hand, the instructor in charge of the game spoke.

"You should've already been briefed about the rules so I won't say much. Best of luck"

"Thank you"

Ta.Ta.Ta, fiddling with the gravity ring in my hand, I calmly walked into the room.


Walking into the room, the metallic doors behind me closed. Darkness enveloped my vision.

Pa.Pa.Pa, following which the ceiling lights switched on. Surrounding me were over fifty dummies. Each with different stances and builds. Some of the dummies were tall, whilst others were short.

The dummies over here were created with a special metal alloy that could withstand the blows coming from ranked heroes so I didn't have to worry about breaking them.

During the game, all of the dummies' ranks would be suppressed to a similar level to mine and when I exerted enough force to kill them, they would turn red and stop moving.

「5 : 00 minutes」

In the middle of the room stood a large digital timer that would start counting down the time once the game started.

—Your assessment will begin in three seconds. Best of luck.

From the corner of the room, a female voice resounded across the room.


"Should've probably stretched beforehand…"

Rubbing my neck, I put my hand behind my back and did a light stretch. I gotta reduce the tension in my muscles for optimal performance.

Didn't know whether this was true or not, but it was what I was told ever since I was a kid. Thus, I just did it.


"Right, I also promised my parents I would give them a good show…"


As I was stretching I was suddenly reminded of the message my parents sent me. Placing my hand on the sheath of my sword, I smiled.

—The assessment will now begin.

"Well, since I promised…"


"I can't let them down now can I?"

A subtle metallic click resounded across the space.


"Which games are you planning on watching?"

Sitting on a large red sofa, Emma asked. Right now, inside of a special lounge area designated to the Lock students, Emma sat down next to Kevin. In terms of aesthetics, the lounge was visually stunning with the furniture and decorations around the room coming from well-known brands and designers.

In front of Emma and Kevin were multiple large TV screens showcasing the different matches that were happening in the arena grounds.

Since they had no games today, they decided to watch the games in the comfort of the waiting rooms. Rather than watching the games under the boiling heat of the sun, they'd much rather watch it here.

"I'm gonna watch Ren's performance"

Popping the top of a can and taking a sip of the carbonated drink, Kevin burped out loud.

"Burp…what about you?"

"That's gross"

Emma scooched a little bit to the side. After that, she mused for a moment before responding.

"I'm gonna watch Amanda. From what I recall, she's participating in the hunter's quadrant games"

She was more interested in watching Amanda's game. As her friend, it was only obvious that she supported her.

"The hunter's quadrant?"


Hunter's quadrant was a long-ranged type of game. The game took place outside of section G; inside of the dome, a building built specifically for the tournament games.

The purpose of the dome was to replicate the world outside of the human borders. One where beasts lurked everywhere.

The dome was a jungle-like environment that contained real beasts.

The description alone was enough to tell just how much money was poured into creating such a facility.

It was worth it though.

There were plans for the academy to use the facility and open it for regular students. Rather than directly sending them outside for practical experience in fights against beasts, this was much better and safer for the students since it was a more controlled environment.

"Seems tough"

Kevin muttered as he took another sip of the drink in his hand. Twisting the can, he started reading the nutritional information. He had to watch out for the calories.

"Mhh, I'm not too worried about Amanda though"

"Well, Amanda is strong…"

"You confident in the chances of Ren passing the round?"

"Passing the round?"

Kevin took his eyes away from the can.

"Yeah, what do you think of Ren's chances at passing the round "

"Pfttt…unless he purposely loses, there's no way that guy's gonna lose"

Kevin suddenly laughed.

He had seen first hand just how strong Ren was. This was made especially apparent from his training sessions with Donna and Monica.

Even now Kevin couldn't say with confidence that he could fend off one of Ren's attacks.

If Ren suddenly decided to sneak attack him, chances were that he wouldn't know how he died.

That's how scary he was.

There was simply no way Ren would lose. Kevin was confident.


Out of nowhere, Kevin suddenly burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"No nothing, nothing"

Kevin waved it off. He had just recalled something.

'hahaha, how could I forget about the birthday gift Ren was supposed to give me…'

A week prior to the tournament, he recalled Ren suddenly asking him what he wanted for his birthday.

At first, Kevin replied with 'I don't really need anything' but after thinking for a bit longer, he suddenly came up with a wicked idea. Remembering Ren's dark face as he told him about the gift that he wanted, Kevin couldn't help but crack up.

He couldn't wait for the match to end.

"I see…"

Replied Emma as she took out her phone and randomly scrolled through some images.

"Oh, it's Ren's turn"

Suddenly, Kevin pointed towards one of the TV on the right side of the room. Not far from where they were.



"Then I guess I'll watch as well"

Emma stood up and followed Kevin.

"Weren't you going to watch Amanda's game?"

Kevin could clearly remember Emma saying that she was going to watch Amanda's game. Did she have a change of heart?

"Her turn is in thirty more minutes, so I've got time"

Checking her watch, Emma replied. Compared to the dummy massacre game, the hunter's quadrant took far more time to set up. The break in between each round was thus longer.


Sitting on one of the seats nearest to the TV screens showing Ren's game, Kevin grabbed the remote.

Turning the volume up, Kevin watched as Ren's figure calmly walked towards the center of the game room.

Right as his footsteps halted, the lights of the room turned on and fifty or so dummies surrounded him.

Surrounded by the horde of dummies, Ren looked completely unfazed. Right as the countdown hit one, Ren placed his hand on the grip of his sword.


Following this, a subtle clicking sound resounded across the space. With a large thud, five dummies instantly dropped dead on the ground as their bodies turned red.

Most shockingly, Ren did not move from his spot once. It was as though the dummies malfunctioned.


—Click! —Click!

Before Emma could even make out what happened, two more clicks resounded. This time seven dummies fell on the ground. Once again their bodies turned red.


Emma stood up. Her eyes open widely.

Sitting beside Emma, Kevin smiled. He was already too familiar with this scene.

Unfortunately for Ren, the opponents were too many in numbers. Right after the first wave was eliminated, the remaining thirty-eight dummies assaulted him from all sides.

It was then that an even more shocking scene appeared.

Right as the dummies were about to come close to Ren, three translucent circles appeared before him. With a lazy smile on his face, Ren pointed towards his left, right, and back.


Emma suddenly exclaimed attracting the attention of some of the other students lazing about in the lounge area.

"What's going on?"

"Is there something entertaining? What!"

Turning their attention towards the TV screen Emma was watching, they too were left outstanded by the scene depicted on the screen in front of them.

With three rings within five meters of him, the spectators watched as some of the dummies started getting pulled by the rings. Though the pulling force was weak, it was enough to slow down the movements of some of the dummies.

Click. Click. Click, This was enough, as the same clicking sounds repeatedly rang across the area.

Dummy after dummy turned red as they all fell on the ground.

This scene repeated itself before only one last dummy stood before Ren. Calmly looking at the dummy, Ren once again touched the grip of his sword.


Following the last click, the last dummy fell. Thus marking the end of the trial.

In the waiting room, apart from Kevin, almost everyone who caught a glimpse of the scene could not close their mouths for a solid minute.

As though a lump was stuck in their throat, no one knew what to say at the moment.

However, if there was one common thought everyone had, it was 'I'm glad that he's on our side'



Exhaling, I looked around me.

The ground next to me was littered with dummies. All of which were dyed in the color red. Turning my attention towards the center of the room, I looked at the time left I had.

「2 : 59 minutes」

"two minutes and one second, this should be enough for now…"

I honestly breezed through this. Although the difficulty was at its lowest as in the further rounds it would become much higher; I was honestly surprised by how easy it was.

Or did I once again get stronger? I wasn't sure.


Startling me out of my thoughts was the rumbling sound coming from the large metal door behind me. Opening up, the glorious sight of the arena grounds was once again revealed to me.

Covering my eyes as I walked out of the room, I suddenly felt multiple eyes directed in towards my direction.

Unfazed by the stares, I calmly walked back to where I stood before.


My footsteps suddenly halted. Looking up, I found my image on one of the larger screens.


Gritting my teeth, I took a deep breath.

'Why did I even agree to this…'

Turning around, I looked left and right to see where the camera pointing at me was. I soon spotted it.

Once I did, with deadpan eyes, raising my right hand, I did a peace sign and blew a kiss to the camera.


「1」— 2 : 01; [Ren Dover]

「2」— 2 : 37; [Jude Wright]

「3」— 2 : 40; [Dan Potter]

「4」— 2 : 55; [Odessa Mack]

「5」— 2 : 59; [Willie Morin]


A/N : Indeed. I've learned from my mistakes. No cliff-hanger. (on this chap)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.