The Academy’s Weakest Became A Demon-Limited Hunter

Chapter 221: Alice Subjugation (17)

Chapter 221: Alice Subjugation (17)

The Alice Carroll incident occurred within the territory of the Empire.

The situation was too grave for Märchen Academy to handle alone. Therefore, it was only natural for the Empire to take charge of the Alice Carroll incident.

I felt the wariness of the Imperial Knights towards me. The same was true of the Royal Guards, Imperial Knights, and the Imperial Wizards that made up the Subjugation Force.

They were all sentinels of the Empire. Regardless of who their opponent was, they were resolute individuals who would draw their swords and staffs without hesitation for the sake of the Empire.


“I’m the one who resolved this incident.”

I responded with a cynical tone.

“If it weren’t for me, the Empire would have suffered massive casualties and astronomical property damage.”

Honestly, I was the one who summoned Mephisto and plunged the academy into a near-crisis.

But Mephisto’s army was bound to invade sooner or later. Without me, who had been granted power by the system, a catastrophe would have undoubtedly occurred.

Moreover, I made the choice to strategically bring Alice Carroll into the battle against the Evil God, thus strengthening our forces.

❰Magic Knight of Märchen❱ hell difficulty required extreme levels of control over the main character, Ian Fairytale.

To guard Ian while confronting the Evil God and minimizing casualties, I needed as much strong support as possible, like that from the Heart Kingdom.

In other words, my actions were entirely for the Empire. Even if I acted tough, I had nothing to lose.

“So hand over the suspects. I’ll decide what to do with them.”

My assertiveness made Vice-Commander Magrio frown.

“Are you serious? It will be troublesome if-”


The Subjugation Force Captain and Royal Guard, Jacule Calix, stepped forward.

The Imperial Knights and Vice-Commander Magrio made way for Jacule, and he stood before me. Considering who I was, it seemed that the highest-ranking member of the Imperial Knights present had personally intervened.

A middle-aged man with a sturdy build, appearing to be around 190 cm tall. Deep wrinkles were etched into his face like the waves of an ocean.

The sword at his waist marked him as a member of the Royal Guards, a top-tier force of the Empire.

Jacule glared at me with narrowed eyes.

[Jacule Calix]

Lv: 178

Race: Human

Elements: Wind, Fire

Danger: Low

Psychology: [Prepared to fight you.]

Danger level “low”. Being rated low at Level 178 meant that Jacule had no immediate intent to fight.

If necessary, he would aim for my neck with the treasured sword of the Empire at his waist.

Whether Jacule’s danger level would disappear or increase depended on how the situation would unfold.

“I greet the mighty Ice Sovereign. I am a Royal Guard, Jacule Calix, of the Imperial Knights. I sincerely thank you for resolving the incident. If you have any desired rewards, the Empire will do its best to fulfill them. However…”

Jacule emphasized the “however” as he continued in a deep, respectful voice while still glaring at me.

“We cannot hand over Alice Carroll. She is central to understanding several demon-related incidents that have occurred within the Empire, including this one. She holds critical information on the appearance of demons, their collusion, their objectives, and the truth behind these events. There are numerous aspects that violate the laws of the Empire.”

From the Empire’s perspective, it was indeed difficult to give up Alice Carroll. I understood that.

“So if you intend to obstruct the enforcement of the Empire’s laws and regulations… Forgive me, but even if you are the Ice Sovereign, we will risk our lives and use force. Do you understand?”

Jacule’s hand hovered over the sword at his waist.


I widened my field of vision as I stared at Jacule.

A white eagle adorned with golden ornaments was observing us from a nearby rooftop. It was the familiar of Emperor Carlos.

He was likely receiving real-time reports of the situation in the Academy Square through his familiar. I had anticipated this. After all, a new Elemental King like “me” had appeared.

Emperor Carlos of the Zelver Empire sought to maintain amicable relations with all Elemental Kings because each one was excessively powerful.

However, Emperor Carlos’s deference to the Elemental Kings stemmed from his prioritization of order and peace. If an Elemental King blatantly disregarded Imperial Laws and acted recklessly, he would go to any lengths to oppose them.

Emperor Carlos possessed the decisive judgment befitting an Emperor.

What I had done so far was fundamentally aimed at stopping the Evil God.

And the place where the Evil God would resurrect was here, in Märchen Academy, on the Empire’s soil. The key elements for the Evil God’s subjugation were also gathered here.

In other words, if I, bearing Düpfendorf’s mantle, were to antagonize the Imperial Knights and strain relations with the Empire by spilling blood here…

It would become challenging for me to remain at Märchen Academy, the most crucial stage, and seek the Empire’s help for the Evil God’s subjugation later on.

This would greatly hinder my objective.

In that case…

I needed to navigate this situation peacefully and bring the Emperor or at least a high-ranking representative to the negotiation table.

We both had nothing to gain from shedding blood.


While I was contemplating, Alice’s voice came from behind. Jacule’s gaze shifted to Alice.

I turned around.

“Make way.”

The ranks of Düpfendorf’s elite soldiers split in half almost instantly.

I walked straight ahead and stood face-to-face with Alice. She held the cloak of disguise I had given her around her shoulders, gently clutching the collar.

I looked into Alice’s light pink eyes, trying to gauge her thoughts.

In a small, calm voice only I could hear, she spoke.

I expected those words. The unnecessarily understanding smile as well. She must have arbitrarily weighed the pros and cons.

If Alice were captured by the Empire, she would have to brace herself for torture, inhumane treatment, and possible execution. The same went for the Paladins.

Given their current predicament, they should be desperately defending themselves instead of accepting any outcome humbly.

“And, I have something I must-”

“Hey, Alice.”

I had no intention of allowing that.

“Do you remember what I told you? To live beside me in atonement.”

Alice’s expression hardened. She nodded.

“Then stay put. I’m not giving up on you.”

I said coldly, making sure she understood.

Alice lowered her head, looking like she was deep in thought.

I sighed, patted her shoulder, and turned to face Jacule Calix again.

Then, Alice grabbed my hand from her shoulder and placed it against her neck.


The chill from Alice’s neck. She gently rubbed my hand against her skin, as if wanting me to feel its texture.

Alice then looked up again with her usual gentle smile, but her eyes were resolute.


At that moment, the sensation I felt when I made a contract with the Düpfendorf army vividly surged through me again.

My eyes widened in surprise for a moment, but understanding Alice’s intention, I quickly composed myself.

“I’ll surrender myself to you. Take me.”

Her gentle voice softly resonated in my ears.

I recalled the conversation we had in the Abyss.

I had revealed that my goal was to defeat the Evil God, instructing Alice that if she sought redemption, she should devote her life to this cause.

I’ll surender myself to you.

She was essentially saying she would become my strength to defeat the Evil God.

I turned back to Alice and gazed at her steadily. My calm face was reflected in her eyes.

“...Are you sure about this?”

“If you won’t give up on me, it seems like this is the best way for me to atone. And it looks like… I lost our bet too.”

I organized my thoughts. It took a while.

Then, Alice spoke up.

“Will you promise me? To stay by my side from now on.”

I nodded.

“...I promise.”

Alice smiled softly, gently caressing my hand that was on her neck.

Our intentions aligned.


A pale blue light flowed from my hand, encircling Alice’s neck and forming a stigma.

The new stigma on her neck glowed subtly with the color of my mana. It was a sign that Alice Carroll belonged to me.

This was the moment when Alice and I formed a contract.


Everyone in the square was shocked. Especially Dorothy, Luce, Kaya, and the Paladins.

Humans couldn’t become someone else’s familiar or minion, not due to moral issues but because their mana sources were not configured to allow such contracts. It was fundamentally impossible.

But Alice was an exception.

Mephisto the Contractor had manipulated Alice’s mana source to enable her to become a minion, which was why she had Mephisto’s stigma until 「Act 9, Alice Subjugation」.

So, Alice had just attempted to form a servant contract with me, and we both felt it was possible. Her mana source remained in the manipulated state.

Thus, we aligned our intentions and established a master-servant relationship.

Alice became my ally and minion. She was mine and had to unconditionally obey my commands.

This also meant that Alice was now affiliated with Düpfendorf, effectively making the Heart Kingdom a vassal state under our control.

I stepped away from Alice and turned around.

Facing the Imperial Knights and the Subjugation Force, I displayed the stigma on Alice’s neck as clear evidence.

I shouted loudly.


It was an official declaration.

“Alice Carroll is now my minion! Therefore, her familiars and all those who serve under her are all mine!”

Heart Queen, Alice.

Phantom Cat, Cheshire.

Nightmare Dragon, Jabberwock.

Tiger Dragon, Bandersnatch.

The Paladins.

Magic beast minion, Jubjub bird.

The foot soldiers.

All of the Heart Kingdom’s forces were now mine.

Vice-Commander Magrio Halpent trembled with clenched fists. His reaction was a complex mix of bewilderment, anger, and fear. Who wouldn’t react in such a way after witnessing a human form a minion contract with another human, a feat never before seen in the history of the world.

The legitimacy of this act was backed by my new identity as the “Ice Sovereign”. Archwizards often performed feats that defied human logic.

Why would an Ice Archwizard be an exception?

The Royal Guard, Jacule Calix, narrowed his eyes even more, glaring at me.

I walked forward again, facing Jacule and the vanguard of the Subjugation Force and the Imperial Knights.

I met his resentful gaze head-on and spoke sharply.

“So, the punishment and their treatment will be determined by me. Any action against them will be taken as a challenge against Düpfendorf and myself.”

I intended to protect the people while opposing the Evil God.

No matter how unrealistic, reckless, arrogant, or foolish it might seem, I was determined to achieve it.

And such an ideal included Alice.

Jacule clenched his teeth, his jaw muscles visibly tightening.

“...Please reconsider.”

Eventually, Jacule spoke with a slightly trembling voice, still glaring at me.

“By taking Alice Carroll under Düpfendorf’s protection, you are assuming full responsibility for this incident. As I reiterate, Alice Carroll is also suspected of colluding with demons. All incidents of demon appearances in this land may be related to her. Are you prepared to take responsibility?”

I understood Jacule’s intent. Since it was no longer a matter he could decide, he was trying to intimidate me by bringing up my liabilities.

But the opinion of someone who couldn’t make decisions on this matter didn’t concern me.

“Take responsibility…? Who are you to hold me accountable?”

Know your place.

The one I had business with was Emperor Carlos. Given that this situation had escalated to a diplomatic issue, Jacule, as a Royal Guard, had no choice but to await the Emperor’s decision.

Jacule frowned.

Then it happened.

The white eagle, adorned with golden ornaments, flew down into the Academy Square.

It was Emperor Carlos’s familiar, which had been watching us from earlier. It seemed the Emperor had decided it was time for him to intervene.

The Subjugation Force and the Imperial Knights, including Jacule, reflexively saluted in a knightly fashion, and the eagle familiar landed on Jacule’s shoulder.

The familiar whispered something to Jacule in a small voice before flying away again. It looked like Emperor Carlos had given an order.

Jacule bowed his head to me.

“His Highness, the Emperor, has stated that he will arrive here within three nights. He wishes to meet with the Ice Sovereign.”

Traveling from the Imperial Capital, Viyans, in three days was nearly impossible.

Unless he was riding a fast and large magic beast, the Emperor would most likely be coming in a grand carriage.

It seemed he had been planning to come to Märchen Academy for a while.

“The individuals involved in the Alice Carroll incident will be handed over for now.”

“Is that an Imperial Order?”

“Yes, His Highness commands that we do not touch the Ice Sovereign’s people. The specifics will be discussed directly between His Highness and yourself.”

It appeared Emperor Carlos had concluded that there was no benefit in antagonizing me any further.

After all, Alice, accused of colluding with demons, and I, who had defeated demons and protected the people, were in fundamentally conflicting positions. Given our alliance, Emperor Carlos seemed intent on understanding my intentions first.

“Apologies. Please forgive our rudeness earlier.”

With Jacule’s apology, the Subjugation Force and the Imperial Knights all bowed their heads to me. It seemed they had received stern words from the Emperor.

I observed them coldly for a moment, then turned my back.

I walked leisurely through the path created by Düpfendorf soldiers standing in /genesisforsaken

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