The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 89 Rematch I - Breakthrough

It has been nine days since the Realm Guardian had been resting. After its intense battle with the two little creatures, it lost not only a limb, but also a horn and part of its tail.


The dragon felt angry and mistreated. Especially so, when those that attacked it, barged into its home, and it was only doing its job.

Fortunately, the Realm was catering to its wounds, and healed it in just the short span of seven days.

As a Stage 2 Realm, even the effects of healing were increased by forty nine times. The time here might be slow, but the standards of living were increased exponentially.

And thus, it's limb and tail were restored. Unfortunately, it's horn was not a part of its flesh, and could not be healed whatsoever.

But it felt content nonetheless. Mostly due to the fact that it was born a perfect greater god, and was now about to shed its previous shells and restriction.

A breakthrough.


It's body blazed with a black glow, that took supremacy throughout the whole Realm, closing everything in a black shade of destruction.

The perfected Universal Greater Crystal Law blazed around its body, like a sun about to embrace supernova, trying to shatter its shackles as best as it could.



And with such a roar, that literally shook the crystal mountains within the Realm, the Crystal Law broke through its restriction and entered a new Realm of power.

The Universal Law immediately flew out of its body, and broke through space, entering into a lone universe Infinite miles away.

The Law ignored all barriers, and easily pieced through the Universal membrane, and went straight to the core of the Universe.

While the Universe itself had ambivalent feelings towards the Law, as it was not rejected by it, nor was it accepted.

For it knew its Fate.

The Law then incorporated itself deep within the Universe's Core, which was the most important aspect of a Universe, being the source of all that exists within.

Blackholes, Quasers, Stars, Planets, Galaxies, and any other aspect of the Universe, they all stemmed, and obtained their source from this very core.

A core that the newly arrived foreign Law, mixed itself into, and began absorbing all of its source.


The process began without a hitch, the Universe itself freezing in time as all Essence was absorbed from it by the Crystal Law.


And a world ending explosion occurred within. The process did not take long, for the Universe's core did not struggle.

It was easily assimilated by the Law, that took control of the very source of the Universe.

This very Universe was now the source of power for this Law, which was now the source of power for the Realm Guardian itself.

The Universe's time began flowing again, as the supplied energy was not cut off. In fact, it was only strengthened, and became even stronger.

Planets began growing estoric crystals with supernatural effects. Some stars were born purely crystal, and having more power.

Crystal people were also being nurtured. The sun's core was crystal, and so much more. The Universe's aspect immediately became "Crystal".


And as that occurred, as days passed with the changes continuing, a powerful roar spread out throughout the Universe, asserting its dominance.

The Realm Guardian was now a high god, standing tall within this Universe. Being the very source of power driving its life force.

[ TING!!! ]

[ Congratulations!! You have surpassed your limits, and have become a high deity. Your authority spreads throughout the whole Crystal Universe, and can be manifested here as your Domain ]

[ As the Realm Guardian of this Realm, the Realm has supplied you with enough Worldy Essence to cover up your Level up ]

[ As a Lesser Divine Class. Your stats have increased by one point each. You have obtained four Distributable Points. You have obtained four Ability Points. Your Divine power has increased by 200% ]

[ The success and decline of the now Crystal Universe belongs to you. The stronger you are, the greater the Crystal Universe will become ]


The powerful roar from before finally toned down, as the Realm Guardian had finally experienced its long (short) awaited breakthrough.

It was now a god standing beyond many others, a high god. One Realm from breaking through into a completely different league of gods!!

[ Name: No. 0 (Realm Guardian) ]

[ Divine power: – ]

[ Epithet: Realm Administrator ]

[ Class: Lvl 136 Realm Guardian (Low Divine) ]

[ Sub-Class: None ]

[ Life Essence: 0 ]

[Alignment: Neutral ]

[ Stats: STR - 13 000 001,0 || AGI - 901,0 || END - 15 000 001,0 || WIS - 11 000 001,0 || INT - 9 000 001,0 || AFF - 10 001,0 ]

[ Stat Points: 4 || Ability Points: 540 ]

[ Ultimate Abilities: None ]

[ Unique Abilities(2): Dragon Physiology(1), Fate Immunity(1) ]

[ Extra Abilities(5): Dragon Roar(1), Dragon Scale Armor(1), Dragon Beam(1), Dragon Might(1), Draconic Magic(1) ]

[ Class Abilities(5): Alpha Physiology, Divine Authority, Dimensional Lordship, Personal Domain ]

[ Equipment: None ]

[ Resources: None ]

It's Template manifested before itself, making it once more proud. It had regained the full strength of a greater deity a few days ago, and it increased more with this breakthrough.

It's base stats were monstrous. Let alone when it went into battle mode, and used its Abilities. It thought, brimming head to toe with power and confidence.

It then relaxed itself, and lay down once again. Unfortunately, just as it rested, an idle voice of excitement called out from above.

"Ah, damn. You also had a breakthrough? Hahaha, why is Fate so biased with me?" Flint descended with his whole entire physiology being made out of flames.


The Realm Guardian stood back up in apprehension and care. It's wings spread out involuntarily to make itself seem larger, while it backed off slightly.

"Mhm..." Flint only looked down on it with a playful smile. And looking at him closely, the Realm Guardian regained back it's caution and growled at him.

Another one?! It thought in anger, it's High Universal Law of Crystals Blazing around its body, as immense pressure spread out throughout the whole Realm.

"Angry? I should be the one angry here you know?" Flint said, and feigned a dissatisfied expression. But the Realm Guardian did not take that lying down.

It breathed out a hypersonic beam that flashed a multicolored light towards Flint. It was powered up by its Law, and had the destructive power of a star!!

"Oho? Such power? What level of godhood does one reach after being a greater god?" Flint thought in curiosity as he casually waved his hand before himself, redirecting the stella beam with [Expanded Force].

Throughout his period with Damien, he had learned that Unique Abilities had more flexibility. Take his, for example, [Expanded Force] allowed one to expand their Force by a hundred times.

But if one mastered it, they could also apply the "Expanded" part however they liked. They could expand anything, as long as they had enough energy to supply it. Same for the "Force" aspect.

The redirected stella beam struck a crystal mountain a few miles away, and completely eradicated it into crystal dust.

"ROAR!!" The Realm Guardian roared at him in anger, even taking a few steps forward to show that it's fearlessness of him.

Flint cracked his neck to both sides, and increased the intensity of his flames. "Alright then, I'll entertain... You!!" He boldly declared, and swooped down like an eagle.

"ROAR!!" The Realm Guardian spread our its wings and roared out in warning. But Flint did not falter, and even increased his speed.

Angered, it roared even louder, "ROOAARR!!" And did not back down, as it flew up like an erupting volcano, with all if it's rage, now uncontrollable let loose.


And the two beings clashed together at the center, releasing a stella shockwave, that shook the mountains of treasures and resources around them.


A red flash of light was thrown back, and collided heavily onto multiple treasure hills, before exploding out onto the wall, mixed on it like butter on bread.

"Ugh..!! That was, unexpected. Damn. It's over ten times stronger than I am. I guess... I need to up my game." He thought as he pushed himself off the wall.

He then piled up [Supernatural Strength] and [Hell Flame Physiology] with Ability Points, maxing them out instantly.

His visage immediate exploded out into reddish flames, and exploded out in more power. "Now that's more like it." He excitedly thought, his voice a tone deeper than usual.


He burst off ahead at terrifying speed. The Realm Guardian blew out a breathe of crystal essence, powered out by its very Law within the Crystal Universe.

"Heh!! I'm a god too!!" Flint roared out, punching out with all his strength, and releasing an invisible shockwave that collided with the dragon breathe, canceling each other out.


The explosion spread out as an invisible wave of impure essence. But they both ignored it, and charged towards each other once more.


And unfortunately for the young man, the same process repeated itself as he was pushed back towards the wall again.

"Ugh...!! Damn it... Still, still almost thirty times stronger than me, huh..?" But he did not back down, and instead smiled. He once more pushed himself off the wall and... charged again.

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