The Alpha's Temptation

Chapter 467 Confess

It took roughly an hour for the carriage to reach the borders of Alpha Jaris's territory. It stopped in front of a small cottage that was nestled in thick aspen trees. When the carriage stopped in front of the main entrance, Morava noticed that a pretty young girl with red hair and very light brown eyes was standing there. Wearing a long hazel gown that pooled at her ankles, she looked stunning.

As soon as Morava stepped out, the girl came rushing to her and bowed to her. A blush rose to her cheeks out of excitement. She said, "Princess Morava, welcome. I am Alyssa, Alpha Jaris's wife." The five soldiers who accompanied her also stepped down from their horses and surrounded her.

Morava narrowed her eyes on Alyssa and stopped herself from sneering. So this was the girl because of whom Jaris had rejected her. "Where are the Alphas?" she asked, without replying to her greeting.

Alyssa was taken aback by her rudeness but she recovered immediately. "They are waiting for you in the main room," she said, waving her hand towards the entrance.

Without giving her a second look, Morava walked forward. She heard the heavy footsteps of the soldiers behind her which was strange, but she ignored that and entered the cottage. Alyssa followed her inside and as soon as they went in, the door was closed shut.

Alyssa led her to the main room and when she opened the door, Morava froze when her gaze landed on Alpha Henk and Mirik. These two were the strongest opponents of each other, and now they were sitting together in a room? A healthy dose of panic stirred in her chest and she could feel her blood draining from her face. As if that wasn't enough, her eyes went to Alpha Jaris who was next to Kepp.

"Please come in, Princess Morava," said Jaris as he got up from his place to receive her. He looked at his wife who was standing behind her and gestured to her with his chin to leave. Alyssa left, closing the door behind her. Morava was now standing awkwardly in the room with four men.

She clenched her jaw so that it stopped chattering. What if the two of them spoke about her secret? What if they knew that she played both of them? The men watched her with cold hatred.

"Please sit down, Morava," Jaris said politely.

Morava had to show her confidence. If she showed that she was a weak woman, then her game was over. She started thinking of ways to get out of the sticky situation. She crossed her arms across her chest and said, "I am sorry but I will have to decline your request, Alpha Jaris. You never said why you called me." She glanced at Henk. "I have no intention of talking to those who rejected me. I am leaving!"

"No you are not leaving anywhere, Morava!" Henk's voice boomed in the main hall. "You better sit down because there is a lot that you have to say."

"I won't!" Morava said. she had to flee. She understood that her secret was out. She started to go towards the exit when in the next second, Kepp rushed and stood at the door, blocking her exit. "What is the meaning of it?" she yelled. "Let me go!"

Kepp grabbed her throat. "You won't be leaving anytime soon!" He started to back walk her to the couch and then pushed her on the couch next to Alpha Mirik.

Morava gulped. Her throat had become dry as paper. She flitted her gaze wildly between the Alphas. "What do you want?" she said in a gravelly voice.

As Kepp went to sit in his chair, Henk leaned forward. Mirik placed his hand behind her as if he would grab her the moment she tried to run.

Henk said, "You misled every Alpha. You told them that they would become the king of Hydra. You played the most sinister game Hydra had ever witnessed. All the Alphas fought with each other and now only five of us are left. And it all happened because you cheated. You gave false information to all of us about our support and allegiance." He glared at her as though he was short of murdering her. "We are on the brink of complete breakdown. Our people, our economy, our crops and our pups—all have taken a toll because of the war that happened between us!"

Morava was… dumbfounded. She didn't know what to say because her brain froze. She tried to look as unaffected as possible but her face said it all.

"So Morava, what punishment is suitable for you?" Henk said, leaning back on his sofa.

"She should be punished in a way that the entire Hydra Kingdom would know what it is to cheat and play dangerous games with the Alphas!" Mirik said, his voice cold and eerie. His hand went to the back of her neck where he stroked her skin. It should have felt good, except for the fact that his claws were out.

Kepp let out a laughter. "I know the exact punishment that can be given to her," he said as he got up and removed his belt.

"This is not right!" Jaris scolded Kepp. Kepp pressed his lips in a thin line and sat down. Jaris continued, "Morava, so you have anything to say in your defense?"

She took a ragged breath. "What can I say? The accusations are wrong."

Henk and Mirik jerked their heads back. "You bitch!" Henk snapped. "You are denying it now?"

"It is actually stupid of you to deny it," Mirik added. "We have already contacted all the Alphas and they have verified that you played with all of us."

"What was your motive, Morava?" Kepp asked through his teeth.

"I haven't played games with anyone. It is a ridiculous theory and you should let me go!" she said and got up dreading every minute, but the moment she was about to get up, Mirik grabbed her neck and made her sit down again. She squeaked.

"You are not leaving so soon, Morava. We need answers and even if you don't confess, you will be punished. Severely." Mirik snarled.

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