The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 932: James' birthday party (7)

Chapter 932: James' birthday party (7)

Alpha Edward reached below Zina's chin. "Let me see you."         


Zina closed her eyes and forced herself not to move.     

Before Alpha Edward could touch Zina, Owen grabbed Zina's arm and yanked her outside of Alpha Edward's reach.     

"Lieutenant Owen?" Alpha Edward growled lowly in a warning. "What's the meaning of this?" He saw that Dawn was marked, and that's why he went for Zina first.     

Owen knew that five Alphas were watching, but this was his mate, and he would rather die than let another man touch her. Everyone knew what was going on in that packhouse. There was a reason why only young and pretty Omegas worked there, for Alpha Edward to help himself whenever he had an itch.     

"I apologize, Alpha," Owen said. "But my mate and her friend are not members of the Red Moon pack, and it's not appropriate for them to receive orders from you or work in our packhouse."     

"Isn't that only a matter of time?" Alpha Edward asked. "Why delay? Our shaman is here. We can do the ceremony and be done with it."     

Owen balled his hands into fists. "We didn't decide where we are going to live."     

"Are you saying you are thinking of leaving the Red Moon pack?"     

"It's not final, but we want to keep our options open," Owen responded.     

Alpha Edward frowned. "Nonsense. Who heard of an able male joining the pack of his female? Besides, you are already here." Alpha Edward moved closer to Zina again. "What do you say? Will you give me a chance to show you the hospitality of the Red Moon pack?"     

Zina raised her head to meet Alpha Edward's eyes on her. "I am just visiting here."     

"Alpha Edward," Talia called. "Are you trying to poach my people right in front of me? Do I look like someone who is easy to bully?"     

"Not at all, Alpha Natalia," Alpha Edward said. "But if you have open borders with the Dark Howlers pack, maybe you could consider the same with the Red Moon pack. I suggest that these two females stay here. Next time you visit, you will see that they are treated well, and then you will allow more people from your pack to come."     

"Interesting proposal," Talia said. "However, I won't force my members to pick sides. If they wish to stay, they can."     

"Excellent!" Alpha Edward exclaimed, and he glanced at Dawn and then turned his focus back on Zina. "What do you say, doll?" He reached to touch her cheek. "Will you stay here?"     

A ferocious growl ripped from Owen, and he pushed Zina to stand behind him.     

"Lieutenant Owen?" Alpha Edward growled, and he released his Alpha aura. He had enough of Owen's interference.     

Owen's whole body shook, and he fell to his knees.     

Zina wanted to help Owen, but she was weaker than Owen, and she could only watch helplessly as her mate was being forced to submit.     

"Owen…" Zina called tearfully.     

At this point, Maddox, Tatiana, Tony, Kalina, Cristian, and Michelle were on their feet, all six tense while observing the scene. Mindy, Gideon, Sandy, and Tyler were there as well.     

Owen extended his arm toward Zina, indicating to her to stay away.     

Alpha Edward was Owen's Alpha, but Owen ended up humiliated in front of Zina, his mate. How could he keep his head down?     

Owen raised his head to meet Alpha Edward's glare, and he inhaled forcibly. "I, Owen of the Red Moon pack, denounce the Red Moon pack as my pack, and I reject Alpha Edward as my Alpha."     

Alpha Edward clutched his chest. "What did you do?"         


"Bwahahahaha!" Damon burst into hearty laughter like he just saw the most entertaining show.     

Talia waved at Keith and Arya to come closer. "Please, escort those three away. Lieutenant Owen probably needs a drink."     

Alpha Edward was still using his aura on Owen, but Keith stood between them like nothing out of the ordinary was happening. What the hell?     

With Owen denouncing Alpha Edward as his Alpha, the effect of Alpha Edward's aura on him diminished, but he was not immune. However, when Keith stood in front of him, Owen felt like he found himself in a protective bubble, and he could breathe again.     

"What is the meaning of this?" Alpha Edward asked furiously while his eyes moved from Damon to Talia.     

Damon wiped the corners of his eyes. He was laughing until he teared up. Talia wanted to pinch him, so he stopped laughing because this was not a laughing matter, but the thing was that she enjoyed seeing Alpha Edward's red face that contorted in anger.     

"It's amusing to see a Lieutenant standing up to his Alpha. And in front of an audience," Damon said.     

"Amusing?" Alpha William chimed in from behind Alpha Edward. "That's mutiny!"     

Alpha Richard was nodding in agreement.     

"I will punish him," Alpha Edward seethed. Owen's action was a slap in his face. He was never so humiliated!     

"You will do no such thing," Damon said, amusement from his voice gone. "That man showed bravery. If he needs a home, I will give him one."     

Alpha Edward narrowed his eyes at Damon. "You are poaching my people?"     

"People? It's just one warrior who left your pack of his own volition. Now, if his mate and her friend want to come also, that can be arranged," Damon said and turned to the table where Owen was sitting with Dawn, Zina, Arya, and Keith. "What do you say, ex-Lieutenant Owen? Will you join the Dark Howlers pack?"     

Owen stared at Damon. "It will be my honor."     

"What about your mate and her friend?"     

"They will come as well!" Owen quickly responded.     

Damon smirked. "There. It's settled."     

"Wait a minute!" Alpha Edward exclaimed. "You can't do that!"     

"I can, and I did," Damon said. "Normally, a pack member would fear retaliation, and he would sneak out. This warrior showed that he has the guts to leave the pack right in the face of his Alpha. I would be foolish not to poach such talent."     

"You staged this!" Alpha Edward fumed.     

"Staged, what?"     

"This! Coming to this event to embarrass me."     

"Not everything is about you, Alpha Edward," Talia said, and everyone turned to look at her. "I agree with Damon. That warrior was brave to stand up for what he believes in. If Dark Howlers doesn't suit them, they can come to my pack. In the Midnight Guardians pack, people get their duties based on interests and abilities, not based on their background and how they look."     

Alpha Edward's jaw ticked. He knew Talia was talking about him trying to get Dawn and Zina to work in his packhouse. But those two were from the Midnight Guardians pack! Other than being two attractive females, they were Omegas, and they had abilities, and how could he let them go?!     

But Alpha Edward didn't want to antagonize Talia. She was an Alpha female, a prized possession.         


Alpha Edward turned his attention to Damon. "You are pushing beyond my limits, Alpha Damon."     

Damon cocked an eyebrow. "What will you do about it? Issue me an Alpha challenge?"     

Several people in the event hall sucked in at the same time. Alpha challenge! It was a big deal!     

Alpha Edward gritted his teeth. Pulling back would be another stain on his reputation. And this time, too many people were watching. He needed a way out of this, and Damon just gave him an idea. "What if I am?"     

Damon stood up and straightened his back. "Challenge accepted, Alpha Edward."     

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