The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 41: Rune Of Inner Thoughts (1)

Chapter 41: Rune Of Inner Thoughts (1)


Jang Seok-hyun unleashed a relentless stream of curses, his eyes blazing with fury.

His target had struck him right in the crotch.

Ill kill you. Ill damn well kill you, you son of a bi*ch.

The fact that the girl had managed to escape didnt matter anymore.

His lust had long faded, leaving only an insatiable desire to see his opponent dead.

I must say, you have quite the fighting spirit. If you had surrendered easily, I would have been caught off guard.

With an air of amusement, his opponents voice sounded surprisingly light.

Jang Seok-hyun couldnt help but feel a twinge of confusion, almost as if he could hear laughter.

You bastard! Why the hell are you laughing like that?

Jang Seok-hyun charged forward, disregarding the pain coursing through his body.

As a player, he could still move despite the injuries, unlike an average person.

Just a little closer, and that scumbag wont stand a chance!

As long as he closed the distance, it would be a piece of cake.

Luckily, his opponent was as immovable as a statue.

You foolish idiot!

In the blink of an eye, a dagger materialized in Jang Seok-hyuns right hand.

He swung the dagger wildly, desperately attempting to strike.

Swish, swish, swish!

He was confident in his skill to pierce a goblins throat, but his opponent proved to be far more skilled.

With his meager level 9 stats, it was nearly impossible to graze the collar of someone at level 30.

He actually dodges all of this?

His attempts to thrust, slash, and rant at his opponent proved futile, merely scorching the empty air.

Still clinging to a goblins dagger, huh?

His opponents mocking voice rang out as he brought his scythe down.


Jang Seok-hyun, sprawled on the ground after being knocked over, scowled in frustration.

A wave of agony surged from his core.


Feeling the pain, are we?

The voice of Ryu Min, his opponent, emerged from behind the mask with a hint of a smile.

But we havent even begun yet.

In a flash, the scythe descended, causing Jang Seok-hyuns wrist to go limp.

K-kuh, aaargh!

Enough with the theatrics.

Ryu Min swung his scythe once more, severing Jang Seok-hyuns other wrist.

Effectively rendering him unable to wield a weapon.


Jang Seok-hyuns mind swiftly realized that this was a hopeless situation.

His ability to fight back had been practically nullified.

Kuh, its hopeless, I dont have a chance against him.

Did he come to that conclusion?

With his limbs severed, Jang Seok-hyuns body began to emit a blinding white light.

Or at least, that was the intention.


To his bewilderment, the light failed to radiate as expected.

Whats going on? Why isnt it working?

While his hands were now gone, his two feet remained intact.

He had hoped to blind his opponent with his luminous ability and make his escape.

But why?

However, his body seemed unresponsive, as if the ability had vanished into thin air.

There was nothing but the same darkness that had shrouded him before, without a glimmer of light.

Ryu Min couldnt help but smile inwardly at Jang Seok-hyuns perplexed expression.

No matter how brightly you glow, its all in vain. No light is permitted in the face of the impending night of death.

Anticipating this, Ryu Min had already prepared the skill of the night of death.

Jang Seok-hyuns runes had become utterly useless.

If I hadnt surpassed level 20 and learned the skill of the night of death, the tables would have turned.

He would have undoubtedly fallen for the illusion, plagued by blindness.

Well, even before that, I would have sliced off your ankles.

While the thought crossed Ryu Mins mind, his scythe swung once more.


A chilling sound accompanied Jang Seok-hyuns pitiful collapse.

Only now, belatedly, did he cry out in agony upon seeing his severed ankles.

K-kuh, dammit!

Now you cant run away, can you?

With severed wrists and ankles, Jang Seok-hyuns voice trembled with despair.

K-kuh, damn it You devilish bastard! Why are you doing this to me? Why?

Why, you ask?



The scythe struck his back, twice in quick succession.


Pain coursed through his body, splattering blood in its wake.

It was a hopeless situation with no escape routes.

As Jang Seok-hyun writhed in torment, his mind struggled to find clarity.

All he could think of at that moment is salvation.

Should I bite my tongue and just die?

The moment he thought it would be better to just die and tried to bite off his tongue.


Ryu Min lifted his head with the scythe.

You thought Ill let you go just like that?

Not until you beg me to kill you.


Once again, the scythe moved, piercing through his thighs.



The other thigh was penetrated as well.


Jang Seok-hyuns thoughts turned towards death.

It felt unfair.

And it was agonizing.

But I will never beg, even if it meant killing myself!

However, the moment he tried to open his mouth, Ryu Min once again stopped him.

This kept going for a couple of rounds.

Thud, Thud.


Thud, Thid.


The pain Jang Seok-hyun was suffering was unbearable to the point that he started sobbing.

And all that he could think of is how much he wanted this to end.

Z, z chaff Joe .


Please kill me please .

Are you serious?

Jang Seok-hyun nodded.

He didnt want to suffer anymore.

Was that satisfying to hear?

Though his face was hidden behind a mask, Ryu Min wore a pleasant smile.

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