The Ancients World

Chapter 532 The Sea Of Relsarmoder II

[I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with exclusive stories on it! I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.]

~~~(POV: Cera Adamo)~~~

~~~(Location: Flying Over The Sea of Relsarmoder, Heading for Alforza)~~~

~~~(Time: 11:44 PM)~~~

Turns out that Sally and I both forgot shit floats in water. For the most part, so even when she was given the privacy she needed, it ended up floating up and showing itself off to the world. And by that, I mean me as I turned around after she was done.

She hasn't spoken a word since screaming in embarrassment and ordering me to look away and forget that I ever saw anything.

It was funny, but I don't think telling her or talking about it will make it any better. So staying quiet as she wants me to has been what I've done. But I'm getting bored of the silence, and I want to talk to her.

"You know... If we make this trip again, we can bring diapers with us."

That was in bad taste, but I couldn't resist myself.

And Sally is fast to let me know how much she disapproves of such discussions by slamming her fist into the back of my head. Only for her to regret it since it's like punching steel.

"Don't ever make a joke like that again, or I'm never sleeping with you till the day we die."

That's a total bluff, no matter how much she tries to make it sound serious. Sally and I are too compatible to ever be taken off the table. And Sally won't talk about it yet, but I know she's had thoughts about starting a family one day.

Just like I have, and you have to have sex to make babies. Hence, why it's not a threat to take seriously. The question is... Should I keep joking or stop now...

I'm digging my own grave here, but I'm not missing this golden opportunity for shit jokes or jokes that involve shit.

"Ohhh, don't be like that. We both know that one day, we'll be changing the diapers of our offspring. This whole getting you diapers can be great practice if you let me change you."

That's in poor taste too, but it's a little more clever than my last joke. Sally isn't the slightest bit happy. She can't retaliate by hitting me because that'd only hurt her. And she can't come up with something to rebuttal me.

It's a fun little dance that I enjoy playing with Hailey. And it's probably a bad idea to play it with Sally, but this will help pass the time on this beautiful night.

"Cera... You're on wafer-thin ice... This is the final warning I'm ever giving you for the events that have happened today..."

Now she sounds serious, and that's my sign to stop while I'm ahead.

On another note, I'm hoping that we'll reach the coast of Alforza before the sun rises. But I doubt it. The stop we had to make for her to use the bathroom took a long time since she was so self-conscious and embarrassed.

"Let's talk about something else... Like your thoughts on your Father... You haven't talked to me about it since it happened... And we're in the middle of the ocean with the stars and moon shining down... The perfect chance for absolute privacy..."

Coaxing her into talking about it is the best I've got at the moment, and I kinda feel like I'm forcing it. That's not something I want to do, but I want to know how she's doing. Being hurt by a parent lasts longer than most pain.

She's silent, and I know just the way to get her to start talking.

"I can keep cracking jokes if you want? It's either that or you talk to me about what's on your mind regarding the bastard that is your Father."

The time it takes her to decide isn't long, and it's almost funny how fast she comes to a conclusion.

"If you want to know so badly... I guess I have no choice..."

Yeah, go ahead and paint it that way if it makes it easier for you. That's my whole plan anyway.

"I was thinking my Mother didn't write about my Father for the exact reason to protect me from the truth of the man... It makes sense why she never talked about him now... And that makes it hurt more for some reason..."

I know the reason... It's because your Mom had already sacrificed so much... And then she continues to do so, even when there is no hope for her... Was no hope for her...

"What would you be thinking or feeling if your parents did something like this?"

That's not a question I can answer cause the experience I had with my family is different. While I've experienced great pain because of the things that have happened to my family. I don't think it'd be right for me to compare pain...

But that's not what she's asking... She wants me to just think about it... And the thought of something like this happening to me makes my insides churn, and my heart feels hollow...

I couldn't imagine going through the real thing. That seems like a hell that wouldn't go away.

"I don't know, Sally... You've met them... It's hard to imagine them as anything else... But the little thought I have given... It's too painful to give greater thought to it..."

That's the best answer I can give her, and I hope that she keeps talking to me about this. I feel like the more she talks about it with me, the more she'll come to accept that it's happened. Or something like that. I'm not a therapist.

"Getting away from all the problems of my past seems impossible... And I've come to accept the majority of the things that have happened to me... I'm trying to move on... But after that happened..."

Her voice is starting to crack and break. And I can tell tears are going to start falling.

"It brought back so many wounds that I've tried to overcome and heal... And it's made them hurt worse..."

She leans down and wraps her body around mine. Relaxing is what I'd do, and I think that's what she's doing right now.

~~~(POV: Saliandra Orvello)~~~

~~~(Location: Approaching The Coastline of Alforza)~~~

~~~(Time: 7:28 AM)~~~

The coastline of Alforza is coming into view, and I'm looking forward to walking on solid ground.

"It's beautiful even from here!!"

I lean up and squint my eyes to see it. We're approaching fast. It's miles and miles of golden sands. As we're reaching it, Cera slows down and lands on the soft sand. And the first thing he does is take off all his clothes.

And I mean all his clothes. The heat here is already extreme, and experiencing it with the rising of the sun is ridiculous.

"What are you doing!?"

The sudden move to remove all his clothes and become naked does surprise me more than I thought it would. But it's not a bad surprise. You can hear the joy and excitement in my voice.

"The heat is a killer down here... I might just walk and fly around in the nude if it's this hot. Besides, I'll get a full-body tan. I'm pale as a motherfucking ghost."

I can't help laughing at the tone of his voice, and I see him waiting with his arms folded, and my smile quickly falls as I grow with some amused concern.

"I know you're hot too. Take them off."

He doesn't need to tell me twice.

I watch his features glow up as he sees my bare body, and I look down at his lower section to see his member growing and growing. I move closer and grab it, tugging on it with a teasing grip.

"We need to get some rest... We've been up for 20 hours at this point... Actually, a little more..."

A disappointed look appears on his face, but I can see how tired he is. It's time to set up the tent in some shade by the trees and rest for the day, and travel at night.


A/N: Below this line, I'll be keeping Cera's player information. That way, I won't have to place it into the story above anymore. It takes about 180 words up.

[Slayer (Zern) Lvl.230][Tier-4]

[Exp: 42/100%]

[Title: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael (Hidden)]

[Stats] [Strength - 7095][Endurance - 7045][Dexterity - 7215][Speed - 8240][Focus - 19,660]

[Mana aura control: 6/100%]

[Health: 76,560,000,000/76,560,000,000] [Mana: 216,600,000,000/216,600,000,000]

[Stat Points: 370] [Armor rating: 500]

[Inventory] [Dice of Wayland (Divine)] [Hardened Tree sap Armor (Very Rare)] [The Witness (Legendary Sword)] [Fenrir's Whistle (Divine)] [Camping gear] [Food Rations 3x] [Dried meat 3x] [Fishing poles 2x] [Fish 8x] [Festival Garbs 2x] [4x EXP Boosts] [Princess Saliandra's Panties (Black Lace)]

[Passive Perks]

[Inheritor of the Sword] [Son of Heaven] [Slayer of Evil] [Holy Willow Trees Savior] [Finder of Legends] [The Divine who has Legend] [Destined for Greatness] [Dungeon Diver] [An Overachiever]

[Active Skills]

[Heavens light Lvl.74 325/7400] [Protected by Heaven Lvl.74 225/7400] [Slash Lvl.92 4600/21000] [Parry Lvl.68 85/6800] [Double Strike N/A] [Kingslayer N/A] [Raging Machine N/A] [Winged Glory] [Angelic Flight] [Divine Pressure Exertion] [Divinity Pulse] [Controlled Fun]

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