The Alpha's Temptation

Chapter 184 The Portal

Chapter 184 The Portal

"You can sense a portal?" Biham almost squeaked when he found his tongue. He didn't know whether to feel proud of her or excited about it.

She nodded lightly. "But I am not sure..."

Ileus's lips kicked up. He remembered when Anastasia would get attracted to the portals that were in Sgiáth Bio all the time. Since Lusitania was a half fae, it was possible that she was also getting attracted to it or sensing its energy. And it could also mean one thing--the portal would open into Sgiáth Bio. "Why don't you take us over there?" he said, tilting his head. He glanced at Rolfe who nodded. In case Lusitania got seriously attracted to it, she would want to step in it. In that case, Rolfe's magic would be needed along with his.

Lusitania blinked her eyes and looked at Eltanin. He held her hand gently and said softly, "Lead us, love."

All the anger that she had for him vanished in that moment of love and encouragement. There was no doubt in his eyes, only trust. He didn't doubt her even for a moment that she was wrong. He didn't treat her as his equal, he asked her to lead him.

Her lips curled up. "Sure," she said with her chin up to Ileus. is Rigel?" Biham grunted all over again. "He should be here!" How could he not witness this moment?

Eltanin pursed his lips. He knew that Rigel was getting impatient about Lerna. He wouldn't leave her even for a minute. He remembered when Tania was angry with him. He had gone out hunting with his army, but was still depressed. He was happy that he found Rigel and that their meeting eventually turned into an exciting rescue operation. It kept his thoughts running back to Tania all the time, otherwise he would have gotten mad. So, yes, he could relate this insane attraction that infected Rigel. How did Ileus and Rolfe manage the separation? Maybe, they were more mature than what he thought.

Lusitania got up and walked to the door as others followed them.

As soon as she stepped out in the open, she tipped her head up at the sky. The clouds had started gathering and it was becoming darker. The torches that lined the walls of the palace threw their soft glow on the porches and surrounding area. Biham ordered the guards to carry torches with them.

Tania took a deep breath in and then let her senses open up. Something faint drummed up in the distance. It was buzzing feeble, as if lethargically humming somewhere, hoping someone would find it and bring it to life. She had felt this energy when she had come here for the first time, but she was too shy or unsure of herself to admit it. And then she wondered if what she felt was legit or not. "It is that side," she pointed to the right. She felt in sync with the energy. Her heartbeat increased. She started walking towards it as if in trance, as if she wanted to mingle with that energy. And if she didn't, she would feel... incomplete. Her walk turned into a jog. World faded in the background. Her eyes turned a faint shade of violet as silver speckles floated behind them.

They rounded the corner and came to a large courtyard. The place smelled of leather, horses, hay and smoke. Several soldiers were talking in groups. Stable hands were bustling around with usual activity.

Tania came to stop right in the center of the courtyard. She whipped her head around to feel the energy that was haunting her for so many days, and which she was ignoring all the time despite her being attracted towards it. She had been smothering the urge to go and check it out. But not now. Her lips quivered as she placed her hand on her waist.


A voice came from far away. She ignored it. The silver in her eyes started streaking out.

All the soldiers became absolutely quiet and froze in their places as they watched their princess.

The energy hummed a little more, as if trying to reach her out. Her breath became ragged. Her gaze went to a stall at the end of the courtyard. She started walking towards it. That was where the energy was coming from. Her dreams flashed across her mind. Kinshra in labor. Her maid, Cordea, attended to her. Bright flash of light appeared the moment she was born.

Tania was breathless and sweat broke out. This was a new experience and it felt as if she had been denying herself something that was a part of her soul. When she reached the stall, she burst open the door. It was an abandoned stall. Shrouded in darkness. But she sensed the energy there.

Eltanin grabbed a torch from a guard and held it up in the stall. "Tania, I don't see anything--"

She lifted her hands and chanted, "Pokhazi sebya!"

A small circle of wind gathered and started circling. It sucked in the small pieces of hay and dust and then all of a sudden, it broke into tiny dancing yellow star lights. It looked as if hundreds of fireflies gathered and formed a circle.

The energy wanted to merge with her. She couldn't resist the charm. She started to walk towards it, entranced. She flung her hand at it. "Pactn!"

The circle yawned and then grew in size, a little at first.

"Calaman's horns!" Biham stared at the growing circle. The portal was right in his palace and yet he could never sense it? Or was it that the portal never wanted to show itself unless it's true owner showed? And how come this portal was in this little stall? He had so many questions?

"Lusitania!" Ileus called her. "You have to stay in control!" He knew that she was untrained. If Anastasia who was a full blooded fae could not resist its charm, how would Lusitania be able to resist. "Don't go near it!"

But Lusitania wasn't listening. As and as the portal grew, her eyes turned silvery violet. She stretched her hands and closed her eyes as if she wanted to unite with it. It was like a call to... home.

The portal grew and burst into tiny stars as it circled in front of them. The distance between her and the portal was barely five meters. She took a step towards it.

"No, Tania!" Eltanin shouted.

But she was in a trance and she couldn't listen to them.

"You have to resist it!" Ileus barked. "If you won't, you will go into Sgiáth Bio!"

But she didn't listen to him. A smile came on her lips. The energy was hers. She had to meld with it. She took another step.

"Come to me..." she heard a faint whisper. "Come to me, Lusitania..."

"Yes, I will."

Eltanin couldn't watch his mate getting sucked in a portal. A shudder passed through his body. He walked in front of her, grabbed her shoulder with one hand and slapped her with the other.

Lusitania's trance broke. "Elty!" she rasped and lost unconsciousness as the portal collapsed.

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