The Author's POV

Chapter 150: Results and private lesson [2]

Chapter 150: Results and private lesson [2]


The sound of heavy panting resounded across the training field as students could be seen sprawled on the ground with deadpan eyes. Apart from a few students, Kevin being one of them, almost everyone was on the ground on the verge of passing out.

…I too was one of those people.

Though I wasn't as tired as some of the students on the ground and I could've remained standing like Kevin, I didn't see the need of doing so.

I didn't need the ego boost.

Without saying a word and glancing at the watch on his wrist, instructor August glanced at the students before him. As he stared at the students before him, his eyes briefly paused on the few students that remained standing before clearing his throat and coldly saying.

"Alright, this is enough for today. You may go back"

Thereafter, turning around, he directly left the field without saying another word.

His reaction or lack of reaction was something I had expected beforehand as Instructor August was a pragmatic and busy man. He was the type of man that set a clear boundary between work and private life. Therefore, as soon as he finished instructing the students, he acted as if he didn't know anybody here.

-Plamp! -Plamp!

Staring at instructor August's departing figure, the students around me all sighed in relief as the ones that remained standing dropped on the ground as their chest rose up and down.

It was evident that they had remained standing with the sole purpose of impressing instructor August.

"I'm beat…"

"I want to go back and rest, I can't even feel my legs anymore"

"What is it with this spartan like training"

Hearing their complaints, I sort of sympathized with them. What we went through for the past two hours could only be described as hellish.

After running for five laps, we were made to do a cross-fit like workout where we would alternate between stations every given set amount of time. Let's set aside the fact that the weight that we used weighted over 100 kg, what was worse was the fact that we trained every single muscle in the body.

Nothing was missing. From the upper body to the lower body.

Every single muscle.

…Thinking thus far I could already envision the nightmare I would wake up to tomorrow. Just the thought made me shudder.


After a couple of minutes, yawning out loud and regaining some of my energy, I weakly stood up and headed back towards my dorm room. Most of the students around me had already left a couple of minutes ago and thus I was one of the only people left on the field.

Nodding towards Kevin who was one of the people that were still on the field, I decided to head back to my dorm.

…it was probably best if I took a quick shower before heading to bed. Considering that I had to wake up early in the morning to train with Donna, the most sensible thing to do at the moment was to go to sleep early.

-Ring! -Ring!

As I was headed back towards my dorm, feeling my phone vibrating, taking out my phone I looked at the caller ID. Confirming that it was someone I knew, swiping right I quickly answered the call.


Answering the phone was Smallsnake's distressed voice.

—Ren, we have a situation.

Frowning slightly, I cautiously asked.

"Smallsnake? What happened"

…what could've possibly have happened.

For Smallsnake to sound so distressed something big must've happened.

—It's about Angelica…

"Angelica…what did she do?"

Taken aback, I suddenly recalled the fact that she was staying in the headquarters with Smallsnake.

…was she perhaps threatening him?

Thinking back, this could be a possibility as Angelica only listened to me…

After a short pause, Smallsnake responded

—Nothing yet…but things are quickly getting out of control. She is constantly throwing a tantrum about want—hey, don'—hey!

Just as Smallsnake was speaking, I suddenly heard his voice cut off as the sound of a light scuffle echoed from the speaker of my phone. Frowning I called for Smallsnake.

"Smallsnake? Smallsnake you there? Smallsnake can you hear me?"

After a couple of seconds of fruitless calling, just as I was expecting for the worst, a pleasant and crisp voice resounded from the speaker of my phone.

—Human, I am bored. Bring me out, I don't want to stay in this cramped space anymore.

Recognizing the voice as Angelica's I quickly asked.

"Angelica? What's going on?"

—Did you not hear me human? this Matriarch wants to get out. Staying in this place for such a long time is stifling for someone like me. I demand you come back and bring me out of this place.


Hearing Angelica's demands, an extended sigh escaped from my mouth. Thereafter, shaking my head I softly responded

"Alright, please hold out until this weekend comes and I will figure something out. Is that okay?"

After a short pause, Angelica softly said.

—…fine, this Matriarch shall wait.

'You're no longer a matriarch'

Was what I wanted to say as soon as she referred to herself as 'this Matriarch', however, I held my tongue and tried to appease her as much as possible. Arguing with her wasn't worth it at the moment.

"Angelica please pass me Smallsnake"

—Alright, stick like human this Matriarch is done take this thing back…Ren, hello, did you figure things out?

Ignoring the hilarious nickname Angelica used to call Smallsnake, I once again heard Smallsnake's voice on the other end of the phone. Trying my best to hold my laughter back, I calmly responded

"pff…Yeah, I'll make time this weekend so please wait until then. pff…fan you wait for me then?

—Can you not come faster? Also what are those sounds you are ma-


Before Smallsnake could finish speaking, I hung up the phone. There was no need for me to listen to what he wanted to say. Unfortunately, I couldn't come back sooner.

Especially since I had now private training with Donna.

Thinking thus far, staring at the darkening sky, I softly muttered

'Sorry Smallsnake, you're on your own till the weekend comes'

The next morning, Section B {06 : 00 A.M.}


"You may enter"

Showing my ID card to one of the guards patrolling the area of section B, I quickly entered the building and took an elevator to the bottom floor.

It was already the next day and although my muscles were sore, I was still somehow relatively okay.

The reason probably being the fact that I was excited about the training session that I was about to have with Donna.

Beauty aside, she was a ranked Hero. One of the strongest people in the human domain. The fact that I was being privately tutored by her was enough to make anyone jealous. Be it student or even instructor. Everyone would drool at the chance of being taught by her.


As I arrived at the bottom floor of the main building of section B, I was greeted by a training ground that was almost entirely white and was the same size as a football field.

Entering the training ground, I fell into deep thought.

While I wasn't too sure of what arrangements Donna had in store for me with regards to training, I was certain that it would focus along the lines of combat and psyon control. This worked in favor of me as better psyon control was what I needed in order to improve my arts.

…as long as I could improve my strength further, I was going to be satisfied. Especially considering the fact that my rank wasn't going to increase any time soon.

"You're already here?"

With her hair tied in a ponytail and wearing a dark blue sports bra and tight black leggings, Donna nonchalantly entered the training grounds.

Staring at Donna for a brief moment, I lowered my head and greeted her.

"Good morning"


Nodding her head faintly, Donna proceed to walk towards the center of the training ground. Thereafter, doing a couple of stretches, Donna glanced at me and started speaking.

"Studen Ren Dover, you will undergo daily combat and psyon control sessions from today onwards. Since on Wednesday's and Friday's your lectures start at 12:00 P.M, twice a week for four hours a day at this time I will train you"

Taking something out from thin air, Donna proceeded to throw an object resembling a suit in my direction.

"Put it on."

Heeding her order I quickly wore the suit on the clothes I had on.

As soon as I put the suit on, Donna disappeared from where she was standing. Subsequently, launching a vicious kick towards my Solar plexus Donna's figure reappeared before me.



Too fast!

Caught off guard and because of how fast the attack was, I was unable to react on time causing me to groan out loud as I felt a couple of my ribs crack a little. Staggering back and clutching onto my chest, I started coughing.

"Cough…cough…damn that hurts!"

As expected of a ranked hero. Just a simple kick and I was already on the verge of passing out from the pain. The power she exerted in that kick felt as if an elephant had run at me at full speed.


Moreover her speed…let's not talk about her speed.

Although she was obviously not going all out, she was still several times faster than Jin whom I thought was fast.

"30 seconds of rest"

Glancing at her watch, Donna blandly stated.

-Gulp! -Gulp!

Gritting my teeth and taking out a potion, I quickly downed it and felt my cracked ribs quickly heal. Thereafter, taking a stance I stared at Donna intently.

This time she wasn't going to catch me off guard like before…


However, before I could react, appearing next to my ears and lightly whispering, I suddenly felt my body fly towards the other side of the room.



Feeling my back become numb due to my body impacting against the wall, it took me a couple of seconds to recover from my daze. Looking up, I soon found Donna's violet eyes deeply staring at me from above.

"It is clear that you lack battle experience."

"You're not using all of your senses. Don't just rely on what you see in front of you and actually use your other senses. You rely too much on your sight and thus why you fell for the illusion I had set…"

Listening to Donna's explanation, weakly standing up, I proceeded to nod my head.

"I see"

What she said made sense.

…as I relied too much on my eyesight, I created a fatal weakness for myself. Just a simple illusion and I was already a goner.

Had Donna not pointed this out to me today, I would've never learned of this.

-Gulp! -Gulp!

Taking out and flicking the lid of a potion open, I quickly downed it and proceeded to heal my injuries.

Taking a stance, I stared intently at where Donna was. This time, rather than just staring at her, I also made sure to keep my ears alert.

Combat training was tough but straightforward. After Donna explained what I needed to do, no words were exchanged between me and her. I instantly understood her intentions.

"Let's go again"

Faintly smiling, Donna nodded her head in approval.



Thus for the next two hours or so Donna ruthlessly beat me up like a sandbag. At the end of the two hours we had set beforehand, I was completely exhausted and covered in bruises. My face was beaten black and blue and if not for the healing potions that Donna provided me every ten minutes or so, I would've long passed out.

Looking back at it now, Donna's training was several times harder than that of August. In comparison, his training sounded like paradise to me at the moment.

…Instructor August, I miss you.

Staring at Donna who had her arms crossed and stood in the middle of the training grounds without a single drop of sweat dripping from her face, I couldn't help but wonder as I weakly stood up.

'Does she perhaps have a grudge against me?'

As she beat me up, I couldn't help but notice the fact that Donna had a faint smile throughout the whole time.

…did she love beating me up that much?

Seemingly unbothered by my situation, glancing at her watch, Donna softly said.

"Alright take a five-minute breather and we will soon start psyon control training for the remaining hours we have left.


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