The Art of Chaotic Divinity

Chapter 32: The Reawakening of the Eye of the Asura, Unleashing the Asura Slaying Domain!

Chapter 32: The Reawakening of the Eye of the Asura, Unleashing the Asura Slaying Domain!

"You little mongrel!"

After a moment, Xiao Qinggang finally reacted. Gritting his teeth, he bellowed with a sudden eruption of murderous intent, "Kid, you're asking for death!"

With the words spoken, Xiao Qinggang could no longer contain himself. His figure, resembling a flash of lightning, surged forward in a swift assault.


Reacting swiftly, Ling Feng lifted his sword to counter Xiao Qinggang's strike, momentarily numbing his hand with the impact.

Xiao Qinggang's speed and strength were significantly beyond Ling Feng's. Despite being able to spot weaknesses in his opponent's swordsmanship with the Human Dao Eye, Ling Feng couldn't match Xiao Qinggang's pace.


With a single sword strike, Xiao Qinggang forced Ling Feng to retreat. He relentlessly followed up with another strike, a gleaming sword aura resembling a rainbow piercing through the sun, directly aimed at Ling Feng. The pervasive killing intent swept through, leaving even the surrounding inner sect disciples in awe and frightened.

It was the first time they had witnessed Xiao Qinggang in such a furious state.

In an instant, the brilliant swordlight burst into numerous glacial fragments, piercing straight towards Ling Feng's chest. Occasionally, sword qi shot out, effortlessly cleaving through trees at their trunks!

"So, this is the strength of the tenth stage of Qi Formation?" Ling Feng's expression shifted subtly. The significant gap between him and Liu Tang, along with Xiao Qinggang, became apparent after more than a dozen exchanges. Even when employing the Starshatter Sword Technique, he found himself thoroughly subdued and entirely on the defensive.

"Seal the area! Initiate the Four Flames Purple Array!"

Surrounding him, the other four inner sect disciples, all at the ninth stage of Qi Condensation, stood guard in the four directions, firmly sealing off the battlefield, leaving Ling Feng with no room to escape.

"You mongrel, you shall pay for your actions!" Xiao Qinggang practically roared, his eyes filled with blood vessels, resembling a raging tiger driven to madness.

Xiao Qingfeng, his blood brother, and Liu Tang, his trusted confidant, both fell one after another at the hands of Ling Feng. The consecutive losses fueled his intense anger.

"Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!..."

Xiao Qinggang's sword moved with escalating speed and force, each strike surpassing the intensity of the previous one. The ferocious power unleashed within the confines of the Four Flames Purple Array swept uncontrollably, generating a tumultuous vortex of augmented qi. Ling Feng found himself gradually losing stability, struggling to maintain his footing amidst the violent onslaught.

While Xiao Qinggang's innate cultivation talent may be slightly less than that of Xiao Qingfeng, he possesses an inherent divine power.

Ling Feng's prowess in engaging with Xiao Qinggang, despite being at the sixth stage of Qi Formation, is truly remarkable, showcasing him as an extraordinary talent.

However, this isn't a mere contest on the stage; it's a fight for life and death!

"I must survive, no matter what!" Ling Feng tightly gripped the long sword in his hand, his mind burdened with countless questions. Why did he possess the Blood of the Emperor, and why did his parents abandon him from such a young age?

With these enigmas still unsolved, how could he resign himself to death?

"It's your doing!" Ling Feng raised his head, his cold eyes now bloodshot.

At this moment, Ling Feng had no other choice but to open the Eye of the Asura!

Open the third vertical eye, the Eye of the Asura!


Under the forceful and fierce sword strikes of Xiao Qinggang, Ling Feng was sent hurtling through the air, crashing heavily against the defensive barrier of the Four Flames Purple Array, where he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Having completely exhausted his true qi, he lacked the strength to execute the Starshatter Sword Technique any longer.

"I won't grant you such an easy end, you mongrel! I'll slice away your flesh bit by bit, carve a small opening in your skull, pour honey in slowly, and then place an anthill on your head, allowing you to experience the sensation of being consumed by a swarm of ants!"

Xiao Qinggang erupted into a crazed, malicious laughter, his eyes seething with deep-seated resentment.

The brutal nature of this punishment caused a chilling unease among the disciples nearby who were setting up the formation.

"You won't get that chance, because you're going to die!" Ling Feng reached into his pocket, pulling out a golden needle. He locked eyes with Xiao Qinggang, scanning the surroundings before shouting, "All of you, will meet your end!"


Letting out a powerful roar, Ling Feng drove the golden needle fiercely into the Baihui acupoint at the crown of his head.

Once again, that long-forgotten sensation of murderous intent, filled with the scent of bloodshed and carnage, flooded back, dominating his heart and taking over his mind.

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes resembled pools of blood, a deep crimson hue overtaking them. Veins protruded on his forehead, followed by a fierce and terrifying tear, revealing an evil, sinister, and incredibly terrifying eyeball.

Open the third vertical eye!

"Die! Every single one of you will meet your end!"

With the activation of the third vertical eye, Ling Feng's awareness started to blur. Unnoticed by him, within the confines of this third vertical eye, a divine inscription inexplicably formed.

The divine inscription of Asura!


As the Asura's divine inscription formed, it appeared to draw forth a bloody curtain around, and with a sharp "crack," the defensive barrier of the Four Flames Purple Array shattered inch by inch.

"What's going on?!"

"What... What's happening exactly?"

"It appears to be a stronger barrier. How could this be?"

The four disciples maintaining the Four Flames Purple Array felt a surge of panic. This formation, incredibly sturdy, could trap even a seasoned expert at the early stage of the Pulse Formation Realm, making escape nearly impossible.

At that moment, Xiao Qinggang witnessed an unbelievable sight: a tremendously sinister vertical eyehad opened on Ling Feng's forehead.

"What... What kind of creature are you?!"

A wave of panic surged through Xiao Qinggang, and his right hand, clutching the longsword, trembled slightly.

Ling Feng was enveloped in a swirling, undulating blood energy that seemed to dance around him, akin to malevolent Asura spirits..

The instant Ling Feng locked eyes with him, Xiao Qinggang sensed a sudden and complete depletion of strength throughout his body, experiencing a shiver that seemed to originate from the depths of his soul!

"Xiao... Senior Brother Xiao, what should we do now?" The disciple with thick eyebrows asked, his voice trembling.

"Damn it, it's just a three-eyed monster, no need to be scared!" Xiao Qinggang steadied himself. "The five of us can team up. Are we really going to be afraid of a monster? You guys go ahead; I'll prepare a lethal move and finish it off in one strike!"

"Alright!" The four disciples shouted, mustering their courage and charging at Ling Feng with raised swords.


With an emotionless gaze, Ling Feng effortlessly swept his longsword in a simple and unadorned manner.

In an instant, the first disciple rushing towards him was cleaved in two at the waist, blood spraying and splattering across Ling Feng's face.


The others, swallowing nervously, turned to see Xiao Qinggang already executing evasive moves, fleeing madly to the rear.

"You traitorous scum, using us as bait!" The disciples finally grasped that Xiao Qinggang had essentially sacrificed them to create an opportunity for his own escape.


Following that, a wretched scream echoed, tearing through the clouds and splitting the void as it soared into the heavens. An inner sect disciple was impaled through the chest by Ling Feng's claw, extracting a still-beating heart. In the next moment, a sharp "pop" resounded as the heart burst open, unleashing a torrent of blood.

"No... don't... don't kill me... I..."

"Spare... spare... spare me, please!"

The last two were paralyzed with fear. Yet, their terror proved fleeting, as Ling Feng ruthlessly harvested their lives in the next instant.

"Monster, it's a monster!" Xiao Qinggang screamed like a madman as he tried desperately to escape. However, no matter how he ran, within this crimson spectacle, it felt as if he was eternally trapped in a circle, unable to break free.

This represents the capability of the first divine pattern of the Asura's Eye – the Asura Slaying Domain!

When trapped within the Asura Slaying Domain, escape becomes an impossibility unless Ling Feng, the one who initiated it, is defeated. Otherwise, one remains eternally ensnared in this crimson spectacle.

"You're next! Die! Die! Die!"

Ling Feng's three eyes shimmered with blood, transforming into a blood shadow that lunged forward. He swiftly toppled Xiao Qinggang to the ground, clenching the Moon Slayer with both hands. He aimed at Xiao Qinggang's heart and pierced through it repeatedly.

Stab! Stab! Stab!

After delivering over a hundred stabs, Xiao Qinggang's chest resembled a sieve. Only then did Ling Feng lift himself from Xiao Qinggang's lifeless body, gripping a blood-drenched longsword, and disappear into the dense forest.

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