Terra Nova Online: Rise of The Strongest Player

Chapter 543: Opening a path.

Chapter 543: Opening a path.

Chapter 543: Opening a path.

The global reactions to Luke’s fight were pretty insane.

Everyone was in shock watching the sheer brutality displayed by SkyLion, as nobody expected the fight to become so savage.

It was undoubtedly one sided and the way Luke ended their lives was disturbing to watch for most except some weirdos who thrived on gore.

“SkyLion had rigged the entire arena in his favor, this wasn’t a fair fight–”

“Man, I hope I NEVER have to face SkyLion, I’d happily fight ‘TheBoss’ and be stabbed in the heart but I’d never want to be suplexed on my head over and over and over again until it becomes a smashed pulp”

“Everytime I close my eyes, I see SkyLion hitting a suplex on his opponents and it gives me goosebumps. I’m terrified now”

“Is it just me or is SkyLion suplexing those men extremely hot? I mean if he’s this good at wrestling, I’m sure he’s a beast in bed”

“It’s not just you sister, SkyLion raging is definitely hot! And I love him too–”

“Man I hope someone defeats the guardians, I want to watch the next stage too!”

Everyone on the forums had varied opinions on the fight, but there still seemed to be a general consensus that SkyLion had become much stronger since they last saw him in a fight.

Most of them remembered him from his time in the Grand Tournament, and some more avid forum scrollers had seen clippings of him fighting in the demon war, however, nobody expected him to be this strong.

He lost less than 7% of his total HP bar while facing 100 opponents and although a lot of it could be attributed to his prior planning and the betrayal from Ghost, it was still a thoroughly dominating performance nonetheless.

“Man, the DarkSky guild are one to watch, both their guildmaster and vice guildmaster are terrifying. If it weren’t for ‘TheBoss’, the DarkSky guild would have the number 1 and 2 players”

“Is SkyLion stronger than DarkEmperor? Or is he still considered number 3?”

“Number3? Call him 4, PinkLotus is better than him for sure!”

Watching the performance from PinkLotus and the other guardians too, the netizens on the forums debated passionately as to how strong SkyLion was, however, to Luke himself none of that mattered, as his personal focus was on simply gaining as many levels as he could from this event.


(Meanwhile Cervantez)

Cervantez, just like Luke and PinkLotus, also won his first round with ease, as just like Leo, his strategically placed traps and dominating skills helped him take down the opposition with ease.

However, unlike Luke, he had no internal help from Ghost and hence in the end he lost 15% of his HP to the first wave and also used up all of his explosive traps.

From the next wave onwards, he could only rely on his own skills to survive, however, it wasn’t too bad as unlike Luke who only gained a minimal 25 levels from his match-up, since kills from players drowning in lava or being killed by Ghost were not counted as his own.

Cervantez gained much more, having all 100 kills being attributed to himself.

In a way, he had picked the best terrain to fight on and he reaped the benefits from it massively.

He had confidence to be able to defend against one more wave at minimum and felt like he could perhaps stretch it to two if he really fought well, gaining a windfall amount of levels in the process.

“I’m not scared, bring it!” He said, as every word he spoke was broadcasted live to the whole world.


( Meanwhile Andheri)

While the other three guardians breezed past their opposition, Andheri struggled big time against his.

Fighting on a sandy terrain full of rocky obstacles, he could not fight to his full potential as a mage at all, as his opponents found plenty of cover to hide behind and rendered his AOE spells useless.

At first he managed to kill a few opponents by using his best spells back to back, however, once his most powerful attack spells went into cooldown and he was forced to fight a proper battle, he quickly found himself surrounded on all sides and attacked relentlessly.

His HP bar dwindled at a rapid pace, and Andheri soon found himself panicking as he struggled to regain control of the situation.

His spells were on cooldown, his mana reserves dangerously low, and the enemies he faced showed no signs of relenting.

They attacked from all sides, their coordinated assaults relentless, and unfortunately for him, every step that he took backward only seemed to trap him further, pinning him against a massive rock formation.

His mind raced. He needed to find a way out, but nothing seemed to work in his favor.

The rocky obstacles scattered across the battlefield made it nearly impossible to cast his more powerful area-of-effect spells, and every time he tried to charge up an attack, someone would strike him from a blind spot.


A sudden jolt of pain coursed through him as a dagger lodged itself in his side, thrown by a rogue who had darted in close.

Andheri let out a strangled gasp as his HP plummeted to below 70%. His vision blurred momentarily, as the panic began to take over.

His hands trembled as he tried to channel one more spell—anything to stave off the assault.

But before he could finish, a well-timed arrow struck him square in the chest, knocking the wind out of him.

His health bar flashed red, signaling a critical hit, as making the most of the situation the other rankers closed in too their weapons in hand as some of them stabbed him, some cut him while some blasted him with spells at close range.


Andheri coughed, as he fell to his knees.

He saw a system notification informing him that he was paralyzed for 2 seconds as his HP bar dropped dangerously below the 10% mark.

At this point, he could see the confidence surging in the eyes of his opponents as they saw the once-mighty guardian faltering.

“No… it can’t end like this…” Andheri muttered, but it was too late.

With one final, crushing blow from a heavy mace-wielding warrior, Andheri’s HP dropped to zero. His avatar collapsed to the ground in a heap, and his body disappearing into pixels as the system blared the notification of his defeat to the world.

[System Notification: Guardian ‘Andheri’ has been defeated. The North Path is now open.]

The rankers erupted in cheers as Andheri’s downfall signaled their victory, while viewers across the world watched in shock at how quickly the mighty had fallen.

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