Terra Nova Online: Rise of The Strongest Player

Chapter 498: The secret of the special class

Chapter 498: The secret of the special class

Chapter 498: The secret of the special class

(The operator room, The Arc Ship)

Raya, Raven and Captain Kid, all simply stared at their game statistics screen with their heads clutched tight.

“He wouldn’t, would he? I mean, only 6 players have ever reached the realm of a master by just playing the stupid game before. However, even those geniuses had only reached the master realm in the final year of their journey…. He wouldn’t manage to do it in just under two years would he?” Raya asked, her voice laced with disbelief as she stared at the statistics screen in front of her, which now projected the likelihood of Leo Skyshard becoming a ‘Master’ level fighter in just under 5 months at 40%.

“He’s going to reach it. There’s no doubt about it, the question is only how fast. If he reaches it too fast, he will break the balance of the game and our employers will not be happy at all–” Captain Kid, the Captain of this ship said, as he seemed genuinely worried about the direction things were currently going in.

“He is going to reach it soon and there’s nothing we can do to hinder him, as both the Universal Government and Human Alliance have shown great interest in him as a talent and have given us explicit instructions to not hinder his gameplay–” Raven said, as he pointed out how Leo had already started to gather the attention of the higher ups and how they could not purposefully sabotage his gameplay.

“I knew giving him that mental meditation scroll was a mistake, he’s progressing rapidly because of it. If it wasn’t for the scroll he would still be struggling to reach intermediate mastery of his skills” Raya complained, as she seemed frustrated at the fact that Leo got a meditation scroll before her, even though she was a universal government employee for years now.

“You think it’s because of the scroll?” Captain kid asked, his voice laced with contempt as he could not believe that his underlings would possess such a narrow view of things.

“You’re naive and immature if you think the scroll has a huge part to play in this. It has a small part to play, yes, but this progress is his own” Kid said authoritatively as he seemed personally insulted by the very insinuation that this progress that Leo made was because of anything but his own talent.

“How many times have we introduced ‘Actor’ as a special class within the game world? And how many times has anyone played it, even a quarter as good as this kid?” Kid pointed out, as Raya shook her head in shame.

The ‘Actor’ class was supposed to be one of the hardest classes in the game to play.

Not only did it come with a difficult starting penalty, where one could instantly lose their life before the game ever officially took pace, but it was also difficult to progress in overall.

The actor class imposed so many different roles upon its player that a normal person was sure to be overwhelmed.

Between maintaining the image of the first role and progressing through the other roles, a player often found themselves unable to keep up with any role, spiraling into a downfall.

90% of all ‘Actor’ class players throughout history lost their lives within the first three months of the game, and the lucky 10% that survived, crashed and burnt out when the second role was imposed upon them.

Leo was the first ‘Actor’ class player to ever make it so far, outperforming even the ‘Regressor’ class player which was usually the favorite to be number one and this was a testament to his own skill as his class wasn’t inherently this strong.

The ‘Actor’ class, just like all the other special classes within the game, was modeled after a successful historic figure, who had used unconventional means to reach the top.

The Demon King Anos, that lived centuries ago on planet Terra Nova, took ‘Fake It Till You Make It’ to its limits, becoming the most successful demon ruler in the past 1000 years, even though he himself wasn’t that strong.

The ‘Actor’ class was modeled after him, however, although the class had been introduced for the past 400 years within the game as a ‘Unique’ destiny, nobody seemed to be able to make the most of it, until Leo.

Leo, just like Anos, was the perfect fit for the ‘Actor’ class, as he really managed to fake his strength till he actually started to make it in life.

However, in terms of pure class superiority, the other special classes like Cervantez’s (Regressor), ChaosBringer’s (Instigator), Jacob’s (Death Overlord), Big Dawg’s (Seer) were all superior to Leo’s (Actor).

All the special classes within the world of Terra Nova were modeled after realistic historical figures who managed to become super successful in life becoming the best at their class, and there were over 500 of them in total.

There was roughly 1 in 1 million chance that a player got a special class, however, despite there being 500 special class players total, only 120 of them were within top 10,000, with many like Eren’s [Demon Whisperer] being not successful at all.

Although the potential behind each unique class was immense, they were only introduced within the game as a social experiment to see whether or not anyone could recreate the success formula of those historic beings, while the wider focus still remained on developing workers for the destination planet.

However, even though special classes were uniquely positioned to be more successful than the rest, the amount of progress Leo currently made was beyond the realms of understanding for the ship operators, as him being on the cusp of becoming a (Master) was a huge problem for them.

The ankle monitors currently having a tight hold on all passengers could not handle the strength of a master, and with them not having any master level restriction monitors on the ship, if Leo reached the master realm, it would result in them losing control over him.

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