The Author's POV

Chapter 181: The castle of Azeroth [3]

Chapter 181: The castle of Azeroth [3]

With everything prepared, glancing at Silug who was standing next to me, I pointed towards the entrance of the prison and said.

"Silug you wait near the entrance of the prison"

…this was a must.

The reason I asked him to do this was self-explanatory.

Once the commotion started Kevin, Silug, and I would immediately move towards the entrance of the prison.

With Silug's enormous frame, there was a high chance he could get spotted therefore it was better for him to just wait near the entrance so that the chances of us getting caught were lower.

After all, it was very hard for Silug to run without causing too much of a commotion.


Unaware of my thoughts, Silug nodded his head and glanced towards the direction I pointed.

"Ah, right, before you go here"

Just as Silug had taken a couple of steps towards the prison entrance, recalling something, I took out a large gray fabric from my dimensional space and quickly threw it at him who caught it with his large hands.

"Put it on"

After I threw the fabric at Silug, turning towards Kevin, I took out a small thin circular white object thing and threw it at him.

"You on the other hand put that"

Confused, Kevin caught the item that I threw at him and took a good look at it.

"Hm? What's this? A mask?"

Nodding my head, taking out a similar mask, I put it on my face.

"Just a precaution"

Yes, a precaution.

Unlike the cheap mask that I had used back in the black market, this mask didn't come off as easily and it molded perfectly with the face of the person wearing it preventing anyone from seeing the wearer's identity.

Although I wasn't sure whether demons had things like cameras, I knew that they definitely had some sort of means to be able to look at what had happened during a specific period of time.

…therefore, for safety precautions, it was best if everyone hide their faces. Just so that it wouldn't come back and haunt us in the future.

Although I may be acting paranoid, this was a necessary precaution.

[Power law 29 - Plan all the way to the end]

I couldn't allow for any liability to affect my plans…if there was a possibility of something happening, I would thoroughly make preparations for it.

Plus, if I thought about it carefully, I was essentially coming here to rob the place.

What kind of robber comes to rob a place without wearing a mask?

Only amateurs would do that.

"Makes sense"

Thinking for a bit, Kevin nodded his head in agreement and put on the mask I had given him.

Subsequently, as if the mask was alive, it slowly wiggled around his face and distorted his features.

…he looked a lot uglier now.

Seeing Kevin put on the mask, turning towards Silug I stocked my chin and proceeded to nod my head in satisfaction.

"Not bad"

Wearing a large grey hood, Silug's facial features were completely hidden. Although his frame still gave away the fact that he was an orc, this was fine.

The reason why he was wearing a hood and not a mask was rather simple. The mask was made for humans, not orcs, so it just wouldn't fit him.

…either way, as long as they didn't catch wind of his face, it wouldn't affect the plans that I had for him.

I had big plans for him so I couldn't let anyone catch wind of his identity.

…I couldn't afford to lose an important piece at the beginning of the match.

At least not a piece that would play a crucial part in the grand scheme of things for the future I had envisioned.

"Alright, this should be enough"

After making sure that everyone's features were hidden, I saw Silug off and glanced towards the two cells in the distance where the orcs were imprisoned.

Pointing towards the cell where the orc with long hair was imprisoned, I looked at Kevin and said.

"Kevin, you take the other one and I'll take this one"

Nodding his head, Kevin looked at the other orc, the one with the mohawk, and asked.

"Him right?"



Coming to an agreement, Kevin and I quickly moved towards the cells of the two orcs. Moments after, stopping before the prison cells, without hesitation, Kevin and I easily broke the metal bars of the cells and arrived before the orcs who were bound by the large metal chains.

Glancing at Kevin who was in the cell opposite to me, I quietly whispered.

"You ready?"


Glancing at me and nodding his head, unsheathing his sword, Kevin closed his eyes as a red hue enveloped his sword.

A second after, as the red hue shrouding his sword reached a certain level, Kevin proceeded to hack at the large metal chains binding the orc.

A muffled sound of the chains hitting the side of the walls echoed across the prison as Kevin's sword directly cut into the chains. Fortunately, as Kevin was alert, the chains didn't produce that much sound as they hit the sides of the wall.

After Kevin broke through the first chain, he proceeded to cut the next one and after a couple of minutes, Kevin managed to break all of the chains binding the orc.

Freed from the chains, the orcs frail body weakly fell towards the ground creating a small thud which fortunately was dampened thanks to Kevin reacting in time and cushioning his fall.

Sighing in relief as he helped the orc sit upright, glancing towards my direction, Kevin looked at me and whispered.

"I'm done"


Similar to Kevin, coating my sword with mana I slowly cut the chains that were binding the orc before me.

In a matter of minutes, all of the chains were broken.

After breaking all of the chains, taking out the potion Kevin had given me moments prior I glanced at Kevin and pointed towards the potion.

"Give him the potions"

Opening the lid of the potion I propped the orcs head up and tried to feed him the potion.


Similarly taking the potion out, nodding his head, Kevin propped up the head of the orc he was with and fed him the potion.

Seeing Kevin feed the orc the potion from the corner of my eyes, a small frown appeared on my face as I tried to feed the potion to the orc before me.

"Here, drink this"

Still in a daze and unaware of what was happening the orc's hazy eyes looked towards the potion that was near its mouth.

Perhaps because he was still out of it, despite my many attempts at feeding him the potion, the orc refused to drink the potion.

"I apologize in advance"

Annoyed, after a couple of seconds and seeing that the orc was too out of it to drink the potion, grabbing him by the hair I forcefully shoved the potion in his mouth as a small gagging sound escaped from his mouth.


Should've done this before, couldn't afford to waste time.

…although the demons weren't patrolling the prison, that didn't mean that they wouldn't occasionally come to check. The less time I wasted, the better the situation was for us.


After I made sure the orc drank the whole potion, putting the empty bottle back in my dimensional space, I looked at the orc before me whose body was rapidly healing.


Glancing at Kevin and seeing that he was similarly done, I nodded my head in his direction as he nodded back.

…everything was proceeding smoothly.

"Right, almost forgot"

After feeding the orc the potion and just as I was about to leave, recalling something, I made my way towards the chains.

Using my hands I made sure to crush them with my hands…in a way that it looked as though someone had directly broken the chains through brute force.

…I needed to cover my traces.

Although they would definitely find the whole situation bizarre as two orcs directly broke free at the same time, it was better to make them think that the chains had malfunctioned rather than think that it was someone's doing.

Even though the demons will later find out that someone infiltrated the mansion, I would rather them not know that it was through the prison as I still had a use for it.

Glancing at Kevin who was similarly trying to hide his traces by breaking the chains, I pointed towards the entrance and whispered.

"You done?"

Taking his hands off of the chains, Kevin nodded his head.


"Good…alright, let's go"

After making sure we left no traces of our presence, Kevin and I directly left and joined Silug at the entrance of the prison.


A minute after Kevin and I freed the orcs, an enraged roar resounded across the prison as two overbearing auras that looked be around to enshrouded the prison.

"What's going on?"


"We've been breached!"

Feeling the enormous pressures emanating from the insides of the prison, the guards waiting at the entrance of the prison were startled. Instantly and without hesitation they all rushed towards the source of the commotion.

…because of how powerful the auras were, no one stayed behind as they instantly understood that the situation was serious.

The opponent was not something that just a few of them could face. They had to be together or else they would without a doubt die.

Of course, as they moved they also called for reinforcement, however, at the moment with only five guards present, they all had to be present at the scene, or else only death would await them.

…this was exactly what I was aiming for when I freed the orcs.

Thus, seeing that all of the guards had left, glancing at Silug and Kevin, I smiled and dashed towards the door that lead towards the innards of the castle.

"Alright, let's go"

I was now one step closer to my goal.


Opening the door that lead to the outside of the prison, the first thing I saw was a majestic hall with paintings all over the walls and bright chandeliers hanging from the ceiling of the hall.

Staring at the hall before me, I couldn't help but be reminded of a luxurious mansion owned by the nobles back in ancient times.

Unfortunately, because I didn't have much time I could only admire the scenery before me for a couple of seconds.

Looking towards my left and right, I tried to make sure there was no one present.

After seeing no demons present, turning around, and looking at Kevin and Silug, I pointed towards a set of stairs in the distance and said.

"Kevin, you and Silug go downstairs towards the bottom floor"

"What about you?"

Pausing for a second as I stared deeply into Kevin's eyes, I softly said.

"I have to go to another place"

Frowning, Kevin asked.

"Then I should come with you?"

Glancing at Silug who was standing behind Kevin, I shook my head.

"I wouldn't have minded normally, but he's with you"


Also realizing the problem, Kevin understood.

It was Silug again.

…with him with us, moving and sneaking around the castle was not ideal. Therefore, it was best if the three of us split up so that I could accomplish my mission faster.

Thus, thinking along those lines and looking at Kevin, I apologetically said.

"Yeah, someone needs to make sure he isn't spotted. Although he is strong, what's the point of infiltrating this place if we're going to get caught immediately"

Hearing my explanation, Kevin rolled his eyes.

"…so in short you want me to babysit him?"

Freezing for a second, processing what he said, a bitter smile appeared on my face as I nodded my head.

"In a way, yes, but it's not like im telling you to go downstairs for nothing. At the bottom floor there should be the treasury, and what I want you to do is scout the perimeter and tell me who is there so that when I come back we can come up with an appropriate plan. Although Silug's frame can be annoying, his strength should make up for it"

It was true.

Although Silug was not the best person to have when trying to sneak around, he was strong in his own right.

…heck, he could very well be the strongest person in the castle present.

If not for me being unsure about whether this statement was true or not, I would've just bulldozed my way in.

"…that does make sense"

Hearing my explanation, Kevin proceeded to nod his head.

In a way, although Silug's frame would stop them from sneaking in, he made up for it with his strength.

If push comes to shove, he could very well just kill anyone that blocked his path ensuring Kevin's safety.

Seeing that I had somehow convinced Kevin, turning around, I quickly made my way towards the stairs in the distance.

"Alright, I'm going now"

"Sure, meet up with us after you're done with your thing"


Turning my head away from Kevin, glancing at the stairs in the distance, a faint smile appeared on my lips.

…it was about time I reaped the rewards of this trip.

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