The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 60: Zone Integration (1)

Chapter 60: Zone Integration (1)

[Are you ready for this?]

[Its the territorial integration.]

The angels words left the people looking puzzled, not quite grasping the meaning.

One brave soul raised a hand. Angel! Could you please explain what territorial integration means?

The angel retorted with a hint of impatience, [You should get it once I explain. No need to make it complicated.]

Ah, my apologies

[In simple terms, it means merging territories. You might not know, but your country has hundreds of them. To be precise, 875.]

Whoa! 875?

We had that many territories in our country?

The angel chuckled, downplaying it. [Dont be too surprised; its not a big deal compared to some other countries. China, for instance, has over 26,000 territories.]


The players quickly accepted the fact, considering Chinas vast population.

[Imagine, with each territory having 10,000 people, its natural that countries with larger populations would have more territories.]

True. Wait, if each territory has an angel assigned

That means there are at least tens of thousands of angels

The sheer number of angels surprised them; they had never thought about it before.

Hearing their murmurs, the angel smiled. [Your guess is spot on. We angels are each assigned to one territory. Did it take you this long to figure it out? Silly humans.]

Though the angel teased, they could only listen arguing with such a powerful being was futile.

Yet, a question suddenly lingered. Um, Angel. You said you were assigned. Are you saying you didnt create this survival game?


For a moment, an embarrassed expression crossed the angels face, but it vanished quickly.

Regaining composure, the angel maintained a poker face and asked, [Why would you think that?]

Its just hard to believe that so many angels decided to work together to create this survival game, there must be someone behind all of you.

[Hmm~~ And if we did work together with no one behind us, what then? Would you give us praise?]

[Let go of needless doubts. You might end up with a throbbing headache, humans.]

I-I apologize

Faced with the stern words, everyone could only bow their heads.

Except for Ryu Min, of course.

Ryu Min noticed that the Angel was trying to divert the conversation, likely due to a policy of keeping information about the architect hidden. It seemed improbable that a mere angel had crafted this massive survival game, especially considering the self-centered and competitive nature of angels not exactly the best team players.

[Enough with the pestering questions. You pests should focus on surviving,] the angel grumbled, but that just confirmed that they werent the architect.

[Alright, no more wasting time. Lets proceed with the territory integration as promised. Just so you know, its only because there arent many of you. Dont make wild guesses.]

With a flick of the angels wings, the ground started to tremble unexpectedly.


Whats happening?

An earthquake?

The sudden upheaval bewildered the people, but Ryu Min remained composed. He knew that this was a typical natural occurrence during territory integration.

In essence, its not the ground shaking; its the space itself.

Amidst a jarring noise, the very fabric of space seemed to waver.


Strange black lines appeared, stretching from the ground to the sky.

The divided space flipped over like a rotating cube.


As the space turned, around 500 unfamiliar figures materialized.

They were players from other territories.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Then, with the sound of spaces merging, the black lines disappeared.

The once sparsely populated meadow was now teeming with people.

Phew Is it over?

Who are these people?

Curiously, everyone stood still, eyeing one another with caution.

[Well, the territory integration is complete. Huh? Why the strange looks? Youre all humans, so at least say hello. How long do you plan to stand there like statues?]

A new angel, whose face was unfamiliar, floated up with a warm smile.

And they were not alone.

A group of ten angels gathered together.

[Olive, hey there?]

[Priscilla, hello?]

[Ellen, hi!]

The angels exchanged greetings with forced smiles, their voices lacking warmth.

[Olive, how many people are in your territory?]


[Similar to ours, huh?]


[By the way, whos going to explain things to the humans here? About the game and all.]

[Ill do it.]

Olive, from the same territory as Ryu Min, raised her hand and offered to take charge.

[Wait a second. Are you trying to impress the angel leader?]

[Me? Why would I?]

[Your eagerness to step forward seems suspicious.]

[Then you do it. Whats the fuss?]

[Alright, Priscilla, you do it.]

[What? Why me? So bothersome.]

[Guys, lets not fight. Anyone can do it.]

[Yeah, the angel leader wont care.]

[Right, now that I think about it.]

[Okay, Olive, you do it. Your voice is the loveliest among us.]

[Ugh, fine. Whatever.]

Even for such a simple task of explaining, the angels found it bothersome.

Olive fluttered her wings and flew to the center of the meadow.

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