The Absolute: Humanity's Second Chance

Chapter 84 The Inheritance

Years later, that inheritance which he deemed useless due to its grade and requirements, became one of the very reasons why the elves became even stronger, and almost surpassed the other major races.

As for what it was? It was a secret.

Damien jumped into the cave, and miraculously, appeared head first out of a different water surface. As if he had just dived in the water, and now was popping out.

The water here was greenish blue, and crystal clear. Flint also appeared just as Damien did, and he surveyed his environment. "Woah. This places is... actually amazing."

He thought in wonder and amazement. Damien did not speak and just floated towards the surface. Flint then collaboratively followed after him, like a baby duck.

When they both finally got out of the water, they saw a different passage leading deeper into the cave. "More passages." Flint scowled, his thoughts going back to the cave with the gobling lurkers.

"Relax. There's nothing down here." Damien said, and Flint chose to believe him. 'If you say so, Mr Know-It-All.' And just like that, a returnee and a demigod, went through yet another cave.

And indeed, just as Damien had said, there was nothing within the passage that brought out any form of caution from Flint. All the way till the end of the passage.


Though surprised, the young man was more than happy about this new finding. The fact that he would not fight yet another battle was a plus sign for him.

And within the cave, they were met with a single treasure chest, and a book. Nothing else. Not even a bed, nor a chair. It was empty, and instead full of sadness.

"Uhh... Should I ask?" Flint said, and Damien ignored him. He instead walked towards the treasure chest, and placed his hand over it.


Flint pretended as if he was not ignored, and went over towards the book. He picked it up, and swallowed the urge to ask what it was all about.

Meanwhile, before Damien and the treasure chest, appeared a screen of light. One vey much similar to that from The Primordial Source.

[ Welcome. Testing for Mana requirements... Testing... Testing Successful ]

[ Testing for all physical requirements... Testing... Testing successful ]

[ Testing for all mental requirements... Testing.... Testing successful ]

[ Welcome, once again. Please input the type of Class desirable for this Inheritance... ]

Damien nodded to himself. This was the first step that he failed at the last time. Back then, his mental and physical requirements were successful, but his Mana requirements were not.

Later, he learned that a person had to be at least at base, ten times faster, a hundred times stronger and have a thousand times more Mana than his supposed Rank. And apparently smart.

Having more Mana than one's Rank was actually quite hard. Especially so, when your Class was just an ordinary "Axe Master" Class with no special effects.

"No changes." He said. He could actually change the class, but unfortunately, he did not have the current resources to do so.

[ "Knight" Inheritance has been chosen. Would you like to do any modifications on it? ]

"No." He plainly responded. Same reason as before, no required resources to make any changes he desired.

[ Affirmative. "Knight" Inheritance has been chosen. No modifications made. Would you like to advance the Inheritance's grade? ]

[ Current Grade: Mundane ]

After seeing this text, Damien immediately changed his responses. "Yes." He was a tad bit nervous, as he was not sure if this would work out or not.

[ Affirmative. What type of resources would you use to upgrade the Inheritance's grade? ]


Damien did not speak, and instead took out a Cryz Stone, aka, a Stone of Evolution. He placed it on the text, and it was fluently swallowed, as if it was sinking in water.

[ Resource obtained... Resource under scrutiny... Resource under appraisal... Resource under testing... Resource scrutinized ]


He waited with bated breathes, as the next text sent, could be the deciding factor to whether humanity would rise to the next platform. Because if not... that meant more work for him.

[ TING!! ]

[ Resource perfectly matches the requirements for evolution. Required number of the same resource: 1 000 Cryz Stones ]

Damien sighed in relief, and immediately took out the required number of Stones of Evolution. He put them all within the text box, and silently waited for the results.

[ Evolution taking place... Please wait a moment... Evolution underway... Please wait a moment... Evolution successful ]

[ The Mundane "Knight" Inheritance has evolved into the Unique "Holy Knight" Inheritance ]

[ Is there any other changes you desire? ]

"No." Damien said, and the transparent texts then disappeared. Along with their disappearance, the treasure chest opened itself up, revealing a bronze key.

Damien took ahold of the key, and stood up to leave. There was nothing else he would find here. But just for the sake of "What if?" He stopped, snd checked for any secret passages or the likes.

Since this could be a different timeline, nobody knows. He thought, and faced Flint, who seemed absorbed into what he was reading.

An idea struck him and he did not banish it, "...It's said that that thing is cursed. Reading it, and you shall have a fate far worse than his. A rumor though."

Damien said as he left. Flint reflexively threw the book away in fright. "I am just joking." And Damien's voice travelled all the way back to him from the passage.


Flint stood there flabbergasted at the whole situation. 'You can actually joke? No, hold on. Jokes aren't supposed to be these emotionally hurtful!!' He thought and took another glimpse at the book.

At the end, he gave up on it and left. It was all about how a man lost his wife, due to not being enough for her. Even after sacrificing everything he had, including the world for her, she still left.

Worst of all, she got together with his enemy and nemesis. The rest were too spicy to mention, but the poor man suffered. She even did the deed right before him, with his enemies, when he was at his weakest.

So just to be on the safe side, Flint did not want to experience anything similar to that. Even if he and Fou never worked out, it didn't have to be to that point. 'Nope.' He added.

A few moments later, Flint appeared out of the small cave they entered. And when he looked up, he saw Damien sitting besides the small pond, looking up.

Flint then chose to follow his gaze, and to his surprise, or not... there was a group of something resembling sand people, with butterfly wings floating up there.

They were humanoid, and had long ears, as well as being completely made up of sand. But their wings seemed to have life into them, as they seemed like genuine butterfly wings.

"And these are? Your friends, sir Damien?" He asked, half curious, and half teasingly. Damien responded, "No. They are unfinished products. Offsprings of the one who you just killed."

"Hey, we killed it together. Don't blame it only on me." Flint retorted back, and Damien nodded. "Yeah, my bad. We murdered their parent, and made them orphans. Good job us."

"...You, aren't taking them serious are you?" Flint sighed and walked out of the pond. Damien stood up and nodded. "I do not. But I so wish I could... just as how serious you were about killing that god."


"I am just joking." He added, and Flint felt the corner of his eye twitch. 'I think I should teach you the definition of a joke.' He thought in resentment.

"So... what now?" Flint asked. Damien had already taken out the Null Blade. But Flint stopped him. "Wait, wait. Hold on, we are actually going to kill them? Just like that?!"

"We killed their parent, did we not?" Damien plainly asked. "Yeah, but..." Flint tried to defend himself, but Damien added. "Just like that. Same process."

"...Where is your godly logic when it's needed?" Flint dreaded by himself. He felt reluctant to kill them. Especially so, when not given a reason to.

As for why he could kill the serpent lake god, inchijon, he had a reason. Or so be believed. It was that without killing it, they would not obtain what they desired.

"If you really feel sympathy, we can leave. But like wolves, these things will forever remember this grudge. Our karma will be tainted." Damien added after a moment of silence.

"But they can't catch up to us anyway. So let's just leave." Flint beamed at that response and suggested. Damien looked at him, and then back at the byproducts of a god's experiment.

"Lost Essence." He said, unfurling his wings and left, transforming into a trail of light. Flint smiled, and soon followed after him without looking back.

The sand creatures tried to chase after them, but unfortunately could not catch up in speed. Thus after a minute of chasing, they had completely lost their target.

Meanwhile, Damien and Flint flew tens of thousands of miles, and stopped at a mountain range. They landed directly on one of the tallest mountains.

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