The Author's POV

Chapter 158: Setting up the framework [2]

Chapter 158: Setting up the framework [2]

Frowning slightly, Amanda thought she had heard wrongly as she said.

"A deal?"

What kind of deal did he want to make with her?

…did he perhaps want to purchase a skill? An artifact? A partnership?

Many questions emerged in Amanda's head she tried to understand the current situation. Seeing the confusion written on Amanda's face, I spoke up.

"Yeah, I'm trying to set up a company and I'm currently looking for a backer"

Hearing the latter part of my sentence, as if some of her doubts were cleared, Amanda's brows knit in a frown as she looked at me and asked

"So you want a backer, in what sort of way?"

Nodding my head, I elaborated.

"Yes, one that would deter others from trying to blackmail my company or try to use their influence to try to shut us down or force us into giving them the framework of the project"

Taking a sip of her coffee, Amanda nodded her head.

"I see…"

That indeed made sense.

…if he decided to start up a company, having a large corporation supporting them was a good idea. That way there would be fewer people that would dare touch them.

Unless they were targeted by a large power whose strength was equivalent or greater to the backers they chose, the company would be able to develop smoothly and unobstructed. It was a great idea for those who were planning on increasing their market share quickly.

Nodding her head in understanding, after a short pause, Amanda's eyes narrowed as she understood something. She then proceeded to look at me and say

"…and you want the demon hunter guild to back you?"

Seeing that she understood, I nodded my head as I smiled

"Pretty much…"

What better backer was there than the current number one guild in the human domain?

Diamond graded guild, Demon hunter.

With them backing my company, its development would be smooth and fast. Exactly what I wanted.

Seeing me nod my head in confirmation, Amanda fell into deep thought as the frown on her face deepened.

"hmmm…I see"

Seeing Amanda's frown deepen, afraid that she would misunderstand I tried to elaborate.

"Ah, don't worry, I'm not asking you this as a favor but rather a deal on fair terms. As you have seen from the video, the product that I've developed is called a magic card"

Raising her head, Amanda thought back at the video I had shown her. Remembering the red card that shot fire after mana was injected in it, Amanda's interest piqued.

"So that thing was a magic card? "


Nodding my head and turning on my phone, I turned on the holographic function and showed Amanda the image of a red card that had fine golden patterns on its side. I then proceeded to explain to her how the card functioned.

"To summarize what it does, it's basically a card that can cast spells. Sort of like an external medium or an artifact"

Pausing and pointing towards the golden patterns on the card, I continued

"By engraving a simple magic circle on the card and by using a specific mixture of materials to create the frame of the card, the magic card can be created. It's essentially an item that upon injecting mana into the card activates the magic circle engraved on it and thus from there allows for users to cast spells like mages. Moreover, it can be used more than once…"

Hearing my explanation, Amanda didn't respond immediately. Placing her hand on her chin as she fell into deep thought, after a couple of seconds, she looked at me and questioningly asked

"…are you sure?"

From what she listened to, the so called 'magic card' sounded too good to be true to her.

A multi-use card that allowed for non-mages to cast spells…that would without be an instant hit in the market if it appeared. It was that good.

…however knowing just how good this product was, Amanda didn't agree immediately.

Although she had seen the card in the video, that was only in a video. Unless she had concrete proof regarding the magic card item, she couldn't irrationally agree on a deal. After all, this decision was something that could affect the reputation of her guild.

If they agreed on supporting the idea and when the card actually came out for commercial use and it wasn't as good as it was made out to be, the one suffering from the backlash would be them not Ren.

Regardless of the goodwill she had for Ren, Amanda had to think rationally.

Nodding my head and turning off my phone, I looked at Amanda in the eyes and said

"I can reassure you that the prototype works. Didn't you see the video?

"As of right now, that's the current development of the card. Although it isn't finished, we will soon be able to provide you with a proper commercial usable one to present to investors. Moreover, you can just ask Melissa regarding the details…she's the one that is developing it"

As I spoke, I tried to emphasize the fact that Melissa was the one behind the development of the card.

…since Melissa was the one developing the card, it sounded more trustworthy. After all, she was a renowned scientist. She had a lot more credibility than an unknown like me.

Thinking about Melissa, now that I thought about it, although I was the one that presented the idea to Melissa…in actuality, I barely contributed.

After all, I only had a rough understanding of how magic cards worked.

All I did was remember the materials required to make the card and using the internet to understand a couple of small concepts, came up with the framework of the card.

My idea was only theoretical.

To actually put it to practice was much harder as a lot of factors needed to be taken into consideration.

Honestly, it was already beyond me how Melissa was able to take my crappy framework and actually do something with it. After all, what I told her was only the vague explanation of what I had put inside of the novel.

There were definitely parts that I had not included in my writing.

…Thus, as I thought along those lines, I couldn't help but inwardly praise Melissa's genius. She really was worthy of winning the equivalent of a Nobel prize at a very young age.

Placing her hand on the side of her hair as she brushed it backward, Amanda pursed her lips tightly before she softly said.

"…let me think about it"

After listening to what I had to say, Amanda was more or less convinced.

Especially since she remembered that Melissa was the one developing the card.

If Melissa was indeed the one that was developing the product then there was a high chance that this was really a thing. Moreover, it would also sound more convincing to the board members as Melissa's fame wasn't for nothing.

Seeing that I had almost convinced Amanda, smiling, I leisurely sat back on the wooden chair and downed my espresso.

"Sure take your time, once you've made up your mind you can go to Melissa and retrieve a prototype of the card to show to investors"

Hesitating, Amanda said

"if I do agree, what do you think the terms should be"

Rubbing my nose as I thought for a couple of seconds, I proposed

"15% on all profits, no shares"

Frowning, Amanda asked

"15% on all profits no shares?"


I think this was a fair evaluation

Although they wouldn't really help much apart from investing and using their name, giving them 15% was fair.

Unlike Melissa, I wasn't giving them shares, but just a 15% percentage on all of the profits made from the sales. Unless they planned on heavily investing in the company, I wouldn't sell them any of its shares as I wanted to keep relative control over the company.

Still, although 15% on all profits didn't sound like a lot, considering the possibilities of Magic cards, it was a very good deal. After all, I was only borrowing their name, aside from that all they had to do is sit back and watch as money entered their pockets.

Knowing this, Amanda didn't immediately respond. After a bit of thinking, pursing her lips she said


Shaking my head, I firmly rejected.

"Too much, how about 15% and discount for all guild members that wish to purchase a card"

This was my current limit. Any more than this and it would not be worth it.

Seeing the firmness in my tone and noticing that this was the last offer, after a bit of thinking, Amanda nodded her head.

"…okay, I'll get back at you later. I won't make any promises but I'll consider the offer"

Hearing Amanda's response, I smiled and said


As long as she considered it, all was good.

I was confident that as long as the prototype of the card came out, Amanda would without a doubt present it to the board of members of the guild who would agree after a bit of thought.

…the offer was just that good.

[Human, let's go]

As we had come up with an agreement, feeling Angelica's claws scratch my trousers from below the chair, I sighed and stood up.

"Alright, I think I've said all I wanted to say."


Remaining seated as she calmly drank her coffee, Amanda nodded her head.

Picking Angelica up and putting her on my shoulder, I waved goodbye at Amanda as I prepared to leave the store.

"Alright, I'll see you around. Call me if you have made up your mind"



Just as I was about to leave, Amanda called out for me and said

"What's your number?"

Realizing that I didn't have her number, I facepalmed and took out my phone.

"Ah right, I forgot that you didn't have my number, here"

Taking my phone, Amanda lightly tapped my phone against hers and gave it back to me.

"Thank you"

"No problem. Contact me when you've made up your mind. Alright, I've got to go, I'll see you at the academy"

Thus, after I took back my phone from Amanda, I waved goodbye and left the store with Angelica on my shoulder much to Amanda's disappointment. As I left the shop, my lips curled slightly as I thought.

'…finally, my company is starting to take shape'

Half an hour after parting ways with Ren, in a rather secluded area, Amanda halted her footsteps. Looking in front of her where there was no one, Amanda spoke up.

"Samantha, Rebecca"

Shortly after Amanda's words echoed across the area, two shadows materialized before her as they kneeled on one knee and simultaneously said.

"young miss"

"young miss"

Coldly looking at them, Amanda indifferently spoke

"Do not let my father know of what happened today. Make sure that the conversation I just had with that boy does not reach his ears"

Hearing Amanda's command, Samantha, one of the two bodyguards who had fiery red hair and yellow eyes, tried to speak up. However, before she could finish her sentence she was cut off by Amanda

"But young-"

"Do not investigate him, that's an order"

Seeing the firmness in Amanda's voice, lowering her head Samantha proceeded to nod her head.


Turning her attention towards the other bodyguard who had short brown hair and a small piercing on her nose, Amanda spoke


Lowering her head, Rebecca too nodded her head and said


Seeing that the both of them had heeded her order, nodding her head Amanda dismissed them.

"Good, you may leave"



Thereafter, as soon as Amanda finished speaking the two bodyguards melted into the darkness and disappeared.

Staring at the area where her two bodyguards were moments before, Amanda lightly sighed as she thought of her father.

…the reason why she had done this was because she didn't want her father to investigate Ren.

Knowing her father's personality well, if he got word of what happened today, he would without a doubt do a thorough background check on Ren. Considering that Ren had his fair share of secrets, Amanda knew that if her father caught onto something, Ren would find himself in a troublesome situation.

…to make matters worse, from what Amanda managed to observe from Ren so far, it was that he was the type of person that seemed to dislike trouble and attention.

Thus, knowing this, Amanda knew that it was better if her father was not made aware of what happened today. Perhaps in the future, but now was still not the time.

…she didn't want Ren to get a bad impression of her guild as a result start hating it because of what her father had done.

Moreover, since Ren had saved her life twice, Amanda knew that he wasn't trying to harm her. This was enough for her to not ask any more about his background.

If she wanted to know about his background, she would've preferred to hear it from the said person rather than digging it up against their knowledge. Especially since they weren't enemies.

…some may say she was naive for this, but to Amanda, this was her moral line.

Thus, thinking thus far, turning around, Amanda walked back to the academy.

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