Terran Guardian

Chapter 131: Heavy Casualties.

Chapter 131: Heavy Casualties.

The Barbarians retreating was a temporary respite for the Black Tiger Army.

Chu Ding had expected for such a situation to happen.

The Barbarians had invaded the Great Wilderness Province not just for a small city like Jin City, but to capture a wider area.

One million Barbarians.

It seemed to be a large number, but it was not impossible for the Great Qin to resist.

Losing tens of thousands of Barbarians in Jin City was obviously not in the interests of the Barbarians.

Hence, a short break was necessary.

When the Barbarians' break was over, and another round of offensive was launched, it would be the real decisive battle.

"All of the wounded should retreat and be bandaged. In addition, the Fire Head Army shall cook, so that everyone's strength can be replenished in time. At the same time, people who have finished resting are to guard the city wall to prevent the Barbarians from launching a sneak attack."

"Finally, clean up the battlefield."

Chu Ding calmly gave a series of orders.

Immediately, all of the Black Tiger Army troops began to clear the corpses on the city walls.

If it was the corpse of a compatriot, they would be carried to the side, but if it was the corpse of the enemy, they would thrown down the city wall.

In a quarter or two, all of the corpses piled up on the city wall had been emptied.

However, there was no way to remove the traces of blood.

The mottled blood emitted a strong bloody smell.

Immediately after, the guards on the city wall had changed shifts.

Jin City, in the tent of the Black Tiger Army Barracks.

Chu Ding was shirtless, letting others help him bandage his wounds, while his blood-stained iron armor was discarded to the side.

Below him were several people sitting.

It was Governor Nie Xu and the Heavenly Inspection Guard Branch Head Zhong Chi.

Plus several thousand Commanders of the Black Tiger Army.

Originally, there were about ten thousand Commanders in the 12,000 Black Tiger Army. Unfortunately, in the previous battle, a few died at the hands of the Barbarians, and less than half of them were left.

Although Qi Circulation Realm experts were powerful, in the chaotic large-scale battle, they were only a little stronger than the average person.

Falling in battle was not unusual.

In the tent, the atmosphere was very solemn.

"What is our casualties?"

Chu Ding looked at the Commanders and asked calmly.

Hearing this, the scene became a little quieter.

After a long time, Wen Ce reported.

"General, our army has lost a total of 2,125 people and with 3,732 people injured!"


After Wen Ce finished speaking, someone let out a long sigh.

Of the 12,000 Black Tiger Army, only 6,000 people remained intact.

That was to say, in the night battle, the Black Tiger Army was beaten to a half of their original size.

Chu Ding's face was gloomy, but it soon returned to normal.

"Is there any statistics for our gains?"

"There is no way to make statistics for the time being. But looking at the situation on the battlefield, the casualties of the Barbarians are at least one or two times larger compared to ours."

Wen Ce shook his head.

The war was not over, so it was impossible to count data in this regard.

From his experience, he could only estimate how much damage the Barbarians had suffered.

"That is to say, from the 120,000 Barbarians attacking, not counting the injured, they only lost less than ten percent, while we lost almost 30%. This battle is indeed a tough battle."

Chu Ding sighed.

When the gap between the numbers of the two sides was widened, the casualty ratio would be even greater.

Nie Xu's face was heavy: "It's only been half a day, and Jin City's losses are already so great. Let alone two days, I'm afraid we may not be able to resist the next attack of the Barbarians."

"It's normal that we are unable to resist them."

Compared to Nie Xu's heaviness, Zhong Chi was much calmer.

The current situation was already within his expectations.

The Heavenly Inspection Guard mainly collected intelligence, and Zhong Chi was very clear about the strength assessment of the two armies.

Jin City's defenders absolutely cannot resist the Barbarian army.

That was why he suggested that the people should be evacuated first, to avoid having too many casualties when Jin City was destroyed in the future.

"The only question at the moment is to see how long Jin City can hold on, and what General Chu decision is!"

In Zhong Chi's view, although the Black Tiger Army was defending Jin City, they would not fight to the very last soldier.

As for the specifics, it depended on how Chu Ding decided.

As a member of the Heavenly Inspection Guard, he had done his best to stay and help in the battle, but once the city was broken through, he may not necessarily stay to die with Jin City.

He will fight when it was time to fight.

He will go when it was time to go.

However, Jin City hadn't reached the last moment yet, and Zhong Chi won't leave now.

Hearing this, Chu Ding's expression remained unchanged. He said lightly: "With just half a day, the evacuating people have not gone far. If Jin City is destroyed, the Barbarian army will catch up."

"With the Barbarians resting now, we will probably have an hour or two of peace."

"But once that is over, we'll have to face another fierce battle. We must buy some time for the Great Wilderness Province and the evacuees."

"There are a lot of corpses outside the city, and the city wall is not high. If there are too many people killed in battle, wouldn't it be easy for the Barbarians to pile up the corpses and climb the city wall? What should we do?"

A Commander asked in a deep voice.

Chu Ding replied.

"Don't forget, our main purpose is to delay time, not to stick to the city wall. If the Barbarian's offensive is really irresistible, then we'll let them in. With our familiarity with Jin City, we can lead them around."

Let the Barbarians enter the city!?

Hearing this, everyone was startled.

The next moment, someone responded.

"Yes, the terrain in Jin City is complicated. If we really let the Barbarians in, it will be difficult for the Barbarian cavalry to play a role. Then, with our familiarity with the terrain, we can delay them for a while."

Nie Xu nodded in agreement.

He had never thought of letting the Barbarians into the city.

It wasn't until Chu Ding spoke of it, that he realized its plausibility.

Indeed, if the city wall could no longer be defended, then there was no need to waste time there. It was a better idea to just let the Barbarians enter the city.

"Of course, if we can resist the Barbarians outside Jin City, then we will continue defending the city wall. Only when it is absolutely impossible, that we let them in. However, doing so, although Jin City wouldn't be destroyed, it will be damaged."

"Whether Jin City gets damaged or not is a trivial matter."

Nie Xu shook his head.

While they were talking and deliberating on countermeasures.

The Barbarian army has now set up camp around Jin City, lighting up camp fires.

In the main tent of the Barbarian army.


A loud noise noise sounded, as a silver cup was smashed hard to the ground. Merba's face was fuming.


"You're all trash!"

"120,000 people was stopped by 12,000!? Since when has our great Clan become like this!?"

Merba growled angrily.

The Barbarian generals below him all bowed their heads and did not dare to answer.

In his left hand position was the Barbarian Shaman sitting cross-legged. The bone scepter was placed across his legs and his eyes closed. He was indifferent to Merba's roars.

Seeing this, displeasure flashed past Merba's eyes for a moment. But he directed his anger to the Barbarian Generals below.

"Tell me, how long will it take for you to break through Jin City?"

After venting, Merba's tone became much calmer.

Hearing this, a Barbarian General swallowed a mouthful of saliva and barely managed to gather some courage to look up at Merba. With clenched fists, he replied.

"Your Excellency, the Black Tiger Army has already lost a lot of of their forces in the previous siege. After our army is rested, we will definitely be able to capture Jin City in the next siege!"

"Yes, although the Black Tiger Army is not afraid of death, there numbers are few and now their numbers dwindled even more. If we recover our stamina, they will have no chance of resisting."

The other Barbarian Generals also nodded in agreement.


Merba nodded and looked at everyone with indifferent eyes.

"Then I'll give you one more chance. Our army rests for an hour and a half. After we have had enough to eat and drink, we will start a new round of attacks. If you still fail to break through Jin City, then ready your heads! "


Everyone's heart trembled, and they nodded hurriedly.


With a wave of Merba's hand, the Barbarian Generals left the tent immediately, as if they had been granted amnesty.

Subsequently, he looked at the silent Barbarian Shaman, who had his eyes closed.

"How long does the Shaman thinks it will take for our army to break through Jin City?"

"Jin City is now at the end of the game. It is only a matter of time before the city is conquered."

The Barbarian Shaman smiled slightly and gave an answer that was not an answer.

Hearing this, Merba didn't ask any more questions.

With camps set up and cooking food, the situation had temporarily calmed down.

"Elder Fang, after a whole night, have you have managed to prepare a suitable poison to deal with the Barbarians?"

Chu Ding summoned Fang Xue.

Now that the Barbarians were cooking, if they wanted to poison them, this was obviously the best time.

Fang Xue's face was stiff. He lowered his head and clasped his fists: "This Fang has not been able to prepare a suitable poison so far!"

"Is there nothing you can do?"

"The existing materials in Jin City are not complete. Even if this Fang has the technique, there is no way to create the poison. I have failed the General's trust, I beg for forgiveness!"

Fang Xue replied in a deep voice.

He was worried that if he did not complete the task, his head would be sliced by Chu Ding in a fit of rage.

Right now, two armies were at war, so killing just one person would have no major impact.

Even if this happened during other times, if the Black Tiger Army killed him, the Golden Toad Sect wouldn't dare to say anything.

However, the wrath that Fang Xue expected did not come. Rather, Chu Ding simply waved his hand.

"Since Elder Fang failed to concoct the poison, then forget it. Thank you for your work, you can go down for a rest."

"This Fang will take his leave!"

Fang Xue breathed a sigh of relief, then bowed and stepped back.

In the tent, Chu Ding looked a little regretful.

Although he didn't put much hope on Fang Xue, it was a pity that they had reached this stage.

Without a suitable poison, there was no way to weaken the power of the Barbarians.

In this way, they could only go down the hard route.

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