The Ancients World

Chapter 358 - Diving Into Elenahiers Dungeon Iv

{I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with exclusive stories on it! I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

~~~(POV: Jasmine)~~~

~~~(Location: Inside Elenahiers Dungeon, Elven Kingdom)~~~

~~~(Time: 8:59 AM)~~~

Hailey and Cera act like true siblings... It's a funny sight to see sometimes... Their dynamic adds life to the group in ways that I didn't know we were missing. "You're making a trade when you unequip your underwear from under your armor." Cera stops Hailey in the middle of her going through her menu. She explained some things about players and the system they have.

She raises both her eyebrows in an annoying sibling-like way, waiting for an explaining. "Well, it should be obvious... You really need me to spell it out for you?" His voice is on the cautious side, and she's not amused at the delayed conversation. "Without your underwear, all the blood will cover... That place directly..." Hailey nearly dry heaves, and she smacks her brother on the shoulder.

It doesn't hurt him, and I doubt she did it to hurt him. "Why would you even say that to your sister's face with no shame! Sometimes you're the most out of this world person I've ever met!" Cera just shakes his head and turns around, heading back to Sally. Leaving Hailey with serious doubts about the... Topic... He pointed out.

She's got more than one issue on her hands, and that's the fact that we're about to leave and get drenched in blood for the next hour and a half or so. "Everyone! Finish what you're doing right now! We're leaving in one minute!" Helda's voice bounces off the walls of the small room at the same time. I think about the break being over.

I stand up, and Hailey is in a state of deliberation. She's lucky she can use the system and remove articles of clothing. I'm stuck with the dry blood chaffing me until I get a chance to change and get my clothes changed, which will be a long time from this point forward. I've come to learn that Hailey is a little spoiled...

Something that I only learned thanks to Cera since she acts so differently around him. My attention is taken from Hailey, and I look towards Ashburn and Melimora. They're having a last-second chat about something, but it doesn't look like things are going badly. In fact, I see a small smile on Melimora's face. A big fat smile on Ashburn tells me he's gaining ground with her.

I wouldn't think Melimora is the type to find someone to love, considering how bitter she is. I have no place to judge since I'm terrified of trying to find the right one. "Alright, everyone! Let's head out and take on the rest of this dungeon!" Helda is standing at the barrier opposite of the one we came in through, and we all make our way towards her.

~~~(POV: Cera Adamo)~~~

~~~(Location: Inside Elenahiers Dungeon, Elven Kingdom)~~~

~~~(Time: 9:01 AM)~~~

We pass through the barrier, and we all have our weapons drawn as we slowly spread out. The hallway is far more narrow, and my wings don't have nearly enough room to attack enemies, but I can still block attacks. "We're going to have to change our strategy for this part, Hailey and Cera. You're leading the group." That's fine by me.

Judging from Hailey's expression, she'd rather not be on the front lines where all the monsters and blood will come from. "Whatever enemies get past you, we'll take care of... I seriously doubt that will happen, though. After about 500 feet, things will open up, and we'll need to spread out a little." Seem logical to me, and I have faith in Helda's strategy.

Hailey stands at my side, and she gives me a single nod. We start to move forward, and after about 20 feet, we're already starting to get swarmed. We work in nearly perfect synchronicity, and it gives me a certain feeling when I get the chance to fight alongside Hailey. She might not feel the same way, but this is a rare moment that I do cherish.

~~~(POV: Hailey Adamo)~~~

~~~(Location: Inside Elenahiers Dungeon, Elven Kingdom)~~~

~~~(Time: 9:36 AM)~~~

These past 30 minutes have been absolute hell!! Blood and guts are everywhere, and I'm still getting soaked. The only thing that I can be happy about is the fact that I'm getting more and more EXP the deeper we get into this fucking meat grinder! Cera's attack style doesn't make it any easier, and there have been multiple times I've been sprayed with blood because of him!!

If we weren't in the middle of fighting, I'd smack him silly. "We've got about 100 more feet of fighting, and we'll be entering a much larger pathway! More enemies will start to swarm us too!" Helda talks to us as we slash through enemies and paint the walls red. Cera has a small smile on his face, enjoying this. I can deduce it to him getting EXP.

All the time we have left to fight is daunting to me, but we need these potions if we're going to take on the mission we're here for. They say that things that are worthwhile are never easy. I can only hope that the saying is correct in this instance, and we're not just wasting our time here. Cause if we are, I'm taking an entire day off.

Once we get back to civilization, or a river, I'm soaking in the water for a loooong tiiiime. "Don't have such a disappointed look on your face, sister! This a rare chance for us to fight together and do so without having to worry about our friends!" His voice is only loud enough for me to hear, but he still has to raise his voice so I can hear him.

The point he brings up would normally make me smile, but the stupidity of this dungeon brings down my mood my many different levels. "Why don't you enjoy it on your own!? This is the worst!" Of course, I want to quit and have someone else take my place, but no one will be able to kill as efficiently as me to keep up with Cera.

I'm faster than Cera, but that's where my advantages end. He's got me trumped everywhere else, and I have no issues with that... Well... I have a little issue, but that's just because we're family and brother and sister. "You should be more positive! If you were, maybe you'd actually enjoy yourself!" His insistence that I have fun is getting on my nerves.

~~~(POV: Helda Vora)~~~

~~~(Location: Inside Elenahiers Dungeon, Elven Kindgom)~~~

~~~(Time: 9:49 AM)~~~

We start to enter the larger pathway, and the monsters are already on top of all of us. My eyes and mind are slightly distracted as I see Cera unfold his wings to their full length now that he can. Hailey and Cera are more than a match for this dungeon, and I think they can take this entire place on their own. If Cera were alone, he'd probably be done by now.

He's like a tornado of carnage that tears through anything that comes his way, and he's not even using his most powerful attacks. Just basic swings and attacks, he will make the boss fight down the road easy. "Helda! How much longer until we're at the boss room!?" Cera asks a question that I'd expect from Hailey, given her current attitude.

We've got about another mile and a half of fighting and different environments to fight in. This dungeon is really a test of mental and physical willpower. "We've got about a mile and a half! More changes should be expected!!" There is a long groan that turns into a shallow scream from Hailey as I answer Cera's question. She's making this hard than it needs to be.


A/N: Below this line, I'll be keeping Cera's player information. That way, I won't have to place it into the story above anymore. It takes about 180 words up.

[Slayer (Zern) Lvl.193]

[Exp: 73/100%]

[Title: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael (Hidden)]

[Stats] [Strength - 7095][Endurance - 7045][Dexterity - 7215][Speed - 8240][Focus - 19,660]

[Mana aura control: 6/100%]

[Health: 76,560,000,000/76,560,000,000] [Mana: 216,600,000,000/216,600,000,000]

[Stat Points: 30] [Armor rating: 500]

[Inventory] [Dice of Wayland (Divine)] [Hardened Tree sap Armor (Very Rare)] [The Witness (Legendary Sword)] [Fenrir's Whistle (Divine)] [Sally's Dresses 5x] [Camping gear] [Food Rations 4x] [Dried meat 4x] [Fishing poles 2x] [Fish 8x] [Festival Garbs 2x]

[Passive Perks]

[Inheritor of the Sword] [Son of Heaven] [Slayer of Evil] [Holy Willow Trees Savior] [Finder of Legends] [The Divine who has Legend] [Destined for Greatness] [Dungeon Diver] [An Overachiever]

[Active Skills]

[Heavens light Lvl.59 325/5900] [Protected by Heaven Lvl.59 225/5900] [Slash Lvl..77 4600/130000] [Parry Lvl.53 80/5300] [Double Strike N/A] [Kingslayer N/A] [Raging Machine N/A] [Winged Glory] [Angelic Flight] [Divine Pressure Exertion] [Divinity Pulse] [Controled Fun]

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