The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 35: The Orders (1)

Chapter 35: The Orders (1)

Excuse me? What did you say? I couldnt hear you properly.

Use the Power of The Authority 10 times to destroy the artifact.

Destroy the artifact.

Upon hearing the order, Hwang Yongmin couldnt help but doubt his own ears.

Why would he want to destroy the very artifact they were supposed to protect?

Is he trying to forcibly end the round?

Failing to protect the artifact would result in the round ending prematurely.

It would make sense if they were doing it to secure their rank.


The round is almost over anyway. Theres no reason to do this

After a short while, the remaining monsters would be cleared, and the 5th wave would be completed.

Even if they just waited, the round would naturally come to an end.

By protecting the artifact, they could even receive additional rewards.

Then why?

The angel had mentioned receiving a penalty if the artifact was broken.

There was no reason to forfeit the extra rewards and face penalties willingly.

Moreover, Black Scythe is practically guaranteed to be the top-ranked player.

Considering the countless monsters he had defeated, this round would undoubtedly secure his top rank.

It has nothing to do with the ranks, then why?

Doubts arose, followed by a natural sense of discontent.

Above all, being instructed to use all 10 commands of the Power of the Authority was the source of his dissatisfaction.

If I use all my commands, I wont be able to enslave Seo Arin!

Losing the opportunity to make Seo Arin his servant would eliminate his main reason for becoming a district representative.

May I ask why?

Hwang Yongmin gathered his courage and inquired, but Ryu Min shot him a piercing gaze.

Just do as youre told.

What if I use it only 9 times?

I wont repeat myself. Do as youre told are die alone.

Refusing to obey meant facing death.

There was no room for choice, yet Hwang Yongmin still had something to say.

But, Black Scythe If I use all the commands of the Authority, it means risking my life. If you could spare at least one

Why do you think it matters to have one command left? I will protect you, wont I?


Even if you use all the commands, the contract will still be valid. Did I ever say I will only protect as long as you have the skill?

That Thats true.

Even as he answered, he couldnt hide his underlying uneasiness.

Is this all? Then why did I become a representative?

If he cant use the Power of the Authority as he wishes, there would be no reason to strike Jo Joong-sik from behind.

Is our conversation over?


Then follow the orders.

Ah, I understand. Ill do as instructed

To preserve his life, he had no choice but to comply.

I will tell you now which players youre going to target with your commands.


Ryu Min glanced at the players nearby and spoke.

[Sim Sung-gyu], [Small Pepper], [Dont Meddle], [Spring Summer Fall]. Order them to destroy the artifacts.

Hwang Yong-min was surprised to hear the last few nicknames.

After all, they were all members of his clique.

Whats going on? Is he doing this on purpose?

Hwang Yongmins gaze shifted towards his friends.

His friends also seemed bewildered, their mouths half open.

Guys, Im sorry. Its an order from Black Scythe, so you have to understand.

What? Are you serious?

Reluctantly, Hwang Yongmin activated the Power of the Authority.

Using the skill on his friends wasnt something he desired, but he had no other choice.

[Dont Meddle], destroy the artifact. [Spring Summer Fall,] destroy the artifact

He gave each of the ten players the order one by one.

Without questioning, they immediately rushed to the central area of the village.

Though it felt like a waste to use the commands on such a thing, what else could he do?

To stay alive, I must obey.

As he used the last command, he clenched his lips in frustration.

I Ive used them all.

Yes, I can see that. Youve definitely used them.

Ryu Min could tell even without being told.

Hwang Yongmins eyes turned purple each time he gave an order.

Most importantly, the players obediently headed to destroy the artifact as soon as they heard the order.

Once an order is given through the Power of the Authority, the players cant refute.

Under the Power of the Authoritys control, those ten individuals would do everything in their power to destroy the artifact, even if it meant risking their lives.

With ten people, we should be able to destroy it easily.

A smile appeared on Ryu Mins face.

Undoubtedly, Hwang Yongmin was easier to handle than Jo Joong-sik.

[Warning! The artifact is under attack!]

[Warning! The artifact is under attack!]

[Warning! The artifact is under attack!]

Even without the warning messages, people could see what was happening.

The ten individuals, under the influence of the Power of the Authority, were openly attacking the artifact at the villages center.

Hey! What do you think youre doing? Stop right now!

Whats wrong with you? Are you intentionally trying to get penalized?

Other players tried to intervene, but it was in vain.

The orders given through the Power of the Authority were absolute.

Clang! Crash! Clang!

Though the artifact was diamond-shaped, it wasnt as sturdy as it appeared.

With all ten players joining forces, the surface of the artifact quickly turned to gold.

Uh, uh! It might break if this continues!

Can someone stop them?

Just kill those bastards!

Despite the surrounding pleads, the ten players were completely focused on shattering the artifact.

Even if some of them were injured, they didnt halt their assault.

Swoosh! Swish!

Its over.

Ryu Min, witnessing the artifacts splitting apart, silently chuckled.

He knew exactly what would happen next.


[The artifacts have been destroyed.]

[Main quest failed.]

[A Harbinger of Divine Punishment will be summoned as a penalty shortly.]

[Survive against the Harbinger of Divine Punishment for the next 30 minutes.]

[The round will not end until the time limit expires.]

What? Harbinger of Divine Punishment?

What does that mean?

Is it like a boss or something?

The players were all wide-eyed with surprise.

No one had anticipated that a boss would appear as a penalty.

[Hidden Sub-Quest Discovered!]

Survive against the Harbinger of Divine Punishment for the next 30 minutes.

Success: Receive 3,000 gold

[Remaining Time: 00:29:59]

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