The Ancients World

Chapter 298: The Festival III

Chapter 298: The Festival III

{I want to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and I've also started up a new VRMMORPG called the Libertas Dive. If you wish to read that as it develops, head to my p-a-t-r-e-o-n. I won't be uploading The Libertas Dive on webnovel until I've reached 30 pages on it. So get it while it's young and cheap. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

Jasmine is a strong girl with a lot of amazing qualities that make her special, and any guy would be lucky to have her. She's having such a hard time... Being trapped with the thought and feeling that you're never going to be loved because of your past will eat away at you. Just like I'm watching it eat away at her. She's sobbing her eyes out and can't stop crying. All I can do is hold her and be her friend. "Hailey... Why did this... Happen to me..." Her sobbing chokes up the words and makes it harder for her to communicate. She's in that dark place right now.

I can't answer that question for her, and no one will. The life she suffered isn't something many people will ever experience. Not being able to connect to that... I don't even want to imagine myself with the life she's had. "Listen, Jasmine... I don't have the answers... No one has the answers... I hate that you've had a life like this and that I can't fully understand... But I promise, one day. You'll find the person that accepts you and loves you as a woman." My words bring little comfort. Her sobbing slowly eases up as time slowly goes on.

I rock her in my arms as the heat in the room continues at a steady temperature, thanks to the fire providing the warmth. "I'm so... Sick of everyone... Seeing me... As an ex-slave... Like I'm a fucking blight!" Her sobbing gets harder, and she screams into her knees as she buries her face. You never know when trauma from the past can hit you. It can come at any moment if certain things are met. Talking about my brother and Sally's relationship is what brought this on. I should've been more considerate with my words. I didn't think it'd have this effect, but that's my own fault for not being considerate.

I lay my head on top of hers and let her cry into my chest. She's my best friend, and it's hard to see her like this. I'm glad I was a part of the murder of the James family. Who knows how many people they've hurt and destroyed. How many people have ended up like Sally and Jasmine... It makes my rage and anger boil. "You can let out as much pain you want... You've been burying it really deep inside, haven't you... Making sure that the world never sees cause you're afraid of how they'll react." She hugs me tighter and lets out a scream into my chest.

While Hailey supports Jasmine in her fragile state, Cera and Sally are having fun. They're playing every game that the festival offers and eating all the rare foods you don't see outside the festival. There are other players at the festival trying to enjoy it too, but they aren't getting the same treatment since they stick out. The players that are at the festival are still in their gear and reek of blood and guts from farming monsters. Cera was smart to plan for blending in, and no one is wiser to the fact that Arch-Angel Michaels Son is walking around and having fun at the festival.

I watch as Sally wins another game against me. My pride as a competitive person is taking major hits right now. I'm struggling to find a single thing where I have a relative shot at winning. I'm not used to playing these types of games. "For everything you're great at! I'm glad there isn't something you are good at!" As sally says those words, I realize something very important. This is a date, not a competition. I'm not supposed to be winning. I'm supposed to be having fun. The serious winner side of me really came out, but now he's gone.

I concede trying to win a game, but that's okay. Sometimes, you win when you lose. My prize for all my losses it's the smile that's on Sally's face. She's very pleased with the fact that I can't get a single win on anything we play. "I'm glad you're finding satisfaction in my defeat. It won't last long cause I'm winning this next game!" I didn't win. I lost worst than usual. Her laugh bubbles up, seeing the expression on my face. I have to use every ounce of willpower to resist grinding my teeth and throwing my hands up in the air, and cursing.

If I do that, it'll draw attention. So I suppress the urge and look at Sally. She's wiping away a tear from her eye. Her laughing comes to a stop, and she walks up and hugs me as she buries her face in my chest. She lifts her head, and I look down to see her looking at me with love. "We've played every game at the festival, and the play the city is putting on isn't till tomorrow. How about we go back to the inn?" Her voice is soft and hesitant. I see her move her eyes away from mine in embarrassment. I'm not dense. She's alluding to something else.

I pick her up in my arms, and she lets out a small eep. She covers her mouth as she thinks it's something to be embarrassed about. "I like that idea, Sally... Relax, and I'll carry you... Tomorrow we'll get all dressed up and watch the play." She smiles, and I can't help smiling back. I slowly carry her back to the inn and up to our room. She lays on the bed, and I turn around towards the fireplace. I walk up to it and set it up. Tonight is supposed to be another cold night. I look behind me, and Sally is already working her way out of her gown.

While the events progress with Cera and Sally, the church is in an emergency meeting. The meeting is to discuss the possibility of using the weapons that the Player scientists have created. The weapon is capable of devastating power and can win this war if used. The question being debated today is should the weapon be used. It's easy to watch missiles travel through the air and hit their target, but you don't know who's going to die. How many of your own will be caught in the blast. What effects this will have on history.

I watch as The Pope tries to rally in the conversation, but too many people are yelling. I sigh and lean back in my chair. I have severe concerns, but I can't voice them with so many already yelling at one another. Sometimes, I wish I could just take my blade and end them all. That's wrong, though. "What do you mean it's too dangerous!? Have you even read the reports!? Do you know how many cities have been captured by the monster hordes!?" The debate at the moment is weighing the pros and cons of the weapon. They're at the point where debating the lives that can be saved is higher than the ones that will die from the weapons after effects.

It's a dangerous road when the conversation steers that way. It's not something I'd authorize, even as Saintess. "SILENCE!!!" The Pope's voice roars through the room, and the arguments stop a second later. Even I'm a little taken aback. I've never seen him raise his voice like that. He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "There is only one thing we need to consider, people... Can we trust the new people enough to give us this knowledge? Will we be forever changed by their weapon?" That's something everyone in the room hasn't considered yet.

The new people have given this knowledge to us... For only the price of their protection and the means to create more. Their minds are devious, and their creations are evil. I don't trust them, and I never will. If they're capable of making weapons like this, you can only wonder what else they'll make. "Pope, while the new people can't be entirely trusted. This weapon will change everything for us. The war, the conflicts, everything will stop. There is a possibility of peace." His words are a poisoned chalice. Forced peace through fear of annihilation.

There is an immediate rebuttal to the words spoken, and it's one, not an ounce wiser. I close my eyes and try to drown out the rising arguments again. This debate is going nowhere and the weapons fate isn't going to be decided today. "I open my eyes just a little and I can see the disappointment on Alex's face. His retirement is taking longer than he ever wanted it to. Since a new person is going to be selected to take his spot. It's horrible, but it's out of our hands now. That's months from now. There is still time to end this war before that happens.

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