The Ancients World

Chapter 293: Costs

Chapter 293: Costs

{I want to let everyone know that I have a p-a-t-r-e-o-n with two new exclusive stories on it. One is The Aeternus Universe, and I've also started up a new VRMMORPG called the Libertas Dive. If you wish to read that as it develops, head to my p-a-t-r-e-o-n. I won't be uploading The Libertas Dive on webnovel until I've reached 30 pages on it. So get it while it's young and cheap. I hope you guys will give it a chance. The link is Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word.}

Sally and I walk into a store that has what's needed for the festival. Every place we've been to has refused to serve us since I'm a new person. The shop we're walking into now is one of the last possible places that can sell decent garbs for the festival. "I'm really getting annoyed with people. I don't like that they treat you that way cause you're a new person. If they really knew who you were, they'd give everything to you for free." Sally has grown frustrated with the service that I get as a new person. It's either egregious prices or no service at all.

I chuckle at her words as we walk down one of the aisles of the store. I look around and see clothes perfect for the festival, and their prices tags are fair. I can count on these pieces skyrocketing once I try and buy them. "It's something that we're dealing with. It sucks that I'm overcharged on everything, but it's not like I don't have the money for it. Just relax and let me know if you see anything that you'd like. Take your time. No reason to rush if we're going to get kicked out anyway." I don't know how long this shunning of new people is going to keep going.

It's making the lives of us players harder and harder every day. Eventually, we won't do any shopping at stores that NPC's own. We'll be doing exclusive shopping at player-owned businesses. There aren't enough yet, but I don't think it'll be long until players realize this will be the only solution for a while. "There are some really fantastic clothes in here..." Sally whispers out as I see her look at a few dresses not pertaining to the festival. I'm not opposed to buying her more dresses. I walk up behind her and look at the dresses she's looking at.

They really do look nice, and they're something that I know she'll look breathtaking in. "You can pick one of them out, and keep looking for a garb for the festival." She turns around and looks at me with a look that asks me if it's really okay. I nod my head. I need to ask the owner at the front desk if he'll serve my kind. I walk up to the front desk, and the man looks up from his book. He's not happy, but he's willing to hear me out. "Are you willing to sell to new people?" He sighs and closes his book. He nods his head, and I smile. I'm glad I found one store willing.

While Cera and Sally shop for the clothes needed for the festival, Hailey, and Jasmine are currently in their room resting and scarfing down tons of food. They've had a long dungeon dive. They betrayed a group of players and stole the legacy class for themselves. Jasmine now has a powerful sword and magic hybrid class called The Last Wish. Hailey knows they have a long trip tomorrow, and taking the rest of today and sleeping through the night is the best way to rest and replenish energy. Doing what they did isn't something that'll happen many times among the player base.

I shovel food into my mouth without care for modesty in the world. My stomach has been growling ever since fighting the Witch Queen. I look up from my plate of food, and I can see that Jasmine is doing the same thing as me. She's shoveling more and more food into her mouth, and barely chewing it. I focus back on my food as my stomach continues to growl in hunger. "This is so good." Jasmine gets some words out in between bites of food. I nod my head, and that's all I'm going to do. This is some of the best food I've ever had.

Emerald is also eating food off a plate that I put on the floor for her. All of this is costing a fortune, but I have money to burn. Emerald is eating just as fast and desperate as Jasmine and me. Emerald didn't even fight. I feed her regularly, but it's not food this good and fresh. It's usually dry meat, and that isn't very flavorful. We're all going to run out of food faster than any of us wants to admit, but that's a part of having good food. It ends up not lasting that long, and you wish you savored it longer than you had. I shovel the last bit of food on my plate into my mouth.

My plate is now empty, and I look over at Jasmine, and she's finishing the last little bit on hers. "That hit the spot!" She stretches her arms and lays her hand on her stomach. Emerald mews in agreement. I lean back in my chair and release a deep sigh. "I'm still hungry, though..." I am too, and all this food would feed a starving family. I stand up and make my way towards the door to the room. "I want the same thing as last time! Their steak is so juicy!" I'm getting the same dish this time myself. I don't care about the price.

I place the order and pay for the overcharged fee. They said they'll bring it up in a few minutes like last time. I make it back to the room, and I sit in the same chair. "It'll be up in a few. My stomach is already growling for me." I can literally hear my stomach growling for more food. This is going to be the only time for us to have anything decent to eat until we reach the city at the southern border to the elven kingdom. Jasmine's stomach growls, and so does Emeralds. We're all still hungry beyond belief. I'm looking forwards to the next serving.

As this is happening with Hailey and Jasmine, the developments in the weapon test the church is doing are coming to an apex. The church has agreed on a target location for the new weapon and is setting up the creation of the new people scientists. Their weapon will be propelled through the air on a rocket, something that has just been introduced to the natives of Gaia. For all accounts, this is a magical version of a thermonuclear weapon. One that will change the tide of the war, but it's up to the church if it's going to be used after this single test.

I stand on the edge of the viewing platform from a city overrun by monsters. As the Saintess, I'm supposed to be present for any military weapons test. Today is the day we test the first weapon that the new people scientists have come up with. Why they said we need to be this many miles away is beyond me. We're nearly 500 miles away, and we're all wearing magically enchanted goggles. "Can you believe they said we'll need these? I think it's tomfoolery." One of my generals next to me voices his dissatisfaction.

All the rulers who couldn't be here are viewing the test via hologram. "Ready to fire, mark the count down." The scientists start pressing buttons on a panel that they made, and the strange-looking tube moves and rises at an angle. "5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Launch." The tube blasts open, and a long rod being propelled forward by fire shoots out. We have to cover our ears at the horrible noise. We watch the strange device fly through the air and travel all the way to the city. In an instant, an explosion brighter than the sun happens.

We all have to duck behind the protective shielding as the wave and debris come flying at us. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!!?" Another high-ranking official screams out as the whole platform shakes, and after a second, it all stops. We all stand up and take a look at the scenery before us. I'm speechless... I've never seen anything like this. There is nothing left of the city. All there is a massive crater and a huge cloud that looks like a mushroom. Lightning is bouncing in its clouds. This is absolutely evil... No power like this should be in the hands of mortals.

One of the scientists steps forward and begins writing down the results. "Not as powerful as we thought..." I feel a pit in my heart and soul open as he says that... This is below expectations? "As all of you can see, the test is successful, and the enemy has been eliminated." I have to fight the urge to draw my sword and kill him even though he'll come back. These madmen... What have they made...

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