The Author's POV

Chapter 220: Cleaning up [5]

Chapter 220: Cleaning up [5]

"Where is my son and who are you? Answer me!"

Staring at the masked figure before him, Jhanna shouted out loud. His deep voice echoed inside of the factory. Apart from the masked figure he could not see anything else.

Where was his son? Who was he? Why did he target him?

Jhanna wanted answers.

"Sir, he's no threat. He is only ranked E"

With his eyes squinted, one of the guards next to Jhanna tapped him on the shoulder and reported what he was able to observe. Without a doubt, the masked man was only rank.

"Pheew, okay"

Jhanna instantly sighed in relief.

Knowing that the opponent was only E ranked calmed him down a bit. His two bodyguards were both ranked. A measly ranked posed no threat to him. Staring at the masked figure before him, Jhanna spoke in a more confident tone.

"I give you an option, either tell me where my son is, or I'll make you tell me where my son is. I'm not sure if you can tell, but I have two bodyguards with me. Both ranked C. With your measly strength there is no way you can fight them so I suggest you give up"

"Hmm, that is indeed true"

Staring at Jhanna before me, I smirked.

'What an idiot'

What he said was indeed true. If it was just me by myself I would without a doubt be taken down by his two bodyguards. Unfortunately for him, I wasn't alone.

Lightly glancing at the top of the factory, I caught a glimpse of two yellow eyes staring at Jhanna from above. They were the eyes of a predator.

'Good, it looks like Angelica is ready…'

Unaware of his predicament, Jhanna crossed his arms in triumph. In response, I raised my hands up.

"Good, so you know your limit. Okay, now tell me. What have you done to my son"

"Sorry but unless you hear me out I can't say anything"

"I see, so you want to play this way…"

'this is fine too. This saves me a lot of trouble. Since you don't want to play it the easy way, I'll let you experience the hard way…'

Pointing at the masked figure, Jhanna ordered his to guards.

"Get him!"

Nodding their heads, the two guards looked at each other as an overbearing pressure started exuding from their bodies. Clenching their fists, they prepared to move.


—Spurt! —Spurt!

Blood spilled in the air and the two holes appeared on the bodyguard's chest. With his eyes wide open, Jhanna witnessed his two bodyguards get attacked from behind. It all happened so fast that he was unable to identify who the perpetrator was.

"What happened!?"

Thud! Thud!

With two large thuds, the two bodyguards fell to the ground. They were dead. Staring at the corpses of his two bodyguards, Jhanna's mouth hung wide open.

'What's going on?'

He wasn't able to see a thing. It all happened so fast that his bodyguards could react at all. We were talking about two ranked bodyguards. Some of the best of the best. Instantly Jhanna's body shuddered as fear seeped in.

'Calm down, calm down, you've been through worse situation. Try to gauge what the masked guy wants'

Jhanna forcefully calmed himself down.

"I apologize for my previous behavior. Please tell me what you need of me. If there's anything I can do I'll try my best to please your needs"

Bringing his hands together, Jhanna bowed. Having been blackmailed for ransom before, he knew of the standard procedure.

He was very clever. By acting this way, he was hoping for a negotiation without coming off as rude. Whoever the young boy before him was, he wasn't an opponent he could fight.

By acting this way he would be able to preserve his and his son's life. He knew when to attack and when to back down.

'huhu, all you want is money, right? I've got plenty of that. Whoever you are, even if you have someone strong backing you, you won't carelessly kill someone like me who has such a high status right? I've already memorized your voice and frame, even if you're wearing a mask I'll make sure to hunt you down once I return'

Jhanna Lim was gloating as he thought of the plan he had weaved.


Looking at Jhanna before me, the edges of my lips curled upwards. Noticing my smile, Jhanna, who took it as a positive reaction, thought that he had successfully managed to trick me.

'I did it!'

Now all he had to do was wait for the masked man before him to ask for the ransom. Once he successfully paid the ransom or whatever demand he had, he would quickly mobilize all of the resources at his disposal and hunt him down.

'Hopefully by the time I come back he's still not dead. Hahaha, I'll make you understand who you've messed with!'

Just the thought calmed his boiling heart.

He was the kind of man that would never forget a grudge. For as long someone messed with him, he would make sure to pay them back ten times.

"Very well, how about you transfer me the money first"

"Money? If I give you money will tell me where my son is and will you let us go?"

'Hehe, just the usual thief that thinks he/she can take some of my money'

Third rates. That's what Jhanna called such thieves. It wasn't because they were weak but because they only wanted money and nothing else. Once their demands were pleased they would immediately flee as far as possible.

Unfortunately for them, they had messed with the wrong person. With his power and connections, he would easily be able to locate the identity of the thieves.

"Yes, I'll let you and your son go after you send me the money"

"How much?"

"Hm, how much can you give me?"

"50 million"

"So that's how much you and your son's life are worth?"

Hearing the sum of money that was being offered, my voice became cold. Killing intent spread out from my body.

'He'll really kill me!'

Feeling the killing intent, Jhanna quickly waved his hands frantically.

"Nonono, I was only joking. 120 million is all the liquid assets I have. I can't offer any more than as that would take months to gather"

Jhanna wasn't lying. Most of his assets were long-term ones. Meaning that they couldn't be turned into cash quickly. The only cash he had at the moment was 120 million.

"Look! See, I wasn't lying"

Frantically tapping on his phone, he quickly showed me his bank account balance.

[121,098,549 U]

I slowly closed my eyes.

At the moment, I was trying my best to keep a calm look on my face. 120 million U. With it I would no longer need to sell most of the items that I got from Immorra. Opening my eyes once again, I nodded my head and took out my phone.

Transactions in this world were easy. Just a tap on the phone and the money would be transferred. Moreover, since the phone I was currently using was one that Smallsnake had given me beforehand and was connected to a separate account, I wasn't worried about anyone trying to track me down.

"Okay, send that money to this account"

Extending his hand, Jhanna was about to tap his phone against mine. Suddenly, he halted.

"How can I make sure you will let me go once I give you the money?"

"You don't"

I shook my head. In response, Jhanna quickly took his phone back.

"What! Are you messing with me?"

Jhanna was baffled.

A negotiation where the other guy did not even let the other negotiator propose any terms. This was the first time Jhanna had come across someone this stupid?

Why would he bother respecting the term if the other guy was not even willing to do the same?

"Do I look like someone who is joking?"

In response to Jhanna's attitude, my voice grew cold. Instantly, Jhanna's back became drenched in sweat as he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.


'He really isn't joking…'

If he really didn't agree to the terms both he and his son would die.

'No, this is merely an act. I can't let him influence me like this'

Shaking his head, Jhanna clenched his fists. He couldn't give up that easily. This was merely a tactic the thief was using to make take advantage of him. Staring at me, Jhanna took another mouthful of saliva before once again speaking.

"I-if you can't guarantee me and my son's health, why should I send you the money?"


"I'm not a man who goes against his promises, but since you don't seem to believe me, I have something else that is far more credible. Here"

Taking a black box from my dimensional space, I quickly threw it in Jhanna's direction. Catching it, Jhanna looked at the box with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

"What is this?"

"Wanna know? Open it"


With his brows knit, Jhanna slowly opened the box. Suddenly his eyes shot wide open and his body trembled uncontrollably. A finger was in it.

"Y-you demon!! What have you done to my son!"

"Nothing yet. But I sure as heck will do more if you don't send me the money"

Pausing slightly, my eyes fiercely stared at Gerrard before me.


"Yes, yes, I will do so now"

Left with no choice, Jhanna could only take out his phone and comply with my terms. Clenching his teeth, Jhanna was enraged.

'This bastard! After I get out of this I'll make sure to skin you alive if that's the last thing I'll do. How dare you touch my son! I'll make sure you die a miserable death!"


A loud chime resounded across the factory. The transaction was successful. With a large smile on my face, I bowed down slightly and thanked Jhanna.

"Thank you for your patronage"

"Okay will you let me and my son go n-khhhh!"


Before Jhanna could finish speaking, a hand penetrated his back. Staring at me, his eyes shot wide open. With a trembling hand, he weakly pointed at me.

"Why? y-you promised?"

"I didn't kill you though? Angelica, my subordinate did"

'Isn't that the same thing?', thought Jhanna as he slowly lost consciousness.

Understanding what he was trying to say, I shook my head and explained.

"Ah, well. You sir clearly don't watch a lot of movies. Whenever someone promises you that they won't kill you it generally means that their subordinates will"

This was such a common occurrence that I really wasn't sure how he bought my words so easily.

Well, I didn't really care. I've got my payday and removed a scum off the streets.

"Who is your subordinate?"

"Khemmm…Let me correct myself, I meant partner"

'You're technically my subordinate since your bound by contract, but I'll let it slide for now'

I wasn't someone who cared about the technicalities. As long as Angelica was pleased, I was fine.

Couldn't have her throw a fit on me. She was a very useful subordinate after all.


Stretching my arms, I looked at Angelica who was holding Jhanna by the neck. His body was slowly getting thinner by the minute as demonic energy spread in the air.

"Are you done?"

"Don't rush me human"

Angelica snapped her head in my direction and angrily barked. Raising my hands in defeat, I took out a black watch from my pocket. It was Thibaut's watch.

"Alright, do your thing"


Staring at the watch, Angelica suddenly asked, "What are you doing?"

"Me? Nothing, just checking how much they are worth"

Since Jhanna was a prominent figure, he had to be worth something no? At least to the Monolith.


[Name : Jhanna Lim]

[Rank : G+]

[Age : 43]

[Status : Dead or Alive]

[Reward : 2000 merit points]

"What! Only 2000 merit points? That's far less than me!"

Opening the watch interface and pressing on the bounty list, my eyes opened wide.

To think that the CEO of one of the largest companies in Ashton city was only worth this much. Even I, a sixteen-year-old student was worth more than double of him.

Fiddling with the watch in my hand, I thought to myself, 'I should probably check later what I can get from the merit points…'

From what I remembered, merit points were quite useful for getting some extremely rare materials or artifacts. Moreover, it was completely anonymous so no one knew who got them.

'Is it wrong for me to call myself a part-time villain?'

By collecting merit points I was essentially doing the Monolith's dirty work. I was also getting paid for it in merit points. Calling myself a part-time villain wasn't exactly wrong.


"Guh, why did I call them villains?"

I frantically rubbed my head. That was so cringy. Why couldn't I have come up with a better name?

"Haa…oh, well. Angelica, let's go home, I'm tired"

Shaking my head I stared at Angelica who was holding the corpses of the bodyguards with her hand. Gerrard's body was there too. With her hand on their bodies, demonic energy slowly seeped into them.

This was naturally done under my instructions. Had to make it look like this was the work of a demon, else someone could've pinpointed this to me.

Couldn't leave any trace of me behind.

Supporting my head with my arms, I calmly walked towards the exit of the factory.

Now that I've finished dealing with Gerrard, everything else should come down naturally.

Though I've only got rid of Gerrard out of the five tyrants, this was enough. He was the only one I needed to get rid of to get all five of them.

'I should get the results by tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?'

At least within a day or two, the five tyrants would be no more. I made sure of that.

"Huaam, I'm tired"

Putting on a thin skin mask to alter my face, I quietly left the factory. Couldn't let others see my face.

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