The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 34: Joko's joke shop

   When the four people finished their butter beer and came out of the three broomsticks, the rain outside became less.

   "Let's go to the Joko Joke shop first!" Fred suggested. He worried that the four of them would spend their little change when they went to the Duke Bee Candy Shop.

   "Okay." Albert looked away from the candy store. In fact, he was also a little curious about what was sold in the joke shop that would keep the three of them in love.

  Zoko Joke Shop is next to Duke Bee’s candy store, just separated by a private house. The shop here is similar to the candy store next to it, with large glass windows and various joke props.

   When the four pushed the door in, the bell behind the door rang.

   "Welcome." Joko put down the newspaper, got up from behind the counter, and welcomed the four young guests with a smile. This is a wizard in his forties with a friendly smile on his face.

   There are many types of goods in the joke shop. Albert put away his umbrella, walked to the window, and looked at the goods on it.

   "Automatic answering quill pen." Albert said the name of the quill pen softly.

  "This is to prepare a quill pen to help you cope with unpleasant subjects. It can help

   You write most of the topics. "Zoko is like a qualified salesman, introducing the function of a quill pen in a humorous tone like Albert.

   "It is indeed a good thing." Albert replied casually, disapproving in his heart. Selling this thing to him is like sending a reference answer to Xueba.

   He obviously doesn't need it.

   Next to it is a broom. Albert looked at his introduction: Runaway Broomstick.

   When a wizard tries to ride it to fly into the air, the broom will reverse, making the wizard riding the broom head down, and there are 5 modes such as crazy spinning, extreme braking and throwing people out.

  The broom can fly up to 3 meters high.

   This is also a toy broom, the price is 15 gallons.

   Albert's face twitched, and he turned to look at Fred, George, and Lee Jordan. The three were selecting props on the other counter. He walked over and saw a bar of soap in the row of cabinets with some black spots in the soap.

   frog egg soap.

   This is the introduction of that joke prop. When it is used for cleaning, it will become more and more dirty.

   Beside these soaps are teacups, Albert did not reach out to touch them, because there are labels on them, biting his nose teacups.

   Once someone takes this teacup to drink tea, it will suddenly bite that person’s nose and spill the hot tea in the teacup.


   If one is not careful, it is estimated that even the wizard will be recruited.

   "What are you going to buy?" Albert asked.

   "Big dung bomb." The twins said in unison.

   "Hiccups and squeaky candies." Albert was too embarrassed to not buy anything, just bought a few candies.

   Hiccup candy is a hard-throated candy that will continue to hiccup for five minutes after eating. As for the squeaky candies, they look like a little mouse. Fred took the initiative to try one, and he screamed like a mouse when he bite it, as if he really bit a little mouse, and his mouth grows scared. The boss, all the gummies in his mouth fell to the floor.

   "How does it taste?" Albert asked curiously.

   "It's not bad, it's ordinary jelly."

   "What are you buying?" Albert looked at Lee Jordan.

   "I want to buy this?" He pointed to a frisbee with sharp teeth on it.

   "This is a Spike flying saucer." Joko picked up a flying disk and threw it out. All four of them heard the roar from the howling flying disk. "Be careful when you play this. Don't get bitten."

   He took a piece of paper and put it in the mouth of the Frisbee, and it was torn into pieces in the blink of an eye.

   The lethality is not small.

   "Let me see if there are other things." Li Qiaodan looked at the price and was a little bit disappointed. This thing costs three gallons, the price is not cheap!

Before leaving, Albert bought two more inflatable screaming inflatable skeletons. This thing is as big as his fist. As long as it is thrown out, it will quickly expand to a person's height, and it will startle people by screaming and explode. Sometimes white powder will be scattered, making others' faces confused.

Li Qiaodan bought a sticky retractable hand, which can be retracted at will. After throwing it out, it will grab the ears of the closest person. Although it will not hurt, it will make a snap when it is retracted, which will scare the other party. jump.

   When the four of them left, they all held large paper bags in their arms, which were full of things bought at the Joko Joke Store.

   Li Qiaodan also bought a bag of dung bombs.

   The three of them are very curious that Albert did not buy this thing.

   This is almost something they must buy when they come to Joko's joke shop.

   "No, I'm not interested in that kind of stuff." Albert said gruffly

   This thing will become very dirty as long as you reach out and touch it, and throw it out will explode the disgusting mud, and it will also give off a disgusting rotten egg smell.

   is simply a biological weapon.

   "You better don't make the dormitory smelly." Albert warned seriously.

   "Don't worry, we will definitely notice that I bought this item to pay Elch." George was obviously still worried about his penalty for washing the chamber pot.

   "That place is great, isn't it?" Fred asked with a's a great, interesting place. "Albert admitted it, and he suddenly thought of something, "You seem to like these jokes, maybe you can open a similar joke shop in the future." "

   He still remembered that the twins did open a joke shop after graduation, and they did a good job.

   "This is a good idea." The twins' eyes lit up. Unlike Albert, they never thought about what they would do in the future.

   "I think you need to learn spells, these things also involve part of alchemy." Albert picked up a candy and glanced at it and reminded him.

   "What about yourself?"

   "I haven't decided yet." Albert is still thinking about it.

He did not intend to give up entering New York finance. After all, it was an easy job. According to his current hoarding experience and task settlement, after graduation, he can completely master various economics and finance skills and make money lying down. Sure enough, it is more suitable for him!

   By the way, it seems that the prediction seems to be good. It can be predicted that the lottery will be a suitable draw, winning 100 million US dollars or something.

  En, looks like the time converter is also good, you can win the lottery anytime, anywhere.

  In other words, it seems that finance is better for making money.

   Albert found that using magic to make reasonable money is also a good idea, but the only problem is that once discovered by the Ministry of Magic, it may be troublesome.

   Prophecy may be better, after all, as long as no one knows that he is a prophet, there is no problem.

Just as Albert was thinking about the future, the four walked into the Duke Bee Candy Store. The twins had already been emptied of change in Joko’s joke shop, but they might as well take a look at the goods in the shop and wait for the next time they have money. Come buy sweets again.

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