Terra Nova Online: Rise of The Strongest Player

Chapter 582: A shocker

Chapter 582: A shocker

Chapter 582: A shocker

“I don’t get it…. I just don’t get it. Unless your brother is ‘TheBoss’, none of this makes sense.

But how can he be ‘TheBoss’?

I mean, if he were ‘TheBoss’ you would know right?

You would never lie to me.

We would not have to negotiate with ‘TheBoss’ to join our guild…..

It doesn’t make sense!” Cervantez said, clutching his head, as what started as a casual conversation steered in a very dangerous direction for him.

He was not dumb and he could no longer ignore the evidence in front of himself, however, trusting the evidence meant that he needed to start doubting Luke, as this scam could practically never work if his vice guildmaster wasn’t in on it too.

However, Luke did not seem like a man that would lie to him…. Luke really loved the DarkSky guild, which made this whole situation even more confusing for him.

“Why? What does this mean? Are you lying to me, SkyLion?” Cervantez asked, as for the first time in this conversation he addressed Luke not by his name but as his gaming ID, which showed his growing weariness of the man.

“I’m sorry….” Luke said, lowering his head in shame, as he realized that Cervantez had arrived at the truth, however, he could offer no explanation beyond what he had already revealed.

However, him apologizing did not help his case at all as the more guilty he looked the angrier Cervantez felt at this whole situation.

“The mysterious boss…. The one guy who I thought was always better than me. Turns out it was your stupid, emotional, brother?” Cervantez asked hysterically, as he could not believe the sound of his own voice.

“So that means, since day1 whenever I’ve tried to guide that fool, thinking that I’m doing him a favor…. It was me who was actually the fool, as he never needed my help in the first place.

But then? Why does he have two accounts? How can he have two ID in the game?

Don’t tell me….. the conspiracy theories surrounding him were all real?

But why go to such depths to hide his identity in the first place?” Cervantez asked, as he clutched his hair tighter.

Nothing made sense to him and the more he thought about it, the angrier he got as he felt like a complete fool.

“When did you find out? You have to tell me when you found out? Please…. Make this make sense to me.

You know I have only two obsessions in my life, the first is ‘TheBoss’ and the second is ‘PinkLotus’.

I have to know the truth….” Cervantez pleaded, as looking at his condition Luke couldn’t help but relent as although he did not wish to betray his brother and let out his truth like this, he could not see Cervantez suffer so hard either.

“Okay….update Ƀy Ɲ0vel1st.c0Μ.  I’ll tell you the truth, guildmaster, but you must sign a confidentiality contract with me first.

I can’t risk the truth coming out for the masses, so please understand that this is a necessary precaution” Luke requested, as Cervantez almost lashed out at Luke for making this request before checking himself last second.

He almost wanted to scream “Oh fuck you and your precaution!” Because of how frustrated he felt, however, being the true gentleman that he was, he swallowed his anger at the last second and bit his fist instead of shouting.

“Fine…. Let’s sign whatever stupid contract you want. Let’s get this over with” Cervantez said hastily as he quickly went over the formal procedures with Luke and entered into a binding contract which prevented him from revealing the information that Luke was about to share with him today, with anyone that did not already have knowledge of it.

Once done, Luke let out a deep sigh as he began telling Cervantez the truth about Leo.

“You are right, guildmaster, I myself had no idea that ‘TheBoss’ and ‘Leo’ were one and the same until about a couple weeks ago, after his whole identity fiasco in the global forums cooled down.

When he became a ‘master’ warrior, his ankle bracelet fell off automatically and he became a free man.

Only then could he reveal his real identity to me, because before then he was under a weird class penalty where if his identity was leaked, he was going to lose his life.

Which was the only reason he worked as hard as he did to keep his real gaming ID a secret…..” Luke began, as Cervantez listened to his story with absolute attention.

“He never wished to deceive me… but he had no other option.

And I never deceive you either, because I had no idea.

But yes, my brother is ‘TheBoss’ and has some weird class within the game world called ‘Actor’ which allows him to have multiple gaming IDs.

Currently he has two identities or roles that he is playing, but they can expand to more in the future” Luke said, as he explained Leo’s situation to Cervantez as best as he could while also revealing as little details as necessary.

“Like you suspected, he did indeed take me and Amanda with him to the VIP section and we are only there not because of our own merit but because of his merit and our association to him.

I apologize I could not reveal all this to you a few days ago, but trust me, I had been looking for the best moment to tell you the news” Luke said, as he frantically tried to explain his stance to Cervantez.

Shaking his head, Cervantez began to chuckle out loud as after listening to Luke’s story he could almost not digest all the information being laid on him at once.

On one hand he was happy that at least Luke had not betrayed him, but on the other, he did not feel too happy about Leo being ‘TheBoss’, as he could almost not accept someone so mighty being someone so ordinary like Leo.

Nonetheless, he nodded his head and requested that Luke leave him alone for a while, as he had a lot to digest for now.

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